
Please help the world -- COP15 opening film

Convenient lies to frighten children

Please help the world -- COP15 opening film Scaring the world, one kid at a time

Obama the Czar-Maker Becomes the Ultimate Czar

An innocent young girl rises from her bed in a dry, barren wasteland and watches as an earthquake violently splits the land around her, while a tornado rips apart a metropolis far in the distance. A tidal wave rushes toward her, and she jumps to a tree branch with no time to spare, avoiding a horrific death. She awakens from her nightmare, screaming in fear, and then solemnly implores the viewer, “Please help the world.” This exploitative video from the environmental left shockingly debuted yesterday at the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference and is likely the first of many assaults on the senses employed to gin up support for a global climate treaty that would lead to an even more apocalyptic end for the U.S. economy. Those disaster-movie-style scare tactics are an act of desperation necessary to sway the public’s wavering opinion on the notion of man-made climate change, particularly in light of the Climategate scandal, which exposed the dirty dealings of global warming “experts” who evidently deleted, doctored and destroyed inconveniently true data that rendered their climate change theories bunk and not beyond question. But where public opinion can’t be manipulated with fear mongering and lies, political victory will be won with the brute force of federal regulation. More...


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Bob Parks——

Bob Parks is a is a member/writer of the National Advisory Council of Project 21. Bob’s websites are Black & Right and youtube.com/BlackAndRight
