
As a member of the Obsidian Right, it's not the Heritage Foundation which makes me conservative, it's the foundation of my heritage.

Essence of Being Obsidian Right

Conservatism isn't being a pet for scared White troglodytes, if the conservative in question happens to be Black.

Despite how the myopic mainstream tars and feathers Black Republicans and conservatives-there is a difference-with loving labels like " coon, " " self-hating, " etc., being Right of center is actually right in line with the liberation piously proclaimed by not particularly active activists known as pro-Blacks. An individual opposing the single mother family unit, supporting traditional marriage, practicing impulse control, embracing the 2nd Amendment and generally governing himself essentially places himself beyond the clutches of the last bastion of you-ain't-nothing-but-my-flunky White supremacy, i.e., liberalism. Since Black Republicans, conservatives and others on the Obsidian Right don't offer their freedom to the criminal justice system, wombs to Planned Parenthood-though a percentage are pro choice-and votes only to the DNC, we operate outside liberal control of Black lives. We aren't trying to be Cheeta to some hippie 2.0's Tarzan in the public policy jungle. While we usually align with the GOP and majority population conservatives, said alignment isn't our end game. As a member of the Obsidian Right, it's not the Heritage Foundation which makes me conservative, it's the foundation of my heritage. If I don't secure it, there's little contribution to be made to the rest of America. That's the essence of being Obsidian Right.

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Nadra Enzi—— "Nadra Enzi aka Cap Black is a contributor to Canada Free Press, a security writer on touchy topics; security advisor/founder of Borrow A Brother volunteer safety escorts for female friends concerned about carjackings robbery and sexual assault. $realbrocap on Cash App."
