
Looking to History

Ladies and Gentlemen, a heart-felt Independence Day to all. On this July Fourth of 2014, our liberty has never been in greater danger of being irrevocably lost; proponents of Amnesty are more than willing to deep six the future of our republic--all for personal financial or ideological gains--resulting in a economic collapse and unraveling of our civil society, leading to what must be considered dire straits by any rational measure.
- Friday, July 4, 2014

Ari Shavit and American Jewry

Originally published in The Jerusalem Post. Go into any Jewish community in the United States these days and spend a few hours talking to people. At a certain point in the conversation, at least one person will bring up Ari Shavit’s bestselling book, My Promised Land.
- Thursday, July 3, 2014

SRI LANKA: Taunted Christians Attacked by Mob

Sources: National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka, VOM USA A pastor and his family were attacked recently by an angry mob after filing a complaint with police on behalf of four Christians who were threatened at a prayer meeting held at their home. The four believers were confronted on May 11th by about 30 people who warned them that they would be assaulted if they came back to the village for future prayer meetings.
- Thursday, July 3, 2014

For Democrats, politics is heroic

Liberals: keeping the dream alive of a heroic government, led by a heroic political figure, that will somehow use the power of government to make everything fair and equal and wonderful for everyone.
- Thursday, July 3, 2014

Florida Veteran Fights Foreclosure Over American Flag

Each year, the Fourth of July means millions of flags, hung from houses and adorning the tops of flag poles, will be fluttering in the breeze. But this Fourth of July, one veteran who once wore the flag on his uniform sleeve will face foreclosure for trying to display an American flag in front of his home.
- Thursday, July 3, 2014

Murrieta's Cliven Bundy Moment

I've been living in Murrieta since 1989, when it was a rural area with few homes, many dirt fields, and ranches dotting the hills. Murrieta incorporated as a city a couple years later, but at that time my home remained outside the city limits.
- Thursday, July 3, 2014

What Has Happened to Protests in America?

The U.S. began with protests that evolved into a full scale rebellion we call the Revolution. Throughout our history, there have been many protests and those against slavery evolved into the Civil War. War—whether for or against it—has been a prime generator of protests.
- Thursday, July 3, 2014

Practicality lost

Yesterday I alluded to the chair George Washington sat in for nearly three months of the Federal Convention in 1787. The chair is constructed of mahogany by John Folwell circa 1779. It is of sturdy construction showing the particular utility of its purpose and the time it was constructed in. While ornate in some decorative sense it’s known specifically for the metaphor developed from Madison and Franklin’s appreciation for the symbolism they attached to it.
- Thursday, July 3, 2014

Turkey Drifting in the Middle East Winds of Change

The abduction of some 80 Turkish citizens in Iraq - diplomats, their families, and truck drivers - by Islamic State (IS, formerly known as ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) militants and their affiliates symbolizes the major potential dangers of the current turmoil in the Middle East to Turkey’s security, economy, and trade relations, as well as to its regional influence. The ban imposed on the Turkish media regarding coverage of the hostage crisis, even if it would assist in the release of some of those abducted, does little to hide these negative ramifications.
- Thursday, July 3, 2014

National Security

It makes no difference how Stephen Harper restructures the Canadian military.
- Thursday, July 3, 2014

California Judge Strikes Down Teacher Tenure

Where legislators have failed, where governors have accommodated, judges are stepping up and reforming sclerotic, bureaucratic roadblocks which have empowered unions while impoverishing students, parents, and families.
- Thursday, July 3, 2014
