
Reagan showed us the way: Time for constitutional conservative true grit in the face of an entrenched establishment hierarchy instead of blind, emotional party allegiance to a Progressive RINO Establishment

Attack of the UniParty: What to Do?

Republican Party loyalists are having a tough time of it lately; a consequence of one sellout after another at the hands of the Republican-held House and Senate leadership. Perceptive Republicans are used to it: they've had to march a long, tough slog since Ronald Reagan departed the Oval Office.

The Loretta Lynch nomination to replace Eric Holder as Attorney General sailed smoothly through, after a cooling-off period; House Majority Leader John Boehner regularly surrenders his power of the purse – constitutionally designated to the House – like clockwork; sacred promises by the Republican leadership to impede and deconstruct King Barry-Care have a substance of phantoms; backroom deals are arranged to support Amnesty; motions are filed by the House General Council specifically to thwart a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation into violations of the STOCK Act, a bill intended to curb insider trading by lawmakers and their staffs; the Senate abrogates their constitutional duty to debate US Treaties (Iran going nuclear, for example), on and on, issue after issue, ad nauseam.
A century-old attack on the US Constitution continues; a stealth assault by two corrupt, cooperative, ideological interests working together (those being Democrat and Republican Progressives, as well as King Barry and his Progressive Marxist Chicago mafia) to diminish, control, and selectively enforce the US Constitution (the Progressives), or torch it to a cinder with the intent of cultural and economic devastation, resulting in ultimate collapse of the United States of America (the Progressive Marxists): ideologues ever in pursuit of an undefined, unexplained, unknown distant Utopia. When the tandem assault is understood in proper context – that being the antiquated irrelevance of the old Republican political paradigm "Republicans good, Democrats bad" – it becomes clear to anyone paying attention it's not enough to elect a "Republican" to the Oval Office in 2016; it is now imperative the presidential winner next year must be someone with a priority of restoring the US Constitution. Not by executive orders and bureaucratic fiats; rather, with leadership skills inspiring the American electorate to become involved in the defense of what many historians acknowledge as the two greatest documents ever devised for self-governance: the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.

These same leadership skills – reflecting virtue, consistency, courage, insight, executive experience and a verifiable track record – are the critical components for motivating voter turnout capable of creating a landslide victory by inspiring cynically, oft-maligned Democrats to cross over and vote Republican.

Contrary to a popular narrative of the political class, most Americans do still cherish freedom and will fight for their God-given rights when the need to do so is passionately, clearly articulated: they will not fight for Amnesty, King Barry-Care, Common Core, political correctness, hypocrisy, crony capitalism, growing debt, expanding government tyranny, diminishing liberty, or more waste, fraud, and abuse.

Ronald Reagan's Successes

Ronald Reagan was successful electorally not due to the amount of money behind his campaign; rather, he was an ardent admirer – and a true scholar – of the Declaration and the Constitution. His leadership skills and natural charisma conveyed the enthusiasm and genuine love for America – as founded – he held in his heart; a "servant's heart," as so accurately described by Sarah Palin (whom, based on her record of reform in Alaska, best exemplifies the aforementioned leadership qualities).

While Gov. Palin is not yet a declared 2016 presidential candidate, the relevant point is that genuine leadership today looks very much as it has historically: Inspirational people leading from the front. 

What must be understood is no other recent former or current elected public official has done more to actively combat establishmentarians undermining the foundation of our republic than she: that is a fact, readily verifiable. If results matter, Gov. Palin is the gold standard for conservative political leadership.

It is interesting to note as well how predictably the establishmentarians reveal whom it is they most fear by the maliciousness and frequency of orchestrated media disinformation campaigns. But I digress... Copious sums of money will be spent during the 2016 presidential race – already well underway – and many casual observers of our political passing scene will be swayed by repetitive bought-and-paid-for media talking points endorsing one establishment candidate or the other, when either way our country loses. Amnesty is a suicide pact, whether it's crammed down our throats by a Bush or a Clinton. The most important thing to consider – and to share, not only through social contact (digital and face-to-face) but through personal initiative and action – is simply this: the monumental challenge of 2016 will not be electing a Republican president in the general election (though not easy by any means), but to generate a level of support for a constitutional conservative to win the Republican primary. Without a charismatic constitutional conservative, odds are in favor of the “big ticket” establishmentarians.

Politicians and History

Politicians are historically prone to herd instinct mentality, and their singular goal is always to first win reelection: thus unprincipled willingness to conform with establishment leadership agendas through personal moral equivocation, regardless of the merits (“I know it's wrong, but everyone does it”). 

When UniParty leadership is both progressive and corrupt, so goes the self-serving political class as they work for the perks by acquiescing to their ruling class leadership "masters." Without constitutional conservative leadership in the presidency, the UniParty establishment will be able to continue its' quid pro quo (“something for something”) business-as-usual practices inside the Beltway Bubble: practices generating significant personal wealth while illustrating a lack of virtue impossible to justify by any morally acceptable standards of human behavior. It's up to informed constitutional conservatives to break the establishment cycle of crony capitalism with constitutional conservative leadership, and the fight to do it in 2016 must necessarily take place during the Republican presidential primary: rather difficult as the Progressive RINO Establishment has stacked the GOP deck with rules changes to their advantage, something seldom discussed.

Who would disagree with the definition of insanity as doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting different results from repetitive behavior? We're not insane; We, the People, are fed up. 
 Reagan showed us the way; the ball's in our court now, and it's time for constitutional conservative true grit in the face of an entrenched establishment hierarchy instead of blind, emotional party allegiance to a Progressive RINO Establishment: a progressive establishment, “Republican” in Name Only. © Sandy Stringfellow/2015

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Sandy Stringfellow——

Sandy Stringfellow is a writer and musician with an interest in history, economics, and politics. A fifth generation Floridian, he was born and raised in Gainesville, Florida. From an early age he developed a fascination with music, eventually playing in a variety of local bands.

Sandy continued to write as he made his living in the fields of commercial carpentry and retail sales.  In 2001 one he established a home studio, where he records his songs. 

He is currently employed driving tractor/semi-trailer combinations around Florida.  Sandy can be reached on Facebook.
