
As we look at the United Nations (UN) and its subsidiaries, affiliates, partners and its/their actions, every Western Democratic nation should have extreme concern.

BREAK DOWN: The U.N., ICLEI & The China Solution – Part 1

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By —— Bio and Archives January 22, 2024

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Over the past few days some have asked that I break down the report I had done to make it easier to relay information to their elected municipal officials. It seems, some officials have difficulty with time and have expressed that there are so many reports, from staff, that must be read, that it is difficult to read so many pages. So, the breakdown…


BREAK DOWN: The U.N., ICLEI & The China Solution Part 1
BREAK DOWN: The U.N., ICLEI & The China Solution Part 2
BREAK DOWN: The U.N., ICLEI & The China Solution Part 3
BREAK DOWN: The U.N., ICLEI & The China Solution Part 4
BREAK DOWN: The U.N., ICLEI & The China Solution Part 5
BREAK DOWN: The U.N., ICLEI & The China Solution Part 6

As expressed in my newsletter of “2023 12 30 2024 the Direction is for you to decide...,” my Mayor opened the door, with her trip to Dubai and COP-28. Her mandate, and the municipal staff, is to follow this egregious movement and to continue violating the residents’ fundamental rights, all in the name of the UN/China, ICLEI and it’s partners/subsidiaries. No longer can there be accusations of conspiracy nor denial of facts, the door is open so, albeit the Mayor/staff are not working in the best interest of this municipality or this nation, she did serve a purpose and that was to allow all of the accrued information to be brought forward. One must always give credit where credit is due.

The other support for this is that I had been asked by a Senator to do a report on this topic. We must realize that this affects National Security and the very core of Western Democracy. Yes, some Senators are concerned with these issues and for that we should be very thankful. Now we need Canadians to be as concerned and to find out as much as they can to ensure this movement does not continue. Attached is the report. Some of this explains a bit of history but having to down-size over 500 documents into a short paper is no easy task – but history is needed for context.

    “There is no pretense, of course, of government by the people, nor any real understanding of what it means. The Communist regards “the non-party masses” as a herd of lazy, slow-witted, bearlike creatures, benumbed by centuries of serfdom, who have to be coaxed and chivvied along the road to The Perfect Society by the Party shepherds. The common man cannot be trusted to decide what is good for him, because he would almost surely want nothing more than a full belly, warm clothes, and a long nap on top of the brick stove. Certainly he is not farsighted enough to choose the bone-cracking labor and the endless self-denial which are demanded by the new series of Five Year Plans.
    Public policy, therefore, must be left in the hands of the elite, who are specially trained to deal with such matters. The people are permitted to vote, because voting is one of the traditional trimmings of “democracy.”[1]

As some look at the world, today, some are quite happy at how many governments are working. They have been brought to this conclusion that government is working in the people’s best interest and that the statutes and regulations government is enacting are in the people’s best interest. They also seem convinced that government is doing so in the best interest of the “common good” or the “public interest.” As Blackstone and many experts after him have stated “Besides the public good is in nothing more essentially interested, than in the protection of every individual’s private rights…”[2]

As we look at the United Nations (UN) and its subsidiaries, affiliates, partners and its/their actions, every Western Democratic nation should have extreme concern.

The UN was created under the auspice of the League of Nations. the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) like the UN, was “prohibited from intervening in matters which are essentially within their domestic jurisdiction,[3]meaning the sovereign nations domestic jurisdiction was to remain out the reach of the UN.[4]

As is the case, throughout history, these entities created by those thoughtful people, who had just survived 2 world wars, merely wanted peace. They thought and felt that there should be some entity with a mandate to support equality, human rights and the true foundation of democracy. Not what is presented as democracy today, but democracy as those thoughtful intellects, of history, understood, being consistent with what Blackstone, and others, understood as democracy, that “The rule is the public good is always paramount but never when it is at the expense of a private individual.”[5]

Now the UN, UNESCO,sup>[6]> the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), seem, based on the UN, UNESCO,[7] ICLEI, etc., literature, are turning the world governance over to the advice to countries [8] who do not support (or even understand) democracy, individual rights or each nation making their own decisions.

That is quite evident when Prime Minister Harper was attacked for his stand on the UN. Of course, the attack was the brain child of the bureaucracy.[9] He wasn’t alone, though, as even President Barack Obama had issues with the UN, as well.[10]

Perhaps what is more critical is the actions of the UN in how they “vilified” Canada and Prime Minister Harper as an “outlier on climate change policy in past international meetings.”[11] In other words the UN, like school room bullies, violated the mandate, of the UN, of not interfering and did what they say society is not to do. But what does one expect from an entity that now looks to communist regimes to be inform it on Western Democracy?

The past decade isn’t the only time Canada and Canadians have faced this encroachment by foreign interlopers. It would seem the communist philosophy has had decades of influence on the operation of the government structure in this Nation.

In 2004, a report was brought forward titled the “Models of Government Structure at the Local Level.” Unknown to many, if not the majority of Canadians, from the footnote, “This paper was first prepared under the auspices of The Consortium for Economic Policy Research and Advice (CEPRA) in October 2003 -- a project of cooperation and technical assistance sponsored by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). The project is being carried out by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC), working in conjunction with experts in academia, government and the non-governmental sector in both Canada and the Russian Federation.” But this goes back even further, in the history of Western Democracy. It seems Western Democracy is always in the push and pull of the communist doctrine,[12] but then why wouldn’t it be when our universities and colleges attempt to find some support for the very doctrine that is based in a failed philosophy?[13]

Now, in present day, we are dealing with China. This is a Communist/dictatorial regime and yet representatives of this regime are advising the Secretary General of the United Nations, on various “democratic” issues and in particular “Sustainable Development Goals,” climate change, internet governance and human rights.[14] This, shockingly enough, has been the pattern since 2007.[15]>

What can be the thought process of the Western Democracies if they continue to support an organization that seems directed by a communist regime? Why would the many countries financially, ideologically, militarily, and philosophically agree to the recommendations of a staunch adversary of: human rights, true democracy, prosperity of said nations, unless they either:

  1. agree with becoming dictator states, 
  2. agree with the UN being a dictatorship, or 
  3. are not paying attention to the agreements they are entering into which are undermining their own national security and citizenry?

The Under Secretary-Generals advising the United Nations Secretary-General, on development-related issues, including climate change, internet governance, and financing for development, from 2007 have been from China and part of its government.[16]|[17]|[18]|[19]

This should raise alarms, with all nations, and in particular the Western Democracies. Perhaps this is why the United States (U.S.) has “exited the Paris Agreement” and with the Kyoto Protocol it “withdrew the signature and refused to send it to Congress to consider ratifying it.”[20] But what of China in all of this?

To be continued in Part 2 of BREAK DOWN: The U.N., ICLEI & The China Solution…

[1] “Why They Behave Like Russians” by John Fischer, p. 76.

[2] Blackstone Commentaries, 2:138-9

[3] CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANISATION, Signed at London, on 16 November 1945, Article I. Purposes and Functions section 3

[4] When making reference to the UN, I am also making reference to any of its subsidiaries, affiliates, partners.

[5] Mr. Gisborn, Hansard, Ontario Legislative Assembly, February 11, 1965 Volume 1, Page 478 

[6] “We, the participants at the UNESCO World Press Freedom Day International Conference, held in Windhoek, Namibia, 29 April – 3 May 2021, INFORMATION AS A PUBLIC GOOD, WINDHOEK 30 DECLARATION WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY.

[7]Guidelines for the Governance of Digital Platforms, Safeguarding freedom of expression and access to information through a multistakeholder approach”

Published in 2023 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural

Organization, 7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France

© UNESCO 2023

[8] See Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, 2007 to present day.

[9] “In fact, questioning Harper's views of the UN is becoming as much a regular event as the prime minister's streak of missing its annual opening session, even though he's been in New York at the same time for the last two years.

Academics, retired diplomats and the opposition parties insist he's making a huge mistake by, at best, ignoring the UN, or at worst, denigrating its role and importance in a world increasingly fractured by civil war, terrorism and inequality.

Carolyn McAskie is part of a group of very accomplished foreign policy experts who released a booklet this week entitled "The United Nations and Canada: What Canada has done and should be doing at the United Nations.''

A former assistant secretary-general for peacekeeping at the UN from 2006-2008 and career diplomat, McAskie insists the Harper government misrepresents what the UN does.

"If there are problems, and there are always problems, then we as a member state have a responsibility to fix it, '' she said at a news conference.

"We walk out of meetings because North Korea is in the chair. The reason you go to these meetings is so that you can engage all 193 states.

"You go, you play the game. If you're not at the table, you don't have a voice.''

Others who contributed to the booklet accused Harper of pouting ever since Canada failed to win one of the rotating seats on the Security Council in 2010; of contributing just 56 of the 83,000 UN peacekeepers deployed around the world; and of being a laggard in paying Canada's fees to UN agencies.

This country, they say, is losing influence where it counts the most.

''Canada couldn't get elected dogcatcher at the United Nations today,'' said Ian Smillie, an academic, author and former aid worker, and another contributor to the booklet.”

Why Stephen Harper has no time for the UN: Chris Hall

Though he's in New York at the same time as the opening session, again

[10] “It's not an ideal slot, coming several days into the session. And nearly a week after U.S. President Barack Obama served his own notice — that the UN's credibility is at stake if it refuses to hold Syria accountable for using chemical weapons.

"If we cannot agree even on this," the president said in his speech, "then it will show the United Nations is incapable of enforcing the most basic of international laws."

Harper maintains a similarly dim view of the UN's effectiveness. The only real difference is that he doesn't bother to lecture the world from inside the assembly hall.”

Why Stephen Harper has no time for the UN: Chris Hall

Though he's in New York at the same time as the opening session, again

[11] PM defends quitting UN desert convention, says it's too bureaucratic

Published Thursday, March 28, 2013 1:04PM EDTLast Updated Thursday, March 28, 2013 3:40PM EDT

[12] “But we have more that a thousand cases much like Rudenkos,” he said [Foreign Service officer], “and so far we haven’t had much luck with them.  A good many Americans came over here in the ten years before the war because they go excited over the great Russian experiment and wanted to take a part in it.  They weren’t Communists, most of them – just enthusiastic liberals who had read a lot of propaganda and had decided that the Soviets were doing something too wonderful to miss.  They got over that pretty quick, of course, and many of them started trying to get back home after they had worked in Russia for a few weeks.  Unfortunately, nearly all had applied for Soviet citizenship before they came, or had given up their passports on arrival.  Naturally enough, the Russians won’t let them go – they don’t like for people who have seen too much of this country to get a chance to talk about it outside.  And under the circumstances, the embassy can seldom put on enough pressure to get them an exit permit.”  Why They Behave Like Russians, p. 138.

[13] https://uwaterloo.ca/implement...


[14] UN 2023 The Sustainable Development Goals Report, Special edition.  

[15] See Below.

[16]  https://www.un.org/en/development/desa/usg/statements/previous-usg.html

[17] https://www.un.org/en/development/desa/usg/statements/usg-wu.html#:~:text=Wu%20Hongbo%20was%20appointed%20United,the%20Federal%20Republic%20of%20Germany

[18] https://www.un.org/development/desa/statements/usg-liu.html#:~:text=United%20Nations%20Secretary%2DGeneral%20Ant%C3%B3nio,Affairs%20of%20China%20since%202013.

[19] https://www.un.org/en/desa/page/mr-li-junhua-under-secretary-general#:~:text=Li%20Junhua%20of%20China%20as,Affairs%20effective%2025%20July%202022

[20] The U.S. Has Exited the Paris Agreement. Does it Matter? By Lynn Wagner and Jennifer Allan, Nov. 2020, International Institute on Sustainable Development 

Elizabeth Marshall -- Bio and Archives | Comments

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• Non-Partisan Advocate
• Director of Research Ontario Landowners Association
• Author – “Property Rights 101:  An Introduction
• Board Member/Secretary – Canadian Justice Review Board
• Legal Research – Green and Associates Law Offices, etc.,
• Legislative Researcher – MPs, MPPs, Municipal Councilors,
• President All Rights Research Ltd.,

I am not a lawyer and do not give legal advice.  Any information relayed is for informational purposes only.  Please contact a lawyer.
