
A. Dru Kristenev

Former newspaper publisher, A. Dru Kristenev, grew up in the publishing industry working every angle of a paper, from ad composition and sales, to personnel management, copy writing, and overseeing all editorial content. During her tenure as a news professional, Kristenev traveled internationally as a representative of the paper and, on separate occasions, non-profit organizations. Since 2007, Kristenev has authored five fact-filled political suspense novels, the Baron Series, and two non-fiction books, all available on Amazon. Carrying an M.S. degree and having taught at premier northwest universities, she is the trustee of Scribes' College of Journalism, which mission is to train a new generation of journalists in biblical standards of reporting. More information about the college and how to support it can be obtained by contacting Kristenev at cw.o@earthlink.net. ChangingWind (changingwind.org) is a solutions-centered Christian ministry. Donate Here

Most Recent Articles by A. Dru Kristenev:

Proposed WHO amendments can’t be honored by the United States

Proposed WHO amendments can’t be honored by the United StatesCaterwauling about the egregious nature of the amendments to the World Health Organization being submitted by the Biden administration are justifiable in that they must be denied approval. Member states are being asked to sign over their sovereignty to an unelected administrative agency that has not been held accountable for any of its excessive decisions affecting human health issues. (The engineered Covid-19 pandemic makes the case for WHO's incompetence and ignored culpability for multitudes of unnecessary injuries and deaths.)
- Sunday, May 22, 2022

America First' is 'States First'

 America First' is 'States First'The following statement will doubtless get me in trouble: Set aside all of the hullabaloo about abortion, whether it's right or wrong. Why? Because the leaked opinion on Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health is more far-reaching than the murdering of babies in, and in other barbarous cases, outside the womb. It will be hard to let go of this emotionally-driven issue to reach the hard nut inside the probable ruling, but here it is… states' rights, which is ultimately the expression of the people's rights that can nullify the federal “authority.”
- Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Crux of econ disaster: capitulation to climate change rhetoric

Crux of econ disaster: capitulation to climate change rhetoricTwo central issues are driving the economic collapse occurring in America and the rest of the world – two. One is illegal and unimpeded immigration that flooded Europe over the last 15 years, changing the nations from a Christian-based society into a sharia compliant order that condones civil violence against non-muslims, calling evidence-backed criticism "hate speech." Accordingly, since the installation of Biden in the White House there has been a tidal wave of illegal entrants pouring over the southern U.S. border, swamping social services in every state with millions of non-citizen welfare recipients.
- Sunday, May 1, 2022

‘Hands Across America’ played on hearts; ‘Arms Locking America’ protects the nation’s heart

‘Arms Locking America’ protects the nation’s heartIn 1986, deluded youth (myself included) thought they could change the world by listening to a feel-good song while forming a line that stretched from sea-to-sea across America. Undeniably, it was a moment of believing that Americans could actually work together to benefit humanity, even if it was for the hour or so standing side-by-side chatting about mundane things and enjoying the company of strangers.
- Thursday, April 21, 2022

Biden thinks to put a kink in Second Amendment as states ramp-up constitutional carry

Biden thinks to put a kink in Second Amendment as states ramp-up constitutional carryAlways working to undermine citizens' rights to protect themselves from wrongdoers' and government infringement on their lives and livelihood, current White House occupant, Joe Biden, has crossed that line. Unable to leave well enough alone – what power hungry liberal does? – Biden called out as virtual criminals any freedom-loving, law-abiding citizen crass enough to own, build and use firearms. Falling back on the aggressive, in-your-face attitude common with dementia patients, he yelled inanely about deer needing kevlar vests to fend off legions of Elmer Fudds who couldn't hit the side of a barn to roll out another illegitimate regulation.
- Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Nothing is what it seems from Ukraine to Disney

Nothing is what it seems from Ukraine to DisneyMoment by moment, media is filled with stories that are incorrect, misleading and outright lies in an attempt to manipulate public opinion. Ginning up populations to believe overseas conflicts are directly affecting their well-being at home has become a notorious game for corporatist media and social platforms. The newest assault on the senses of the West is that Ukraine is an innocent bystander that bully Russia has invaded unprovoked. The narrative is that all freedom-loving people should be outraged enough to provide actor-president Volodymyr Zelenskyy with an arsenal that would draw non-combatant states into a worldwide conflict. And for what? To protect the money-laundering center for political criminals and World Economic Forum (WEF) oligarchs that is rated among the ten most corrupt nations on the face of the globe?
- Sunday, April 3, 2022

Silencing the children silences the Word

Silencing the children silences the WordWhat is one crucial element of the human experience that this whole pandemic has seriously decreased? Speech. Not just free speech. No. It is the one-on-one communication that enables children to utter words and express themselves to others. Multiple studies have identified how covering children's faces during their formative years has impaired speech development to where they have difficulty being understood by their parents, let alone other youngsters.
- Thursday, March 24, 2022

We're already at war on multiple fronts without Ukraine

We're already at war on multiple fronts without UkraineBattlefields aren't defined only by lines of tanks, landmines, artillery and bunkers. In 2022, they are everywhere – visible riots and invisible cyber attacks; mental assaults in the schoolyards; physical invasion of our backyards; and emotional misdirection saturating phone, computer and television screens in homes and workplaces. The deliberate confusion generated by the barrage of deceit is non-stop. Combat zones have been framed by the enemy and, as in all wars, trained fighters are deployed to repel attacks by sea, land, air (hypersonic) and now space. Over the last decades electronic subversion and infiltration have escalated on the homefront as well as foreign shores.
- Thursday, March 17, 2022

History speaks to 'Mother of All Conspiracies' unfolding before our eyes

road and belt initiativeA country is in dire trouble when "giving aid and comfort to the enemy" is applied to individuals providing life-giving essentials to neighbors and fellow citizens, because it means the people, average citizens who are the backbone of the nation, have been declared the enemy. This scenario is already occurring in Canada with Prime Minister Trudeau's invoking the emergency powers of the State to suppress voices protesting oppressive federal policy. It is underway in the United States as well with Homeland Security naming vocal dissenters of administration policy "domestic terrorists."
- Sunday, February 20, 2022

Do we join the "I told you so" crowd?

George SorosTime travel may be still relegated to the sphere of science fiction but this column is designed to take the reader through a brief history of George Soros' shifting biography that has been ignored by many but followed by us for more than thirty years. After the early decades of George Soros' staying quiet and enigmatic about his beginnings and career path, this millennium he has been more visible and vocal regarding his vision for America, which is not beneficial to the people who founded and built this nation. Nor is his worldview one of prosperity for anyone other than himself and his elitist activist cohorts, not that he regards them as equals – he does not.
- Friday, February 4, 2022

Biden going for broke...creating chaos to justify drastic measures

Biden going for broke...creating chaos to justify drastic measuresTo mark a year in the White House, Joe Biden stood at the presidential podium to muddle through two hours of a press conference. He defiantly refuted facts of a down-spiraling economy, fraught with dwindling supplies of everything from computer chips to potato chips, contending he has led the nation through the most successful recovery in history.
- Thursday, January 27, 2022

Divide, Isolate and Besiege to Disarm and Detain Dissidents

Divide, Isolate and Besiege to Disarm and Detain DissidentsThere is a strategy at work to separate families from neighbors and communities. Instituting unconstitutional mandates is a ploy to get families and individuals holed-up in their own homes to cut-off physical and emotional contact from friends and neighbors. It isolates residents from the rest of the community, where occupants who are too frightened to emerge from their personal bastions of "safety" when armed operatives of the state arrive on the neighbor's doorstep to collect them for disobeying a dictate.
- Friday, January 14, 2022

To the "conservatives" telling us to "move on"

To the 'conservatives' telling us to 'move on'Ersatz conservatives have deterred President Trump from addressing the events of January 6, 2021 in a press conference that was scheduled for January 6, 2022. Lending his voice to detractors of the event, Ted Cruz called that disturbing event at the Capitol an act of "violent terrorists." No shots were fired by rioters and evidence is coming forth that government infiltrators were heavily involved, inciting the breach. Representatives Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene held a press conference addressing the inconsistencies of Department of Justice and FBI responses to the January 6, 2022 breach in contrast to the riots of 2020 into 2021 that destroyed billions of dollars of private property. Listen for yourself.
- Monday, January 10, 2022

New Year, not so new ideas to "improve" mankind

New Year, not so new ideas to improve mankindPlutocrats, technocrats and social manipulators are enamored with the idea that they can improve mankind. Their concept of improvement is coercing the populace to accept on faith invasive measures that induce docility and controllability. An interesting take on faith coming from those attempting to reconfigure reality, or the perception thereof. By directing people's beliefs to blindly accept the manipulators' version of reality (or religion), they think they can use others' faith tendencies to provoke blissful ignorance of the real world.
- Saturday, January 1, 2022

Government nor courts are equipped to mandate medical treatment

Government nor courts are equipped to mandate medical treatmentThe courts are flooded with lawsuits to both block government from imposing medical mandates and, on the flipside, to allow government to enforce medical mandates. The problem is that neither the government nor the courts have sufficient power or medical expertise to coerce individuals to receive treatment, invasive or otherwise. Vaccine mandates are being tossed out in one courtroom and being reinstated in another, all dependent on the political leanings of the jurists who have no medical knowledge on which to hang their rulings.
- Thursday, December 23, 2021

Cutting their own throats, Germany leads the way to energy poverty

Cutting their own throats, Germany leads the way to energy povertyJoe Biden is blaming the killer tornadoes that flew through Kentucky, Illinois and other states this past week on climate change. To bolster his battle against climate change, he's promoting vaccine booster sites to protect against more tornadoes slicing and dicing America's heartland. In the midst of the climate change debate that, in the administration's estimation, vaccines evidently will eradicate, Russia vetoed the United Nations Security Council's resolution that climate change is the enemy that must be confronted. The only way climate change can influence "international peace and security" is how it's being invoked to make both impossible to achieve.
- Sunday, December 19, 2021

Vax or tax – forced into second-class citizenship sharia-style

Vax or tax – forced into second-class citizenship sharia-styleThe West has finally capitulated to sharia – Covid dhimmi (unvaccinated) is subject to the newest tax piled on Americans – jizya. Nevada has just installed what was threatened months ago, "surcharges" on anyone who has not been vaccinated. The sheer gall of any government agency or business instituting incontrovertibly unconstitutional requirements on citizens to pay for the privilege of retaining medical sovereignty over their body is beyond understanding.
- Friday, December 10, 2021

Guiding seasonal spending by tracing corporate connections

Guiding seasonal spending by tracing corporate connectionsWoke business practices have been lurking under the radar for years. Corporations marketing themselves as American culture friendly have proven they embrace Marxist ideologies. Included are domestic corporations pushing Critical Race Theory, encompassing faith-bashing and transgenderism, that eschews the capitalism that created their billions.
- Sunday, December 5, 2021
