
Truth, law and freedom are the trifecta of our American democracy. Without faithful adherence to the first two principles the last one cannot truly exist.

For liberty, American democracy needs truth

In today’s Orwellian political climate in America it is suddenly risqué for politicians to speak plain truths. This is the direct consequence of the litany of bold-faced lies spoken by the current occupant of the White House and she—the truth-challenged Democrat contender (say 6 out of 10 cited by interviewer Anna Keilar regarding a recent CNN poll)—who would replace him. Undoubtedly, it is a sad commentary on the current state of our democracy that it takes an off-the-grid brash billionaire—who doesn’t need the money, fame or power—to articulate what the average citizen in this country is feeling, experiencing and speaking in non-politically correct whispers.
Indeed, any healthy functioning democracy depends both on truth-telling and honest dealing by political leaders with their fellow citizens. In large part, that has not taken place since Mr. Obama assumed the presidency. Indeed, when the president blatantly disregards his oath of office, abdicates his primary responsibility to ‘enforce the law’ (as written rather than as he wants it to be by executive fiat), ignores the tenets of the Constitution and lies to the American people abetted by a corrupt MSM, Lady Liberty must hang her heavy head in despair. The Statue of Liberty, that grande dame of Democracy who endless holds aloft freedom's torch, must feel today more and more the burdens of Atlas, the mythical Greek Titan who held the whole world on his shoulders. This towering symbol of all things beautiful and uniquely American communicates these words of compassion: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." This humanitarian ideal and these inspiring words on the statue's pedestal—immortalized in the 1883 poem "The New Colossus" by Emma Lazarus—do not refer to the tsunami of illegals at our porous borders bringing with them all manners of long-term societal problems in their wake: lawlessness, crime and poverty. What adds to Ms. Liberty's troubles is the fact that all the Democratic candidates for president in 2016 (Clinton, Sanders, O'Malley, Chafee) and the lion's share of likely Republican contenders (Bush, Rubio, Paul, Carson, Perry) support a pathway to citizenship for a law-breaking underclass of invaders. In other words, the majority—those of us born here or are here otherwise by legal means—should adjust ourselves to those who do not respect our laws (for they would not be here in the first place if they did) or sovereignty. That is not conservatism and it is not compassionate. It is un-American—plain and simple—and favors social chaos. This clearly un-American stance—á la Obama—is in direct violation of any future presidential oath that charges that person to… ‘preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.’ As the president heads the Executive branch of government it means his or her fundamental responsibility is to safeguard the citizenry from all foreign and domestic harm. It is a farce to hold that the lawless have de facto rights as the law-abiding simply because they squat on U.S. soil. It is Orwellian to give them driver's licenses and social security cards and permit them to vote in U.S. elections while not verifying citizenship. That's election-stealing that thwarts the People’s Will: where political power rightly resides. Therefore, such words or deeds along these lines by any politician should automatically disqualify that person (in the minds’ of patriots who actually honor the U.S. Constitution) from potentially leading our country beyond 2016.

Not many PhDs use Mexican coyotes to cross the desert wasteland that separates the U.S. from its southerly neighbors. Indeed, if one has a happy life why would one undertake such a long, arduous and often life-threatening land journey (60 percent) to come here if one has constructive things going on in one's home country? Further, for the remaining 40 percent that overstay temporary visas why would one leave one's extended family and culture to come to a country with a different language, customs and no hope of lawful employment? That means, by logical extrapolation, that those that come here, at best, are jobless and likely uneducated. At worst, they passively do not respect our laws or actively break them—bringing with them all manners of potential violence, crime, economic drain and physical danger to our citizenry. Facts are pesky things and they bear out the harm:
As of April 25, 2015 per the Federal Bureau of Prisons, 9.4 percent incarcerated for immigration violations or 20,116 at an average yearly cost of $31,286 (per 2012 Vera Institute of Justice economic numbers) equals a conservative net economic loss of $629,349,176. Adding to the problem cited by the Daily Caller in 2014: per ICE, government officials only repatriated 8,805 of the roughly 180,000 unskilled Central American migrants who flooded across the border since 2011. Overall, less than 1 percent of the 12 million illegals living in the United States were repatriated during the 12 months up to October 2014. More to the point: ALIPAC estimates illegal aliens skim over 125 billion dollars of American taxpayer resources each year. To add insult to injury is Mr. Obama’s catch-and-release program: per ALIPAC as of April 2014, of the 68,000 criminals released by Obama’s lawless policies. The incalculable human cost—how many American citizens have been killed or injured—is unknown. Is there any doubt that if Mr. Obama’s Justice Department (which maintains crime statistics) released this data—as readily as the powers-that-be release into the wild the criminal illegal alien—the data would enrage the public?
This is all about the elitist politics of reelection: establishment Democrat and Republican play politics by vote-pandering to the Latino community (an ever-growing voting bloc with numbers that per 2010 U.S. census data have already supplanted the Afro-American community 16.3% to 13.6%). Specifically, pro-illegal alien politicians—like those named above—are so busy shoring up their own power-bases, rank-and-file citizens who still believe in the American system—which is the rule of law—be damned. See what six years of ultra-Constitutional misbehavior by both the executive and legislative branches (the latter is supposed to hold the former in check via the purse-strings and impeachment-removal and has done neither) and continuing deficit spending (of 7.6 trillion and counting) has wrought: Democracy, economically and morally bankrupt; a stunted, stumbling world power falling apart by its very straining seams. When Lady Liberty says to bring the ‘huddled masses’—she means contributors—those persons who will respect our laws, share their talents and enrich our diverse way of life. By and large, the teeming throng at our borders are castoffs and takers: moths to liberty’s flame; a human army that acts like a plague of locusts to our societal fabric. Truth, law and freedom are the trifecta of our American democracy. Without faithful adherence to the first two principles the last one cannot truly exist. The choice is simple: equality and order under law or the chaos of the mob. Therefore, all persons here should respect the tenets embodied by the U.S. Constitution. This holds equally true for those newly arrived—and those seeking to lead us into a highly uncertain future.

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David L. Hunter——

David L. Hunter is an Associate Editor at “Capitol Hill Outsider” and a “Newsmax” contributor.  He’s on Twitter and blogs at davidlhunter.blogspot.com,  He is published in The Washington Post, The Washington Times, “FrontPage Mag,” and extensively in “</b>Patriot Post,” Canada Free Press” and “American Thinker.”
