
A political war is about to erupt, and the Democrats are preparing to go for the jugular

In Face of GOP Sweep, Democrats Scheme

By Douglas V. Gibbs ——--November 6, 2014

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In Face of GOP Sweep, Democrats Scheme
The Republicans were victorious during the 2014 Election in much the same way they were in the mid-term election in 2010. The GOP, thanks to this latest election, put a good number of Republican Governors in blue States, obtained an historic majority in the House of Representatives, and have gained a few seat majority in the Senate, which will launch a two-year hell, or heaven, for the Democrats, and President Barack Obama.
I am sure Nancy Pelosi is sitting in her jet, surrounded by bottles of booze, trying to figure out what happened. . . because she doesn't know anybody that votes Republican. Harry Reid is wondering if he should enlist the services of a shredding machine before he relinquishes control as a Senate Majority Leader. Barack Obama knows that for the next two years it will be fun for him. He gets to play king, and do all he can without Congress. He has already shown us that he believes congressional participation in government is optional, especially if the Congress is run by a bunch of Republicans. When news that the GOP may be able to take the Senate back began to emerge as we approached last Tuesday's election, I am sure the Democrats were confused. The leftists thought they had turned the corner, that they would be in power in perpetuity. After all, they think America believes their accusations that the members of the Republican Party are racist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic bigots that cling to their religion and their guns, and if the GOP was in control, the nation would descend into chaos, where every city would become Ferguson, Missouri; abortion would be outlawed; school shootings would rise to epic proportions; and grandmas everywhere would be forced to eat canned cat food in order to survive. An animal cornered is a dangerous one, and now that the Democrats have lost the legislative branch, the final two years of Barack Obama will turn into a war of ideology that will have the writers of textbooks confused on how to spin it. In the end, however, we all know it will wind up being Bush's fault. The liberal left media is saying that the Republican sweep during Tuesday's election was not a call for the nation to turn towards conservatism, but that the voters are calling for compromise. Compromise, to the Democrats, means that the Republicans move towards the leftists. The Party of the Jackass never compromises. They have no intention to compromise. And now, every single Republican offer from Congress will be met with cries of racism, sexism, and that the Republicans are haters of one group, or another. Victimhood will increasingly rise from the land of Democrat voters, and an ugly confrontation may be on the near horizon. Expect attacks against anyone who dares to stand against liberal left progressivism. . . especially against those pastors of churches that dared the IRS, as they preached politics and endorsed candidates, during this election cycle. The anti-Christian agenda we saw by the lesbian mayor of Houston is only the start, and understand, Mayor Annise Parker's hatred for Christians, and Christianity, is not only her own belief, but the prominent attitude throughout the Democrat Party. We witnessed their attitude regarding God during the Democratic National Convention in 2012 when the decision to return God to the DNC platform was pelted with boos and hisses.

Media spinners have already put out there that if the Republicans don't behave, they will pay the piper.

Media spinners have already put out there that if the Republicans don't behave, they will pay the piper. If there is another government shutdown, the media will make sure it hurts the GOP. Offer a budget (or continuing resolution) that gives Obama everything he wants, or he will veto it and there will be no elephant voted into the White House in 2016. That threat by the Democrats goes all the way across the board. Give Obama what he wants, or he will veto it, and the Republicans will be painted as everything evil in the world, from being racists to sexists, and everything else you can think of. Mitch McConnell, who is suspected to be the next Senate Majority Leader, is already making plans to capitulate, offering a willingness to raise the debt ceiling if Obama allows spending cuts that will never happen. It's like a friend once told me, if your house is full of crap, you don't raise the ceiling to allow more room for more crap. You flush the toilet. Conservative Republican Senator Mike Lee says the GOP will be working on reining in Obama's lawlessness against the Constitution, while seeking to dismantle Obama's policies where possible. Barack Obama's main target will be amnesty. Immigration reform as defined by the Democrats, they believe, will change the voter demographics of this nation, and prevent any future "shellackings" by Republicans against the Democrats. Amnesty, as it did to California, could also be used to flip Texas for good, and the Democrats believe that once Texas belongs to them, the Democrats will rule over America from the White House in perpetuity. While the media is calling for Republicans to reach across the aisle, the reality is that, in terms of platform, conservatives have nothing in common with liberal leftists, so there is nothing to reach across the aisle about. If there is going to be any foolish acts of compromising with a party that is set on destroying their opposition, and this nation as it was founded, it will be by progressive republicans that are more interested in their own version of government power, than what is best for America, and within the authorities granted by the United States Constitution. Some members of the media have suggested that Barack Obama will go into "legacy mode," and, like Bill Clinton did at the end of his second term, will begin to work with Republicans. Don't hold your breath. It all depends on what your definition of "legacy" is.

Obama will go into totalitarianism mode

Obama doesn't care about his legacy in the way that we all may think, because he doesn't care about what is best for America in a traditional manner. He is a hard left pupil of the writings of people like Saul Alinsky, and he wants his legacy to be that he was the man that finally enabled America to break the chains of Americanism, and launched in the United States a new era of socialism, and enabled an expanded presidency wielding the kind of power you only see in the hands of dictators, fuhrers, and Caesars. At first, President Barack Obama will make it look like he is trying to work with the Republicans. He will meet with them, give us plenty of photo ops of him smiling with people like McConnell and Boehner, and then, Obama will go into totalitarianism mode, claiming the GOP refused to work with him, Congress is broken, and if anything is going to get done, he has to do it himself. Then the tyranny will get really ugly, and Obama will finally set aside the counterfeit smile, and reveal his true face. He will proclaim that he tried to work with the racist, sexist, klansmen of the Republican Party, and it is time for revolution against the conservative, rightwing extremists, and the uninformed voters will believe him. The Keystone Pipeline will be the first dart thrown by the Republicans, followed by legislation that will place limits on Obamacare, and slow down the more liberal policies of gun control, and big brother tactics. The Republicans, however, are gun shy. They believe the government shutdown hurt them. . . yet it helped Senator Ted Cruz rise to prominence and a possible bid for President in 2016. If the government shutdown was such a disaster, how is it the architect of it benefited greatly for his performance during the shutdown? Could it be that the disaster that was the government shutdown was not a disaster after all, but a manufactured disaster as defined by the media? It depends on what kind of voter you talk to.

Barack Obama was on the ticket, and the jury of voters ruled him to be guilty

Despite the media spin that the 2014 Election was a call for compromise, the reality is that Barack Obama was on the ticket, and the jury of voters ruled him to be guilty. Obama lost this election, and those who supported him also lost big. Environmentalist candidates were gunned down at the polls in massive numbers. Gun control candidates were also shot down without remorse. Black conservatives won in incredible numbers, including Tim Scott in South Carolina, and Mia Love in Utah; both achieving historic victories in areas where black electoral victors are not the norm, much less blacks that are conservative Republicans. Last June, Barack Obama said, "I don't really care to be President without the Senate." A number of critics suggest that Obama will spend more time on the golf course, and will be seeking his exit back to civilian life. Statists don't work like that. They use smoke and mirrors, trying to get you to think one thing, while something else is actually happening. While you are watching his left hand, his right hand will be scheming. Over the next two years will will see a massive expansion of executive powers perpetrated by Barack Obama, but nobody will be the wiser because they will be too busy criticizing him for being on the golf course so much. These powers will be orchestrated primarily through the regulatory agencies, and will have a shelf life of only being any good during Obama's presidency. If a Republican wins in 2016, the Democrats will suddenly become strict constructionists, calling for constitutional constraints on the President, sounding more like anti-federalists than the Marxist statists that they really are. Meanwhile, during the next two years, fully expect vetoes, and executive orders, in record numbers, and expect those executive orders to slash the Constitution with legislative intent written all over them. The questions, however, that arise during the next two years will not have to do as much with whether or not Barack Obama will turn deeper into unconstitutional power mode, but if the Republicans in control of the two Houses of Congress will have the intestinal fortitude to call him on it, and do something about it. I am guessing the gutless GOP will probably slink into the corner, afraid to confront Obama beyond certain limits. I hope I am wrong. If anything, Barack Obama sees this election as a heavenly occurrence, giving him an excuse to expand his power, and perhaps scheme on how to use the Republican Majority against the GOP's future political advances. The propaganda machine is getting ready to fire up at full throttle. At first Barry will act like he is trying to work with the Republicans, then he will give us an image that will look like him throwing his arms up in the air, and then it will get ugly. Ferguson, Missouri ugly? Perhaps. Kent State ugly? Maybe. The goal will be to do anything, and I mean anything, to make sure the Democrats win in 2016, not just the White House, but full control over Congress. The Democrats are preparing to go for broke. Otherwise, it will be another sixteen years before they have another opportunity.

A political war is about to erupt, and the Democrats are preparing to go for the jugular

The Associated Press says that Barack Obama is acting defiant in the face of this defeat. He's not being defiant. His responses have been consistent with those in history that have been labeled "tyrants." A political war is about to erupt, and the Democrats are preparing to go for the jugular. Victorious Republicans face familiar dilemma: Fight, or cut deals- Yahoo! News/Reuters The Day After: Obama, GOP, in New Political Dynamic - My Way News President Barack Obama threatens vetoes and executive orders after GOP sweep - U.K. Daily Mail Day After Defeats, Obama Strikes Defiant Tone - Associated Press Obama Flashback: 'I don't really care to be President without the Senate' - Breitbart Tim Scott Blasts Democratic 'Race-Baiting' - Business Insider Mia Love Celebrates Big Victory in Utah: "I wasn't elected because of the color of my skin." - Breitbart Climate Change Supporters Suffer Losses - The Hill Second Amendment Crushes Gun Control Candidates in Midterm Elections - Breitbart Mixed Message? Obama strikes bipartisan tone after GOP wins, vows exec action on immigration - Fox News Obama May Cut Deportations - Wall Street Journal Rogue Pastors endorse candidates, but IRS looks away - Politico Amidst Boos and Multiple Votes, DNC Reverses Position and Reinstates God, and Jerusalem - You Tube Texas Lesbian Democrat Reveals Her Party's Anti-Christian Agenda - BarbWire Houston Pastor: Gay Rights Agenda "Systematically Deconstructing God's Created Order" - CNS News

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Douglas V. Gibbs——

Douglas V. Gibbs of Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary, has been featured on “Hannity” and “Fox and Friends” on Fox News Channel, and other television shows and networks.  Doug is a Radio Host on KMET 1490-AM on Saturdays with his Constitution Radio program, as well as a longtime podcaster, conservative political activist, writer and commentator.  Doug can be reached at douglasvgibbs [at] yahoo.com or constitutionspeaker [at] yahoo.com.
