
Speaker John Boehner


As we are held hostage to the fiscal cliff ravages of the savages atop our Federal government, the Gutless Opposition Party elite are throwing patriotic Americans of all income levels under the bus, AGAIN! Even though the ‘rank and file within the House Republicans have revealed a spine that their leadership lacks by not supporting ‘Plan B,’ it is apparent that the House Republican leadership is intent upon ceding our rights to the Communists within the Democrat Party. Regardless of the outcome of the ‘compromise’ between the Speaker of the House and our Dictator-in-Chief, it is readily apparent Speaker Boehner is no William Wallace of ‘Braveheart’ fame. In fact, he is the antithesis of Braveheart; he is Caveheart!
In the Thursday, December 20th edition of the Wall Street Journal, Karl Rove penned an opinion column praising Speaker Boehner, entitled ‘Boehner Plays a Weak Hand Well.’ While Mr. Boehner may have acted ‘adroitly’ in some of his dealings with the Tax-monster in the White House, many of his actions/inactions over the past six months were less than encouraging or courageous. Mr. Rove’s column re-confirmed that he is as anti-conservative as any anti-conservative within the GOP is. During the election, either Mr. Boehner conspired with RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, or he approved of the Chairman’s desertion of conservative Republican House candidates Allen West and Michele Bachmann. McConnell did the same with Todd Akin and others in the Senate. I realize a couple of those running for Senate seats blew holes in their feet with some of their comments, but there is a difference between the Democrats and Republicans when one within their respective parties misspeaks or acts inappropriately. The Democrats form a phalanx around their perpetrator, elevating them to cult-like status. I wouldn’t advocate this type of action, but I do advocate that the Republicans protect their own, especially when our entire republic hangs in the balance. As horrific as our fiscal woes are, our moral woes are even greater. The actions of Mr. Boehner, Mr. McConnell and Mr. Priebus should have been a message to every conservative, especially every conservative Republican in the House of Representatives and within the Senate, that they are Representatives and Senators without a party.

Recently, conservatives were further abused by the purge of conservative Representatives Huelskamp (KS), Amash (MI), Schweikert (AZ) and Jones (NC) from their committee assignments by House Fuhrer Boehner. This is akin to benching the starters on a football, basketball or baseball team in an effort to throw a game, and this is not a game. This is about our lives and freedoms. This action means that conservative residents of states that have elected conservative Republicans to the House of Representatives have no representation inside the American Rubicon. In the actual Battle of Stirling as well as in the movie ‘Braveheart,’ Scotsmen lead by William Wallace were heavily outnumbered, but they fought for something more than a committee assignment, increased power and freebies at the expense of the unprotected and non-represented citizen/taxpayer, or a personal legacy. Wallace and his fellow Scotsmen fought for freedom, just as our Founding Fathers did. In the movie, ‘Braveheart,’ even if you don’t have any Scottish blood running through your veins, you must be inspired and moved by the theatrical speech delivered by William Wallace in the face of soldiers ready to break lines and head home, to fight another day – ‘Aye, fight, and you may die. Run and you’ll live … at least for a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom!?! Alba gu bra (Scotland forever)!’ Can you envision William Wallace exchanging his fiercest warriors for weak puke moderates while he is engaged in a battle against Longshanks and his overwhelming army? Isn’t that what Boehner has done with his purge of genuine conservatives? Has Boehner, McConnell, or any of those in leadership positions in the House or Senate within the GOP come to realize that the most dangerous enemies of the average, American citizen/taxpayer are the President and his confederacy in Congress, his czars and departmental/agency enablers/enforcers of the sustainability/U. N. Agenda 21 movement? They never negotiate in good faith and it is always a zero-sum game with these Communists. Also, by allowing the President to dance a slow waltz on the tax rates debate, Mr. Boehner is allowing the President to use the ‘fiscal cliff’ and tax debate as a shield from being held accountable for the deaths of four Americans in what became the Benghazi massacre. The ‘fiscal cliff’ and tax debate are about so much more than tax rates. It is about how abusive our government can be to any citizen/taxpayer and who in the House and Senate will protect citizens from this abusive government. Once Boehner caves to the ill will of the lead terrorist residing within the White House, Mr. Obama will see this as a continued weakness to be exploited even further throughout at least the next four years. Mr. Boehner’s leadership position is due to the surge of conservatives elected by citizen/taxpayers from around the country, and Mr. Boehner’s purge has revealed to any thinking conservative that a vote for a conservative Republican has now become a throwaway vote. His actions are akin to how the President used many within the Catholic Church to ram ObamaCare through, only to ram through the coercion dictate upon Catholic institutions once ObamaCare had been passed on a partisan vote. Actions speak louder than words, and every action taken by the regime has been to marginalize the Catholic, Christian and Jewish faiths, destroy our economy, crush the middle class and rip asunder our constitution. We need a Republican leader who will uphold the National Platform of the Republican Party, not someone who consorts with the enemy of the American citizen/taxpayer behind closed doors. Maybe the strain of being the leaders of the ‘People’s House’ is too much for Mr. Boehner and his posse of milquetoast minions. If it is, Mr. Boehner and his posse need to swallow their pride and remove their names from consideration for the Speaker’s position and supportive positions when the next session of the House convenes. As voters, we gave you better in the election of 2010 and we deserve better than to be abused in a manner similar to the abuse imposed upon us by the current resident of the White House. Mr. Boehner, please provide us with a Christmas present of standing tall for all of us who seek to live under our cherished constitution in pursing the American dream of living our lives with divinely provided freedoms. Whatever you do, for the sake of the American citizen/taxpayer, please do not live down to the title of ‘Caveheart’!

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A.J. Cameron——

A.J. Cameron was born in Kansas City, MO, and raised in Prairie Village, KS. He is a graduate of Rockhurst High School and University of Kansas, and is a the former president of the Native Sons & Daughters of Greater Kansas City. Having worked for international and local, start-up companies, A. J. brings a wide range of insight to many of the challenging issues of the day. A.J. seeks to engage readers on key issues with views grounded in time-tested principles and common sense.
