
Be like Dr. Ben Carson: Don’t talk about the message. Deliver it and talk about how you did it only after the deed is done

Besting the White House Marxists, Dr. Ben Carson style

By Judi McLeod ——--March 1, 2013

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Bob Woodward, Lanny Davis and any others with the cojones to speak out against the anti-American policies of the Obama regime should take a page from the book of the savvy Dr. Ben Carson.
With the Marxist strategies of the regime, coupled with a complicit media at play, it is a mistake to lay bare plans, or to give any kind of heads up to in-the-tank Obama minions. Don’t show your hands, fellas, use the kind of successful strategy employed by on-the-rise folk hero Ben Carson. When the White House pressed Carson for a copy of his upcoming speech at last month’s National Prayer Breakfast gathering, Carson responded several times by telling them it wasn’t available. “Dr. Ben Carson rebuffed multiple requests from the White House for an advance copy of his speech for the National Prayer Breakfast earlier this month, a speech in which he criticized President Barack Obama sitting just a few feet away.

“Carson told The Hill he told the White House no, because he doesn’t put his remarks on paper beforehand.
“I told them that I don’t have an advance copy because I don’t write out my speeches and I don’t use teleprompters …they asked more than once … I gave them the [Biblical] texts around which the remarks would be framed … I said read those texts, the remarks will be framed around those … that should have told them something.”
The White House didn’t comment on Carson’s disclosure. The retiring pediatric neurosurgeon, who has been besieged by requests to run for political office, will be speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference this month. In other words, the popular Carson hit the White House the same way it usually hits We the People: on the sly. Woodward, Davis and all others who dare criticize Obama policies should take the same trip down Memory Lane that Canada Free Press (CFP) letter to the editor writer Helena Bradley did this morning. “Antonio Gramsci--the originally fiery orthodox Bolshevik Italian who gave birth to the so-called “Western-Marxism”, along with Bolshevism the two main strains of Marxism-Leninism--advised his followers that, once in overall power, they should return to their Bolshevik roots to govern and to secure staying in power, although, if necessary or just for appearances, they should still keep using the tools of democracy that they used to reach power, and also keep employing, as needed, any pragmatism (e.g. resorting to fascism, or just to Keynesianism and so forth) that may be suitable to the sought goals,” Bradley wrote. “So along with the line of returning to Bolshevism, Obama has, since the beginning of his occupation of the White House, taken it as routine to terrorize with terrible threats individuals and institutions that dissent from his ideology, politics or policies. “Remember how, on Friday, April 3, 2009, he menaced the CEOs from 13 of the nation’s biggest banks to force them into accepting “stimulus” funds with the not so veiled Bolshevik-style threat, “My administration is the only thing between you and the pitchforks...” “Remember how he made such a threat good when, for instance, on May 1, 2010, Obama unleashed a mob of more than 700 goons from Organizing for America--originally Obama’s main hardcore-left activism organization based on the Nazi “Brown Shirts”, and, now, organically, a branch of the Democrat Party since the very day after Obama finagled getting elected the first time--along with mobs from the SEIU, National People’s Action, and MoveOn.org, to lay siege to the house of Bank of America deputy general counsel Gregory Baer. The hoodlums that had laid the siege didn’t give any consideration that--during the entire time they had Baer’s home surrounded--the only occupants in the house, it’s said, were Baer’s pre-teen children and a female caretaker?” Yet, the far left and their supporters ride free on that bus called ‘We’re the Natural Defenders of Helpless Women and Children’. Dear Leaders throughout history are always the same and Bolsheviks famously and violently some day turn on their own. Lavrentiy Beriya transmitted Stalin’s order to Pavel Sudoplatov to arrange for the gross assassination of Leon Trotsky whenever and wherever he be caught. Ramón Mercader caught him in Mexico City, killing him by a stroke to the head with an ice-ax..thus converting The Hammer & Sickle into The Hammer & Ice-Ax,” Bradley reminds us. It should go without saying that no matter how celebrated the journalists daring to question Obama’s Marxist policy should use a little more moxie and keep their powder dry. Describing how a government official yelled down telephone lines at you for half an hour or contending later that maybe Obama didn’t know about it, won’t cut it. Be like Dr. Ben Carson: Don’t talk about the message. Deliver it and talk about how you did it only after the deed is done.

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Judi McLeod—— -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.
