
Problems in the National Climate Assessment's Evaluation of Energy System Risks

The energy sector is one of the largest and most fundamental components of the American economy. For those reasons, the National Climate Assessment's highly climate alarmist section on energy supply and use leaves much to be desired. Interestingly, one of the two lead convening authors for this chapter is from a major fossil fuel company.
- Monday, May 19, 2014

Vote for the candidates who will work on the right problems

In a mid-term election year like this one – when we have many candidates for many offices to focus on rather than a presidential race to consume our attention – it’s difficult to keep straight who is running and what they stand for. Even more so, it’s not always easy to know from a candidate’s statements whether he or she will really do the things that help improve the condition of the nation.
- Monday, May 19, 2014

Ambassador Dermer and United States-Israel Relations

In an address to the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies in Washington on May 1, 2014, Ron Dermer, Israel’s ambassador to the United States, spoke at length about a number of subjects on Israel’s national agenda, including the negotiations with Iran about its nuclear activity; the Israeli-Palestinian peace process; the Arab Spring; and US-Israel relations. Presumably his comments reflect not only his personal opinion, but also assessments and stances acceptable to senior Israeli leaders. This article considers primarily his positions on US-Israel relations, which by nature is an issue that involves much of the ambassador’s own input as well.
- Sunday, May 18, 2014

Death Toll of Leftist Administration Rising – 36K Criminals and Murderers Allowed to Walk

The deaths of Border Patrolmen due to the botched gun running scheme known as “Fast and Furious,” Americans killed by drones, the Benghazi four and veterans who died waiting for treatment have been nearly overshadowed by the release of news about 36,000 criminals, who are also illegal immigrants, being set free to walk the streets of this nation.
- Sunday, May 18, 2014

What You Should Ask Before You Say, “I Do”

We’ve often heard a minister ask, “Mary MacTavish, do you take John MacDuff to be your lawful husband, to love and cherish, till death do you part?” But in 2014, hasn’t life become more complicated for such a lifetime vow? Shouldn’t Mary ask John, “Do you toss your dirty socks on the floor?” Or, “What is your risk of obesity?” She might demand “Before we go roaming in the gloaming, send me a copy of your sperm count and what you wear underneath your kilt.”
- Sunday, May 18, 2014

Scientists Condemned For Political Bias On Climate Change

Climate scientists who vilified a colleague for advising a think-tank are “blind to their own biases”, according to a former senior member of the UN’s climate change advisory body. Mike Hulme, professor of climate and culture at King’s College London, condemned fellow scientists for “harassing” Lennart Bengtsson, and gave warning that climate science had become too political. He condemned climate scientists who “believe it’s their role to pass public judgment on whether a scientific colleague should offer advice to political, public or a campaigning organisations and to harass that scientist until they ‘fall into line’.” --Ben Webster, The Times, 17 May 2014
- Saturday, May 17, 2014

Ouster of New York Times top editor getting pretty nasty

You know those horrible corporations that pay women less than men for the exact same work? Those dastardly, sexist, discriminatory beasts who shortchange women because they see them as second-class citizens in the workplace? And oh, let's especially focus on the ones who reject tough-minded women by calling them "bossy," whereas they would see the exact same qualities as desirable in a man.
- Saturday, May 17, 2014

UK Conservative party running radical Islamist candidate in next week’s elections

Newham, London-The Labour Party controls this borough 100% occupying every seat on the Council, but they have become increasingly unpopular in recent years. Under the leadership of Mayor Sir Robin Wales, the council has wasted the typical sums found in lefty governments but has more importantly opposed the building of a "mega mosque" also known as the London Markaz in the area. This has caused Sir Wales' popularity in the borough of immigrants to crash.
- Saturday, May 17, 2014
