
While artificial, inconsequential divisions of identity politics will undo us, United We the People will stand

Martin Luther King, Jr. Established a Blueprint to Ensure Voting Rights for All Americans

Since American citizens are celebrating the birth of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. today, it is fitting that Americans review again the reasons that the fight for suffrage for black citizens was not only one of the most substantial foundations for a free Republic in our nation’s history, but also in world history. Although the Thirteenth Amendment of the Constitution abolished slavery in the nation, voting rights for black citizens took nearly 100 more years to secure. Several legal breakthroughs began to weaken the stranglehold the Southern Democrats had upon the Solid South in the late 1950s. Yet, the extreme irony is that the victories of the Civil Rights Movement in securing the right to vote for Black citizens is being unraveled by the wanna-be tyrants of today.

An attack upon the voting rights of any American citizen is a threat to the suffrage of all citizens. And, despite propaganda from the corporate mainstream media manufacturing plants, there are several violations of election laws from one end of the country to the other. In the same way that political propaganda originated from wealthy slave-owning landowners to mentally manipulate the population of the Deep South, the major media moguls of today spew political propaganda to confuse or mentally manipulate low-information and ignorant voters. Yet, the rigging of elections is multifaceted and extremely nefarious.

Just as in the day of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. several citizens‘ right to vote today is being infringed upon in a criminal manner. However, this time it is done by both major political parties and they will do whatever they can get away with, or whatever citizens continue to tolerate. The efforts of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and especially the success or victories of the Civil Rights patriots who sacrificed so much – even some losing their lives – is now even more inspirational in light of what has been going on in the nation for several decades. Those Civil Rights patriots fought for the rights that should have been rightfully guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Sadly, America has come full circle to this turbulent time of the 1960s as many elitists would love to control as many citizens’ rights as possible.

Elitists’ in the UniParty seem to believe common citizens have little capability to think about who they honestly want leading in the government positions – whether such officials are elected or not. However, citizens are not as ignorant as the elitists in the UniParty. Patriots who have not drank the MSM Kool-Aid are currently fighting for fair and honest elections all across America. Pockets of patriotism exist from one end of the nation to the other. Much is being done in such a time as this. Nevertheless, some efforts are useless and simply have the appearance of solving the real problems of a broken election system. This is also compounded by a broken or corrupt justice system.

In recent years, Americans who have “eyes to see” and “ears to hear” have been awakened to the corruption within the election system as well as in the arena of justice (or injustice) in our society. The effort to repair the damage will take much longer than it took to establish such a nefarious network of deception and manipulation. The model for nearly absolute control of the election system was the control one political party exercised in the Solid South – eliminating the right to vote of an entire race of people! In carefully looking back at that time, what King and the volunteers of the Civil Rights Movement were fighting for can now be compared to the current fight for election integrity and validity of elections. Most Americans still do not know what they do not know when it comes to the hidden criminal corruption in our sacred election system.

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Yet, those who are aware of the broken election system do not always have solutions, nor do many know what to do in light of such massive corruption. Solutions will come even slower if people are satisfied with sitting on their rear ends and bitching about the problems, rather than rolling up their sleeves and working to fix things. Additionally, genuine solutions will be even slower if citizens are continually deceived by grifters or political operatives posing as saviors, yet possessing little motivation other than separating naive citizens from their money. These delays and distractions also includes political candidates, pandering for donations, who have weak wills to act boldly, or who only possess an anemic or incomplete understanding of the multiple levels of criminal manipulation of the election system. Without a clear conscience within the individual working in the current election system, there will be little integrity in our elections.

Solutions will come when patriots unite and begin to work together to demand and ensure honest elections. Becoming awake to the threats, ones that are visible as well as ones that remain unseen, is the first step. Continued awareness is a good second step. Communication with others of the threats is the critical stage and one in which diversion or outright suppression of expression is a warning of the erosion of one of our precious First Amendment rights. If there is an outright cover-up of the planned irregularities, it is a scandal worse than Watergate, and is borderline treason against the Constitution and against the free people of the Republic.

When one considers that one of the most important expressions one can contribute to a Free Republic is their vote, if one’s voice of consent or disapproval of elected officials is negated election after election, it is a red flag – a dangerous sign that our most important contribution to the Republic is being trampled. This is why the Democrats and other elitists are so worried and express concerns about the “threats to democracy.” It is because in a democracy the so-called “leaders” do not have to listen to minority voices. This is why the Democrats in the Deep South could exercise nearly total dominion over Black citizens.

When freedom of speech is stifled or silenced, and when one’s voice at the ballot box is muted and essentially eliminated, one must wonder: How much more will attacks upon our freedoms be tolerated? The illusion of elections are not genuine elections! 

Since 2020, many unanswered questions or unaddressed concerns hover like dark clouds over the entire system of electing the ‘leaders’ in our states and our nation.


If citizens are having their voting rights destroyed through dilution of the ballots or by electronic manipulation of the tabulations, the right to vote for citizens is meaningless.

One key element of the Civil Rights Movement was about exposing the blatant corruption of the Southern Democrats to the rest of the nation. Yet, the amazing thing about the Civil Rights Movement is that it provides a blueprint for resistance to a corrupt system, as well as the way to reverse the civil abuses against citizens. Rev. King and the civil rights activists provided a legal pathway to fight for not only the right to vote, but to have the vote count. True American citizens need to re-examine this blueprint that still exists within the legal records. It is important for those who are able to work together to retain the Republic. While artificial, inconsequential divisions of identity politics will undo us, United “We the People” will stand.

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Jonus Freeman—— Jonus Freeman is a conservative political commentator who has written for numerous online publications including Canada Free Press, Communities Digital News, Examiner.com, Fairfax Free Citizen, Red State, and The Washington Times (Communities)
