
"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

Help Me, Please!

Help me please. Have you noticed anything that is terribly wrong with our nation of late? Do you not think that there is something eerily wrong with where we are as a nation, when [the] President of the United States, himself, chooses to outright downplay the role of Islamic terrorism in the world? Discard them as a "set-back"? Or...treat them [ISIS] as a "Junior Varsity" basketball team? Do you find anything wrong with the fact that the President of the United States of America, wants to harbor Syrian refugees within continental U.S., in spite of the fact that he knows full-well, his graciousness and hospitality may very well be a threat to our national security?
What am I missing here, friends? Help me, please. Help me please understand what is going on? For the past seven years, I have been alluding to the world of anything and everything that I sensed was wrong with our nation. I have written quite a number of articles, blogs and even a book about the impending decline and deterioration of the United States of America as compared to the country we once were before Barack Hussein Obama took on the office of the President. My worst fears of all began that fateful day on the eve of the presidential elections of November 4th, 2008, when our then newly elected President, Barack Hussein Obama, made the public commitment of: "fundamentally transforming the United States of America." Beginning to see where I am coming from? Help me, please! Help me understand, what is going on? I thought I had seen it all. And thought I had shared it all with you and with the world - as much as I possibly could, anyways. I have guardedly dissected this man Obama as I watched this bizarre individual rise from the tombs of the unknown unto becoming none other than the President of the most powerful nation on earth. There had to be something adroitly spurious with such a brisk rise, I thought to myself, yet, I prayed that I was wrong - but I was not. Matter of fact, I could not be more on target than I was, as time would prove me right many times over. As the truth of this enigmatic man began to unravel right before our very eyes, all along, I could not help but be wary and awe-struck that the American people would elect this man to be their President not once but twice. My state of disbelief on what had unfolded amidst seven years of American complacency, since this two-bit impostor first took over the office of the President, was, to say the least, overwhelming. There had been, I thought, some really dreadful Presidents throughout the history of the nation, some better, and some worse. Never, however, had there been a President of the United States, who could be earnestly thought of a threat to the nation's national security, had there? That, of course, not until this numinous unknown by the name of Barack Hussein Obama, became our President.

Just think about it for a moment, if you will, ever since the founding of the Republic, not one of the fifty-five men who have held the office of the President, from George Washington to George W. Bush, not one I should say, has ever even hinted any gradients of treacherous intents -- any signs whatsoever of treasonable vestiges. Again, not until Barack Hussein Obama became the President of the United States of America. In contrast, over the past seven years, I have just about seen it all. I have seen this man [Obama], undermine just about anything and everything that America stood for. I have seen Barack Hussein Obama, do everything possible under his power and the powers yielded to him by the office of President, to destroy this nation, both domestically and internationally. Domestically, I've seen the demise of our democracy and the birth of a revolutionary New Republic as close we have ever come to becoming a full-fledged Marxist state; a New Republic ruled by a psychotic totalitarian autocrat, who thrives, just as Marx did, on class disparities as the essence for dialectical and ideological confrontations between [the] classes, to wit, as an idyllic and consummate pathway for social transformation -- and for the annihilation of democracy and capitalism -- all the while as our Manchurian Candidate, heralded his true political inclines, amidst an avalanche of unconstitutional diktats otherwise imposed upon the peoples of the nation, without their consent or approval - namely through a willful and abusive use of Executive Orders, diktats, or otherwise one-man rules-of-law -- all a part of a platform of transformation, callously pledged on the eve of the 2008 presidential elections. I have seen time and time again how this ill-bred son of a radical left wing militant mother noted for her miscegenation -- albeit, the same mother who departed to extremes that included her obvious resentment of her own white race -- and, yes, I have seen how her prodigal son Barack Hussein Obama, shared-in his mother's overt hatred for her kinfolk -- the white race, as he [Obama] took these birthright imprints to promote racial divide in the land, as I never thought possible of a man in the Office of President. I have seen the man pampering the resentful and the hateful while unavowing the righteous, including but not limited to his purported promotion of unrest amongst the nation's black youth, inciting them to pervasively challenge the establishment -- our noble men and women in blue uniforms, members of police forces throughout the nation. I have also seen a hard-fought government crusade set-out to eliminate "God" from our culture, our mores, our traditions and our heritage. Help me please understand the fact I have seen Barack Obama literally bankrupt our nation with an $18 trillion dollar debt and a Federal Budget deficit of 474 billion dollars as of Fiscal Year End of 2015. Help me please understand that Obama's failed domestic economic policies; our cronyism, our spiraling government spending and the impending political corruption have all contributed to a stifled economy, the likes of which we had only seen in the Great Depression of the 1930s. But, then again, just as soon as I thought that our domestic affairs paid homage to the epigram of Murphy's law that: "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong", just as soon I realized that our lamed economy or otherwise domestic failures really paled in comparison to where this jackass, had taken us in foreign affairs. As far as foreign affairs is concerned, some of my distrusts started way back during Obama's presidential campaign in 2007 when he first announced his willingness to meet "unconditionally" with some of the world's most renowned enemy-heads-of-state. His frailness, would also come shining through in that same campaign as he committed to close Gitmo Bay in Cuba, notwithstanding the fact that such a bold move, promised to be a sure bet that some of the world's most dangerous terrorists would be free and ready to pick-up right where they had left-off, joining-in the fight against the U.S., in terrorists sanctuaries all over the world, as, in fact, it happened. And what about Obama's infamous trade of U.S. deserter Bowe Bergdahl for five high-ranking members of the Islamic fundamentalist Taliban terrorist organization? Or…what about Obama's spy-swap involving the trade of Alan P. Gross, an American imprisoned in Cuba, for illegal commercial activities in exchange for the "Cuban-Five", consisting of five Cuban intelligence officers arrested and convicted for conspiracy to commit espionage and murder while acting as agents of a foreign government? Beginning to see a pattern here. Hello! What am I missing here? A resound effort, perhaps, to renew relations with two of the world's most renowned assassins, as are Cuba's Castro brothers. It does not take, I don't think, a rocket scientist to put two and two together and realize that something is terribly wrong with the nation, does it? Figure this out, here is man, Barack Obama, who only a few months back, refused to support a "no-fly zone" over Syria, claiming that it would be dramatically costly and difficult, stressing that the United States did not have a national interest in pursuing that option, all the while as Syrian strong-arm dictator Bashar al-Assad, disparagingly, murdered, over 80,000 innocent men and women -- paving the way for ISIS terrorists to declare this nation a caliphate and a de-facto capital of the terrorist Islamic Jihadist State. Not enough? What about, an American president, who, for the first time ever alienates the U.S.'s most staunch ally, Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu while at the same time sucks-up to his counterpart Vladimir Putin as the latter unilaterally decides to invade the Ukrainian territory, annexing Crimea as part of a plot intended to reclaim some of the lost territories back during the Soviet Union's dissolution of the 1990s? -- All the while, mind you, as our lame duck President, worries on how to cut a stroke or two from his golf-game at Martha's Vineyard. Hello! And, how about our swift deal with Iran providing a pathway for the world's worse state-sponsor of terror to acquire nuclear weapons; and the fact that this deal will provide the Iranians with hundreds of billions of dollars in sanctions relief? Is any of this making sense to you? And, what do you think of the fact that the Iran deal also removes restrictions on Iran's ballistic missile program; lifts the ban on conventional weapons sales; and lifts sanctions on Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps, better known for supporting terrorism across the Middle East and taking responsibility for the deaths of many American service members in Iraq and Afghanistan? Give me a break! Correct me if I am wrong, Would I be wrong in betting that anyone, with a little common sense and a functioning brain, can hastily realize that the world is now engaged in an all-out war with all the Islamic Jihadist extremists in the planet -- a war they ISIS/ISIL & Co., have pledged to wage against us -- against the infidels of Western civilization -- against the U.S. -- against each and every single American citizen? Anyone, that is, barring, of course, our beloved President, Barack Obama. Help me believe that this covert Muslim President is not one of them but one of us. Help me believe that Barack Hussein Obama has not set out to destroy our nation, as has become incessantly apparent through all his actions; help me to believe that Obama's abiding resolve to disavow extremist Muslims and Islam as our true and only enemy, is not a part of an unconcealed campaign, a part of his pledge, to transform the nation, presumably now maybe even into another caliphate -- another Islamic State group's de facto capital, this time in Washington instead of Syria. But…most of all, help me understand, please, why you and I and a great majority of mainstream Americans have done nothing about all that is wrong with the nation; and have, instead, given carte blanche to this fundamentalist Islamic President to go out and destroy our nation at will, as well he has. Help me understand why, under Barack Hussein Obama, we allowed four noble Americans be cruelly massacred by animals at our embassy in Benghazi, while at the same we went out of the way to perfidiously cover up our most obvious lack of care for the welfare of those who nobly gave their lives for the country they loved. Help me understand the hypocrisy and the double standard behind the withdrawal of boots from U.S. footholds around the world, complacently paving the way for Islamic terrorists to expand their fawning campaigns of hatred against us and everything we stand for. The last time I checked, Americans had found a way to impeach presidents, for acts and issues that really would not come close to those perpetrated by this obscure Obama character, did they not? Richard Nixon in 1974 and Bill Clinton in 1998 are two great examples, yet, neither one's offences even compared to Barack Obama's legal transgressions - all genuine grounds for impeachment. The last section of Article II, Section 4, of the Constitution, deals specifically with the grounds for impeaching the President of the United States as follows:
"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."
Help me understand, if you will, what part of any of Obama's contraventions, such as those I have cited above, could not be construed to be in some way, shape or form, treasonous? On that unassuming presumption, please help me understand what, then, has kept us as nation from impeaching this man giving him a writ-of-passage to go down in the history books, as yet just one tidy-clean President? Are we a part of the solution or are we more a part of the problem, maybe? Your call. For all of our sake, I pray to God, that our collective sanctioning of keeping this man as our President for the remaining time of his term in Office does not come back to haunt us. I pray that we will not live to regret having let this man wane into posterity uncensored, as if we do, we will have no one else to blame but ourselves for all the harm, which may ensue from our collective apathy, lethargy and ennui. We will have, for that matter, have short-changed the generations that follow us -- our sons, our daughters, their sons and daughters. Help me, please, make some sense of it all, as right now, nothing does make sense. God bless us all. May God save us all and may God save America.

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Obie Usategui——

Obie Usategui (The Patriot Obsever) and also runs AFCV-Americans For Conservative Values.  Obie is also the author of The Beginning of the End—“The transition to Communism in our own United states has come peacefully, ironically, via democratically-sanctioned elections”
