
U. N. Agenda 21

Amnesty is an Insult to the Chumps Who Obey the Law!

As with every action taken by the Obama cartel of hood rats, and many of the actions taken by previous mini-monarchial presidencies of both major political parties, the ultimate goal is/has been to destroy the constitutional republic of the United States of America.
Once again, we are being politically bludgeoned by members of both political parties in ramming amnesty upon us, akin to how Benghazi Care was rammed upon us. One group of immigrants that is almost never discussed by the puppeteer media, including the Wall Street Journal, is the group of individuals that immigrates legally. These immigrants ought to take a cue from the hood rats infesting the District of Corruption to realize they are chumps for obeying our immigration laws! The following is an actual account of what a couple endured in dealing with a legal immigration process. The names are being omitted to protect the innocent. An American citizen had an opportunity to study abroad during college. This individual is talented and was able to become employed while studying outside the U. S., and maintain employment following college. The country this American citizen was working in has laws that limit the length of time a non-citizen is allowed to remain in the country, even if a non-citizen is employed. Surprisingly, this country actually enforces its laws!

While living in this foreign country, the American citizen was introduced to someone through mutual friends. These two individuals hit it off from the outset of their relationship, and it was apparent that they might well wish to tie the knot. When the American citizen’s allotted time for remaining in the country was expiring, a request for an extension was submitted and granted, but once this timeframe expired, there would not be an opportunity to request a second extension. Due to these circumstances and the fact that the relationship had progressed to the point that the couple was seriously considering marriage, the paperwork was initiated for the non-American citizen to immigrate to the U. S. Once this paperwork was started, the non-American citizen was forbidden from entering the U. S. I believe this was sometime in 2003. Also, once the paperwork is submitted, those submitting the paperwork are never informed as to the progress, or lack of progress in the processing of the paperwork. This can be frustrating because some government employees enjoy having the power to screw an applicant over, if they dare ask how the paperwork is going; they must take their cue from our marvelous Representatives and Senators! If someone has the temerity to ask about the progress, the application is placed at the bottom of the pile, akin to what you might see in an episode of ‘Law & Order’, when the cops bury paperwork while attempting to buy time to accumulate evidence against a criminal suspect. Ultimately, the couple decided to get married, and a wedding was planned for the second quarter of 2006. As the clock was ticking towards the wedding and the time for the American citizen to return to the states, there was no news about the paperwork, stateside, or in the other country. Don’t you just love bureaucracy? The couple was wed in 2006 and one spouse returned to the states while the other spouse returned to where the couple met. The first thirteen months of this union for this couple were spent an ocean apart, with only three visits during this timeframe. Fortunately, the employer for the American citizen opened an office in the city where the couple met, and after thirteen months of separation, the American citizen was allowed to relocate and join the non-American spouse. This was about mid-2007. Let’s fast forward to Christmas of 2007. The non-U. S. citizen was still stranded across the ocean and was not allowed to set foot upon U. S. soil. Because of this restriction, and because the couple wanted to share the Christmas season with the American citizen’s family, the family shared Christmas in Mexico! Isn’t that rich? After enduring this frustration, the couple decided to remove the non-U. S. citizen’s application, making travel to the U. S. possible, if needed. Oh, I forgot to mention this fact! Throughout all of this time, the non-American citizen held a very responsible position, and would be a valued employee in any country across the globe. In fact, this individual was afforded special residency in the other country to ensure this individual’s ability to be able to walk to work, in the event of an emergency, and that no forms of transportation were available. With the arrival of their first child, the couple re-submitted the paperwork. This was in 2009. Finally, in 2011, the non-citizen, spouse and child were allowed to relocate to the U. S., intact! A key reason for the length of the ordeal was to ensure that the non-citizen would not become a parasite upon taxpayer-funded benefits. Based upon comments made in passing over this eight-year ordeal, the cost of legally immigrating to the U. S. with skills that are not allowed to be employed was in the range of $15,000 +/-. What chumps; they lived on pins and needles for eight-years; apart for the first 13 months of their marriage and are out thousands of dollars, when all they had to do was hop the border. The non citizen would probably have been able to work once inside the U. S., so how much income has been lost by obeying the law? By the way, having their child born outside the U. S., several comments were made about the Spartan form of healthcare available in the other country. It is considerably less than what has, heretofore, been acceptable within the U. S., unless Obama Care were to be passed, and we definitely wouldn’t want nationalized healthcare within the U. S.! It is time for naysayers to realize our broken immigration system is purposely broken. It is but one phalanx of abuse embedded within U. N. Agenda 21, designed to eviscerate our borders, overwhelm our economy, our healthcare system and our systems of benefits. Has it occurred to you that the same people who are attempting to ram gun control upon us are all for open borders, and channeling money we don’t have to those here illegally? After all, our taxpayer dollars are being recklessly spent to educate illegal immigrants (I don’t work for the AP), to steal taxpayer money once they have crashed our borders. Remember, $.42+ of every dollar is borrowed money, driving us ever deeper into debt. All of this is designed to crush our constitutional republic, and allow for the theft of personal property, personal sovereignty and national sovereignty. It makes one proud to be an American, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, we have traitors atop both major political parties who are aligned with faceless puppeteers, some American, many European, who are orchestrating our demise. The average American citizen is no longer to be represented, but to be repressed. Doesn’t this make you wonder why the couple, mentioned above, worked so hard, and paid so much to have a non-citizen immigrate to a country in imminent destruction? Of course, their quest was initiated before the final nails of fundamental change were being driven into the coffin of the United States! The only truth our Lying King has ever uttered was his proclamation of ‘fundamental change’ for our dying republic. Sadly, so many citizens refuse to believe sinister forces are ramming this damning change upon us, or worse, they know, yet they refuse to enter the arena. They opt to ignore the assaults and pursue life in an oasis of calm before the storm. It is time for Americans citizens to reclaim our republic so that legal immigrants and patriotic citizens are not chumps, and our legal and healthcare systems remain the envy of the world. As always, may God bless the USA in our time of genuine need!

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A.J. Cameron——

A.J. Cameron was born in Kansas City, MO, and raised in Prairie Village, KS. He is a graduate of Rockhurst High School and University of Kansas, and is a the former president of the Native Sons & Daughters of Greater Kansas City. Having worked for international and local, start-up companies, A. J. brings a wide range of insight to many of the challenging issues of the day. A.J. seeks to engage readers on key issues with views grounded in time-tested principles and common sense.
