
Obama’s Defeatist Lack of Leadership Fore-shadows Ill-fated U.S. Future - Intentional?

Obama’s Defeatist Lack of Leadership Fore-shadows Ill-fated U.S. Future - Intentional
Obama condemns 'brutal murder' of British hostage Video emerges of ISIS beheading British hostage Alan Henning WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama on Friday strongly condemned the "brutal murder" of a British hostage by the Islamic State group. "Standing together with our U.K. friends and allies, we will work to bring the perpetrators of Alan's murder - as well as the murders of Jim Foley, Steven Sotloff and David Haines - to justice," Obama said.
- Sunday, October 5, 2014

Identity Politics: Fool Us Twice, Shame on Us

Obama is what you get when you sell your soul to identity politics, placing surface appearances above character, substance and not properly vetting candidates.
- Sunday, October 5, 2014

Anti-business Policies and the Liberty of Risk

Ben Casselman penned a piece a year agoin the Wall Street Journal, which documented the decline of risk-taking in business ventures. Hard data showed that both the number of new companies and the use of venture capital is waning. He rightfully suggested that this downward trend is a major contributor to the fact that the recovery from the recent recession is so painfully slow and anemic.
- Sunday, October 5, 2014

Biological Warfare and Dereliction of Duty

Biological Warfare and Dereliction of Duty Bumbling and incompetence of the Obama-Soetoro administration in its response to what amounts to a critical national security/national health emergency is intentional
- Sunday, October 5, 2014

History of Non-Resistance: Declaring Government & King All-Powerful

History of Non-Resistance: Declaring Government & King All-Powerful
Having now spent four weeks investigating the history of the Right of Resistance, that is--the right to oppose unjust leaders, we now delve into the deplorable history of the intellectual support of tyranny. It is remarkable that whether these tyranny-loving writers were pseudo-religious, or atheistic, how destructive their approach was towards society.
- Sunday, October 5, 2014

Pull the plug on Obama’s Big Screen Deflecting Public Attention away from Midterms

Pull the plug on Obama’s Big Screen Deflecting Public Attention away from Midterms
The wicked genius of Obama is his proven ability to keep all public attention riveted on subjects guaranteed to hide what he’s really up to. It’s like the Machiavellian Marxist raised above the heads of humanity, a mammoth television screen on which he’s keeping all eyes t trained. For months, the threat of an Ebola pandemic and the beheadings of ISIS dominate the daily screen.
- Sunday, October 5, 2014

President Ebola

President Ebola,
What does it tell you when Britain and France have stopped flights to and from the nations in Africa where Ebola has become a threat and the United States has not taken a similar measure?
- Sunday, October 5, 2014

Hot Zone America

Hot Zone America
It has taken five days for authorities to get around to decontaminating the apartment of Liberian Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan.
- Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Tahmooressi Affair

The Tahmooressi Affair,
For many of you who have been following my political blogs, you just may have become aware of my absolute and redundant disparagement for Barack Obama; a repudiation which once led me to writing my article, later turned into a book 'The Beginning of the End', wherein I go to great lengths in sharing with the American public my worst fears for what this man [Barack Obama] and his cronies are doing to this great nation of ours, to how this charlatan impostor has transformed America, sinking our country to unfathomable levels never before seen of disarray, chaos and bedlam both here and abroad.
- Saturday, October 4, 2014

Lt. Col. Allen West, Guardian of the Republic

Lt. Col. Allen West, Guardian of the Republic
There are not many real guardians of our Constitutional Republic left. Perhaps it is because the Constitutional Republic exists only in written documents that many elected officials disregard, loophole, and violate every day while the populace is lulled into a false sense of reality by the mainstream media, the main perpetrator of public deception.
- Saturday, October 4, 2014

Ebola and Political Correctness will Kill Many Americans

Ebola and Political Correctness will Kill Many Americans
The epidemic that has devastated Western Africa has now arrived in the United States. In recent weeks, several infected healthcare workers have been flown back to the United States for successful treatment. However, a greater threat looms from ordinary citizens knowingly or unknowingly bringing the disease to our country.
- Saturday, October 4, 2014
