
National biometric identification card

A Malthusian Statist’s Dream Come True

imageSenators Lindsey (Patsy) Graham (RINO-South Carolina) and Chuck-U Schumer (Progressive Democrat-New York) want to mandate that all legal American workers have a new national biometric identification card, which will include embedded personal information and fingerprints. RINO Grahamshi contends that a mandated national ID card is nothing more than a tamper-proof Social Security card. "We've all got Social Security cards. They're just easily tampered with. Make them tamper-proof. That's all I'm saying," Graham said.

However, privacy advocates disagree and are worried that the biometric card would become a license to exist. They claim the narrow scope for worker ID cards will expand--much like the Social Security card morphed from being an account number of the Social Security system to a de facto national identification system--and will resemble an internal passport system requiring the government's permission to carrying out daily affairs. "We're not only talking about fingerprinting every American, treating ordinary Americans like criminals in order to work. We're also talking about a card that would quickly spread from work to voting to travel to pretty much every aspect of American life that requires identification," said Chris Calabrese, legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union. Republicans have pushed to make mandatory the current E-Verify system, which checks whether employees or potential employees are legally in the U.S., but Patsy and Chuck-U whine that the system is ineffective. They claim the biometric ID card will make it more difficult for companies to hire illegal immigrants. Buffo Bill O'Reilly and media firebrand Screwy Louie Dobbs favor the Senators' ID card idea. Buffo Bill said on the O'Reilly Factor (see Lou Dobbs on Illegal Immigration segment) that the idea was a "moneymaker for the US" and that it should be "fast –tracked" and done by this year. The national biometric ID card is the centerpiece of Patsy's and Chuck U's Immigration Plan to give millions of illegal aliens amnesty. The progressive and his pasty are planning to meet with Brother O this week to update him on their scheme to import 15 million new Democrat voters. Thus far, Chuck-U's patsy is the only RINO to publicly support his scheme, but Patsy's looking for another RINO co-sponsor to help launch the effort. If mentor John McCain weren't up for reelection, Patsy wouldn't have far to look. But Grahamshi needn't worry, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins have always proved reliable standbys for progressive causes.

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Jerry A. Kane——

Jerry A. Kane is a retired English professor who has also worked as a journalist and technical writer. His writings have been featured at Canada Free Press and some have appeared at WorldNetDaily, American Thinker, and in daily and weekly newspapers across the country. His commentaries, news stories, and musings appear regularly on his blog, The Millstone Diaries.
