
A black & white, never-ending obnoxious play for our times, narrated by an empty chair.

How the West was Lost

By Canada Free Press ——--November 30, 2012

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How The West Was Lost: A black & white, never-ending obnoxious play for our times, narrated by an empty chair. Starring: the no-darned-good, the always bad and the downright ugly: Barry Bamster, the Cabbage Caboose Mooch, brains of the operation Jagged Jared, with mouthy sidekick the Teleprompter Kid, the Bamster’s gang The Freeloaders, et al.
Storyline to date: In the days of yore, the yahoos rode into town, shooting up the dust and frightening the women indoors. In the days of now, Bamster’s Freeloader gang tax the dust, rustle the cattle for wagyu steak and pretend to defend all womenfolk. No six shooter needed by Barry Bamster, his quick draw executive order pen, which never runs out of ink, is far more deadly. We pick up the story after his Boot Hill acceptance speech where Bamster thanked the dead for voting--twice--and having accepted the stolen identity of Our Lord and Savior thinks he’s good to go. Leaving Benghazi to eat his dust in a mushroom cloud that would gag all but the EPA, the gang rides off into the sunset of Hawaii for yet another vacation, this one 20 days long at a cost of $4-million on the backs of economically challenged taxpayers.

Nature of the Beast: Bamster’s Freeloader Gang scour the fruited plains, trampling the crops, over taxing bitter clingers, damming up all streams and rustling off the cattle, in the name of Equality. The Bamster’s favourite hideout town is Dependence, where all work is meted out through another local gang called ‘The Unionistas’ and where the local yokels are forced to line up to welcome him and his never-ending gravy train. Along the route, the gravy train tosses out rotten cabbages, broccoli, and bean sprouts to the ever hungry masses, fed up with munching on cake. Along the galloping route, the Freeloader Gang always make sure to skirt the Town of Rushton, Levin Corners, Hannityville and Beckberg. Note: Barry Bamster has many aliases and is known in Mexico and Beckberg as “Obama Pee-Pee”. To be continued...

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