
American Revolution, Patriots all, organize with your neighbors, ignite the light of liberty in every church and synagogue through out the land, and carp on your legislators, federal, state, and local

Obama …Bipartisan?

By Dr. Gerald Stephens ——--November 14, 2010

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What arrogant gall! The creature that waged twenty months of unremitting partisan assault on The United States of America, its people, and the constitution is now seeking cover for his monumental voter rejection by pleading for bi-partisan cooperation. The only recognizable ‘bi’ feature of his existence is that of his mental function being bi-polar.

Lest we forget, the first American Revolution required eight long years of sacrifice, struggle, and family members never returning to the home they left for the fight. The ‘Battle of November 2’, as that at Concord, is only the beginning. We have refreshed our legislative forces infusing new vigor into the fight for the protection and defense of the constitution but they now require our constant and continuous support in the work we have tasked them to perform. An indispensable function exhibited by the Colonials was their ability to communicate news of the fight to every town, village, and hinterland. They sent word of the enemy, lists of available vital supplies, and knowledge of the local geography to Washington and his forces. They frequently bolstered his army along the way with new volunteers, many to fight and others to lend a hand in whatever lay within their giving. Imagine such dedication during many of those dark years from 1776 to 1784. Americans they were! The present enemy commenced their assault believing that 21st Century Americans are soft, stupid and to lazy to effectively interfere or stop their conquest of the nation and its people. They believed that there army of collaborators, union mercenaries, and gangster cadres were surely capable of overwhelming the dupes. Like all battle plans they launched an initial offensive designed to test what level of resistance they could expect. It took the guise of ‘bailout’ quickly followed by industrial and other corporate takeovers. Emboldened by puny resistance and clear indications that the dupes did not comprehend what had just happened, they immediately double downed for destruction and control of the medical care delivery system, a most crucial element in any society. True to historic form, Glorious America and its steely citizens got the message and struck the bastards a powerful blow but not yet a fatal one. Like Washington’s barefoot, starving and frozen troops, we must stay in the fight until constitutional governance is absolute from coast to coast and border to border. Patriots all, organize with your neighbors, ignite the light of liberty in every church and synagogue through out the land, and carp on your legislators, federal, state, and local until each wears a golden ‘C’ on their forehead or jacket in recognition that they got the message also. Buy a special calendar on which you note frequent reminders to contact our citizen legislators to alert them they are being scrutinized, and that we understand the meaning of the word ‘primaries’. Assuming they will perform as expected, do not be reserved in giving praise. When the mission is complete there will be time for rejoicing and rest.

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Dr. Gerald Stephens——

Dr. Gerald Stephens is a former Marine and retired Chiropractic Physician, a member of the NRA and a strong Constitutionalist.
