
Southern California, illegal immigration issues

Obama sucks up to La Raza

After all, he needs the votes. Who cares if those voting can do so legally or not…?

Obama, the “post-racial” candidate, pandered Sunday to a group of Hispanic activists that calls itself “The Race.” The only thing that was missing at the convention of the National Council of La Raza was his wearing a Mexican flag lapel pin. La Raza has ties it refuses to condemn with the likes of MECHa, a group that has spent the last three decades indoctrinating Latino students on American campuses, claiming the states of California, Arizona, Mexico, Texas and southern Colorado were stolen and should be returned to their rightful owners, the people of Mexico.
If you’ve ever spend any kind of time in Southern California, illegal immigration issues are local news.
The group is not some Hispanic version of the Rotary Club. It supports driver’s licenses for illegal aliens and in-state tuition rates for illegal aliens. The open-borders group opposes the border fence and any cooperation between local law enforcement and federal authorities such as Immigration and Customs Enforcement in enforcing U.S. immigration laws. Its goal is not assimilation.
Here’s the candidate that will unite us all, that is, except those for whom he needs to “push back”. One thing a President Obama will need to be reminded of: he will be our nation’s chief law enforcement officer. That also means enforcing and protecting our sovereign borders. But once Obama gets what he wants, all bets are off. Just ask his supporters…

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Bob Parks——

Bob Parks is a is a member/writer of the National Advisory Council of Project 21. Bob’s websites are Black & Right and youtube.com/BlackAndRight
