
Parallels with Nazi Germany

National Socialism III - The Enabling Act

Shortly after the Nazi seizure of power on January 30, 1933, when things were still a bit dicey for the nascent Nazi hold on the German government, especially where Franz von Papen, a conservative, was nominated to exert some control over the boisterous Herr Adolf Hitler in the new cabinet after the aging Field Marshal Paul Von Hindenburg selected Adolf Hitler as German Chancellor, the Reichstag caught fire on February 27, 1933. This bit of high camp came just six days before the latest round of parliamentary elections were slated to take place, throwing the Nazi leadership into an uproar.

Immediately the Nazi hierarchy recognized that this singular act of arson destroying the nation's capitol, though perpetrated by an insane Dutch house painter and communist named Marinus van der Lubbe (who was promptly arrested, incarcerated at Dachau, and finally shot in the waning moments of WW II), was their trump card to a speedy national take over, that it must be played immediately, and was.    The government immediately announced that preliminary investigations showed that the fire was all part of a gigantic nationwide communist plot, and in order to save Germany, drastic actions must be taken.   Goering, Minister President of Prussia and head of the Gestapo at the time, moving quickly despite his growing bulk, got signatures from the Ministry of the Interior, the Reich's Cabinet, and finally obtained Reich's President Paul von Hindenburg's on the document which was written that very day.    This law, The Order of the Reich President for the Protection of People and State, or simply the Enabling Act, was very interesting.   First of all, under its Article 48, which gave Reichs President Hindenburg almost unlimited powers during an emergency, he disbanded the parliament.  Then Article 1 suspended freedom of expression, public assembly, freedom of the press, and the privacy of the home.  Articles 2 and 3 allowed the central government to assume powers regularly reserved to the states, while Articles 4 and 5 established pitiless penalties for certain crimes and brought back the use of the guillotine.   So there you have it - a legal assumption of power by Hitler, a fire destroying the nation's capitol as a catalyst, a quasi-legal act doing away with the people's previously specified rights under the Weimar Constitution, and presto - a national socialist state with a dictatorial leader, or Fuehrer, just a month after Hitler's legal election.   Today, in our increasingly national socialist America, President Obama's economic policies are coming to resemble those of previous fascist states, where our entire banking system, our automotive industry, including their rates of pay and the appointments of their boards and CEOs, are completely government controlled.    Now we are told that our health care will soon be nationalized and then allocated to us, drop by drop, regardless of our illness, depending on our age, by an increasingly inimical socialist government;   while, under the guise of man made climate impact, the government reaches farther into our daily lives to save us from ourselves by regulating our energy use and cost by carbon trading and by naming the element 'Carbon', which occurs naturally, a poison to be regulated;  all while our bi-cameral system becomes more fascist in its actions every day.  Just as the government, under the mantle of cyber security, is reaching into our home computers to guard against "cyber' attacks from without, even as this defense results in their reading our thoughts within.    However, President Obama still lacks that perfect enabling act for his left wing, the progressives, the Democrats, the far left radicals, the anarchists and bomb throwers like Bill Ayres and Bernardino Dohrn, the hard core communists, the New Black Panthers fresh from their cases being dropped for their predations at the voting booth by Obama's Eric Holder, those who have wanted to control us since the 1960s, those who have preached and used the Coward-Piven strategy to perfection, those men who have schooled the young President Obama like Frank Marshall Davis, those who have listened at the knee of the far left radical Saul Alinsky like Hillary Clinton, for the criminal organization ACORN to completely control the census, the agents of Radical Fascist Islam, to finally seize unbridled power in America.   It is the Fourth of July in 2009.  And as the echoes of the firecrackers and cherry bombs fade into the soft night, as the shimmering gossamer-like fireworks slowly disappear into the smoky cordite-laced ether, while the fireflies Aldiss lamp their locations to their unseen mates, and as the old boys, the fading generation of Tarawa and Iwo Jima and Normandy regale us with their real reminiscences of valor for a country now gone with the wind, President Obama and his cronies are beginning to fashion their own enabling act, their own Order for the Protection of People and State.   Somewhere, cosseted deep in the Beltway, far from the prying eyes of honest working folk, those who hope to wrest the final bit of power away from the people and the constitution (that ancient scrap of paper which only impedes them on their march to absolute power), are preparing to repeal Article 22 of the US Constitution.   Article 22, you see, limits the US President to two terms.  It is a problem for President Obama.  It prevents him from turning the United States of America into a totally national socialist state under a lifetime of "his steady hand on the helm" (as Enver Hoxha described Stalin's leadership in his memoirs).  Pretty soon MoveOn.Org, Media Matters, and all the other Soros-Democrat front groups will begin beating their drums for its repeal because its part of that worthless US Constitution, which was, it is well known, written by white men who had no real understanding of life, liberty, or the pusuit of happiness, and paid no personal price for the production of the document.   Yep, Article 22 will soon be be on the fast track for repeal.  And with its disappearance we become either a national socialist state if we have any money left, or a banana republic if we are broke.  Can President Obama get it done in his first two hundred days?  He has already missed Goering's deadline.   All Heil Rock and Roll!  Listen for the growing chorus of repeal.

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John Burtis——

John Burtis is a former Broome County, NY firefighter, a retired Santa Monica, CA, police officer. He obtained his BA in European History at Boston University and is fluent in German. He resides in NH with his wife, Betsy.

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