
I want somebody to expose the truth about the hidden agendas, not supplant them with their own.

I need a hero

One of the things any commentator must do is stay abreast of what’s going on in the galactic wasteland we know as politics. That means you read, study, dissect, execute moral judgments and valuation or devaluations (dependent on the political leanings of the politician in question and whether or not you agree with them in general) to simply express your curmudgeonly nature by carpet bombing the entire group en masse.
Normally while inspecting the efforts of one’s peers we detect a certain level of snippiness because they get paid real money, have real expense accounts and generally surpass any and all hopes your ever had of gainful employment because some dummy thinks “you’re just a Blogger” (that one’s for you Bobbo) and as such unworthy of eating real foods paid for with real money and not something strained into a plastic bag to keep you from starvation. But I digress. Because of closely watching my “colleagues” and “betters” I’ve come to appreciate one simple fact: no matter the depth of the veneer covering these ladies and gentlemen of the fourth estate there’s still a foundation of self-importance and political correctness leaves us with a feeling of wanting like Bonnie Tyler used to so dramatically rock on about: “I need a hero!” (Written by Jim Steinman/Dean Pitchford and published by Sony/ATV Melody) As there’s nobody in the political realm strikes me as being particularly heroic as of this moment I was hoping to find a “hero” in the press and/or broadcast media wanted to step-up and claim the cape designating them as such. So far it ain’t happenin’. Nobody wants to look Hilarity Clinton in the eye and say: “Nobody believes what you’re saying including your sycophants at the New York Times”. Or, “all of this you describe isn’t just a matter of partisan politics it’s a straight-forward insurrection demanding you explain your incompetence, your deviousness and your duplicity in failure to act caused the death of a US Ambassador (you remember Chris Stevens, right?) and the other real heroes in Benghazi.” Nobody says: “this has resulted from the people’s hue and cry for justice for those men and the fact you and your equally incompetent, devious and duplicitous boss refuse to pursue that justice because you’ll then be outed as what you are: STUPID”. But we can’t leave out the never asked question as to why nobody asks the question: “Ms. Clinton don’t you understand nobody but your campaign people believe a word you say and the rest of the world recognizes your total lack of integrity, honesty, rectitude or morals”. It has to be recognized retribution and revenge are dishes best served cold; but, the valor of taking one for the team (meaning America) does have its benefits. Somebody needs to get with the program and remember the greats in the press and media.

Guys like Edward R. Murrow, Walter Cronkite, Chet Huntley, David Brinkley, Eric Severeid, (excuse me while I choke) Babba Walters, Ed Bradley and a host of others took their responsibility seriously as it pertained to REPORTING THE NEWS and not merely accepting the pap and dribble spewed from unclean lips as being the gospel according to X, Y, or Z. Why does nobody have the temerity (that’s PC for balls), to ask questions seeking truth rather than the pat statements dancing around the truth like a Socialist May Pole ready to fall at any given moment from the shoddy construction holding it upright. It’s only upright because the ribbon dancers refuse to tug too hard lest they be seen as non-PC? I think you can see the dilemma facing all of us. Where the left-wing of this political vulture masquerading as an American Eagle is willing to NOT seem PC in interviews of right-wing candidates, the same can’t be said for the allegedly Conservative press and media. The right reeks of PCness and looks to cover the smell with platitudes and hackneyed bromides about civility in the fourth estate. Those of us here in the trenches are screaming for the incoming harangue of left-wing nut jobs to be answered by a truth barrage issued from our big guns at pressers and photo-ops. Oh well, what else can be said? Like Bonnie sings. “Where have all the good men gone and where are all of the gods? Where’s the street-wise Hercules to fight the rising odds?” I want somebody to expose the truth about the hidden agendas, not supplant them with their own. Thanks for listening

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Richard J. “Sarge” Garwood is a retired Law Enforcement Officer with 30 years service; a syndicated columnist in Louisiana. Married with 2 sons.
