
Can you find any reason to believe that Obama has done anything to make the middle class stronger?

If Obama’s Economy is a Joke, then What is Clinton Lying about Again!

By Dr. Phil Taverna ——--September 28, 2012

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The Clinton ad is a joke. And people seem to forget that Billy Bob was the only US President to bring disgrace to the Oval Office. And he is the only president to be impeached for lying. You have to be pretty dumb to get impeached for lying under oath. And he did have a law degree.
I have been told that people were working when he was president. The unemployment numbers for the most part are cyclic, if there are no outside forces. It peaks every ten years and then it goes down. So in June 1992 the unemployment was 7.8. By the time Slick took over it was already down to 7.3 in January 1993. So it must have been due to the policies of President Bush Sr. Clinton’s low point was 3.9 in April 2000. It already began to rise from that point. When President GW took over it was already up to 4.2. Can we blame the rise on Clinton’s Policies? In 2007 it became obvious that the banks and the Democrats devalued the housing market. So by June 2007 the unemployment numbers began to rise. And they peaked in October 2009 at 10%. When Obama took office the numbers were 7.8. And it can be argued that the numbers are still 10% or higher if we include the underemployed and those who have surrendered. If over 50% of the new college graduates can’t get jobs, then the numbers are grossly undervalued and since it is an election year who would have thought otherwise.

Clinton’s economy did not pick up until he lowered capital gains tax

If you recall, Clinton raised income taxes retroactively to a time before he took office. He signed NAFTA with his Democrat congress. And there was a giant sucking sound as manufacturing jobs were being shipped out of America to a tune of about 100,000 American jobs a month at some points. The good news is that every time you close a business in America, people are put to work to move the records and equipment. Buildings need to be vacated and sold or boarded up. And America sold construction goods etc. to other countries to build factories to house our American factories in other countries. And the stock market bloomed under Clinton and a portion of that growth was the dot com era of growth, which for the most part was a failure. Enron was one of those future blue chips that became a black marker instead. According to Morris, Clinton’s economy did not pick up until he lowered capital gains tax. To recap, Clinton raised the taxes on everyone and the economy was flat. When he lowered capital gains tax the economy began to prosper. And I always ask: What percentage of the middle class gain financially from an increase in capital gains? Do the rich gain more from capital gains tax reduction than the middle class? So let’s assume that the rich are more willing to take risks with lower capital gains tax so they spend more money and put more money at risk and as a result more jobs are created.

Obama has actively tried to regulate everything from his oval office with little or no approval from congress

If we look at Obama’s first 4 years, he raised taxes by passing Obamacare. He keeps threatening to raise taxes on the rich. As a result his economy is in the toilet. And Obama has not deregulated anything. He had actively tried to regulate everything from his oval office with little or no approval from congress. This has not helped the economy! So now lets look at Clinton’s lies, sorry I mean the Obama ad:
“This election to me is about which candidate is more likely to return us to full employment. This is a clear choice. The Republican plan is to cut more taxes on upper income people and go back to deregulation. That’s what got us in trouble in the first place”
Thank God, Clinton isn’t under oath! What got us in trouble was Clinton sending 100,000’s of American jobs to other countries while his friends became filthy rich. Clinton started increasing the entitlements while the real jobs in America were dwindling. As a result Clinton added $1.5 trillion to the national debt and who knows how much he stole as IOU’s from the entitlements like social security. And many of the people Clinton kicked off the welfare roles ended up on permanent disability. So Clinton has this all wrong. What got us in trouble was that the real revenues coming in were being reduced in relationship to what would end up going out. In other words if you are losing 100,000 jobs a week, you eventually lose that tax revenue. In the end social programs like head start, children’s food programs and healthcare begin to shift the balance of real revenue versus government spending.
“President Obama has a plan to re-build America from the ground up, investing in innovation, education and job training. It only works if there was a strong middle class. That’s what happened when I was president. We need to keep going with his plan. I am Barack Obama and I approve this message.”
Again we have more lies. Clinton started the police program when the US government subsidized more police personnel for only 2-3 years. It may have falsified his employment numbers but after a few years these folks were no longer subsidized by Clinton. The real question is in the last 4 years: What has Obama done to encourage innovation, education and job training? To answer the question substantially, and if you are honest the answer is nothing. It is true that you need to employ the middle class so they can pay the bulk of the revenue to the government. I don’t think Clinton means “strong”. He really means employed with real jobs paying taxes so we can reduce the debt caused by all the unconscionable government spending. So far Obama has overspent about a trillion dollars a year. He didn’t have to deal with Katrina. He didn’t have to deal with 911. He could have gotten us out of Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen etc. He could have spent money protecting our embassies and their personnel, but he was too busy campaigning. In the end, Obama has nothing to show the middle class. Obama has made a lot of people rich. He has made bankers rich. He has made his friends rich by allowing them to move their factories to China and making it easy for them to sell their inferior products to Americans. Obama has made it easier for our American business phones to be answered in foreign countries. Can you find any reason to believe that Obama has done anything to make the middle class stronger? So when Clinton says we need to keep going with his (Obama) plan, I didn’t know Obama had a plan. Did you? The only plan I see is 24 million people not employed and on some kind of government assistance. I see $6 trillion dollars more of debt and that to grow more exponentially as Obamacare takes effect. Some one should call Clinton on his lies? What is the Obama plan? If he knows, he should share it with us. But if we look at Obama’s numbers, America can’t afford another 4 years of Obama’s failed policies. Even if Clinton continues to lie about them, it won’t make the middle class strong. Matter of fact, it won’t make any American strong. Do you think it might be time to send the liars back to Chicago and Arkansas?

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Dr. Phil Taverna——

Dr. Phil is the author of “Is Now the Time for Revolution or Aggressive Reform: Volume 1”.  Dr. Phil seeks a solution to the bi-polarization of America and a common sense solution to bringing peace to the political anger. He has hosted talk radio shows and has written newspaper and internet columns.

Dr. Taverna has presented seminars nationally.  He has attended Utica College of Syracuse University,  Wagner College, NYU School of Dentistry, and Seton Hall School of Law.
