
Obama’s record speaks for itself

Obama traded Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl as a covert anti-war activist

By Judi McLeod ——--June 3, 2014

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President Barack Obama has much in common with Robert Bergdahl, father of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, traded for five of the Taliban’s most dangerous terrorists. Both Bergdahl and Obama are active anti-war activists of the anti-American Code Pink stripe.
Robert Bergdahl made clear his anti-war activism with a deleted Tweet: “I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners,” the tweet said, according to various screen grabs. The tweet was subsequently deleted. “God will repay for the death of every Afghan child, ameen.”(Washington Post, June 2, 2014) Like Obama, Bergdahl Senior works to free ALL Guantanamo prisoners. Proof is in the deleted Tweet unearthed by former GOP rep Allen West; Bergdahl Senior’s words, thanks to the Internet, have now gone viral. Better known as a community organizer working the streets of Chicago, Obama is a covert anti-war activist, whose agenda was in action during his first presidential campaign when he was working with Code Pink--America’s publicly-funded prime anti-war organization. “On his second full day in office, President Obama issued an executive order to review the disposition of prisoners being held at the naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and ordered that the detention facility be closed within a year”. Executive Order: Review and Disposition of Individuals Detained at the Whitehouse.gov Guantanamo Bay Naval base and Closure of Detention Facility, Jan. 22, 2009.

“According to the administration, closure of the facility is the ultimate goal.  The order establishes a review process with the goal of disposing of the detainees before closing the facility. 
“According to the White House, "The Order sets up an immediate review to determine whether it is possible to transfer detainees to third countries, consistent with national security.  If transfer is not approved, a second review will determine whether prosecution is possible and in what forum.  The preference is for prosecution in Article III courts or under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), but military commissions, perhaps with revised authorities, would remain an option.  If there are detainees who cannot be transferred or prosecuted, the review will examine the lawful options for dealing with them.  The Attorney General will coordinate the review and the Secretaries of Defense, State, and Homeland Security as well as the DNI and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will participate." 
“The order also requires that conditions of confinement at Guantanamo, until its closure, comply with the Geneva Conventions. "The message that we are sending the world is that the United States intends to prosecute the ongoing struggle against violence and terrorism and we are going to do so vigilantly and we are going to do so effectively and we are going to do so in a manner that is consistent with our values and our ideals," Obama said after signing the order.” “The executive order clearly comports with Obama's campaign pledge to close Gitmo, and now sets the timeline for one year. But there is still work to be done, and until the detention center actually closes, we'll keep the status at In the Works.”
The executive order to close Gitmo, which would have released all Gitmo prisoners failed in part because most countries were not willing to commit to taking the violent prisoners in. So-called ‘super prisons’ to replace Gitmo, like the Thomson Correctional Center, an empty super maximum security prison in northwestern Illinois, also had to be abandoned. (New York Times, Dec. 15, 2009) Overlooked in the raging controversy of whether Sgt. Bergdahl was a deserter rather than a POW, is Obama’s timeline in the days leading up to the Saturday announcement that he had been traded for the Gitmo release of the Taliban’s five most dangerous members. On Sunday of the recent Memorial Day weekend, Obama quietly slipped into Afghanistan. No information is available as to the timing of the whistle-stop visit, but the trip was made in the middle of the burgeoning VA scandal. On the following Monday, Obama laid a wreath at Arlington marking Memorial Day 2014. On Tuesday, Obama announced that he aims to keep 9,800 troops in Afghanistan after the war formally ends this year, while pledging a near-total withdrawal by the end of 2016. (Fox News, May 27, 2014) On Wednesday, Obama addressed graduating cadets at West Point, telling them that “U.S. military adventures” were over: “Since World War II, some of our most costly mistakes came not from our restraint, but from our willingness to rush into military adventures--without thinking through the consequences; without building international support and legitimacy for our action.” (The Blaze, May 28, 2014) Since their arrival in the White House, Obama and his wife Michelle have gone a long way to spin the image they are pro-military. Long pre-dating Michelle Obama’s well-touted war on childhood obesity called “Let’s Move!”, her first chosen ‘signature’ initiative was improving the lives of military families: “Michelle Obama is emulating her predecessors, with a difference. Her signature initiative--improving the lives of military families--has become a personal mission and an emotional cause.” (USNews.com, March 26, 2009) Long overlooked is Obama’s allegiance to Code Pink. Code Pink: Women for Peace, organized November 17, 2002, a self-professed NGO that describes itself as a “grassroots, peace and social justice movement, working to end US-funded wars and occupations; to challenge militarism globally, and to redirect our resources into health care, education, green jobs and other life-affirming activities”, has long been the main face of America’s anti-war movement. “In April 2007, the Obama Presidential Campaign announced that Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans was one of its early fundraising bundlers. In June, 2008 Evans met with Obama at a high-priced fundraiser. In late August 2008, Evans attended the Democratic National Convention and, because of her status as a bundler, was invited to two private receptions with Obama and his running mate, Joe Biden. (DiscoverTheNetworks) “On June 19, 2009 Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans visited the White House and met with Buffy Wicks, the deputy of Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett. That same month, Evans visited the White House residence. “ Is the current president of America a covert anti-war activist? Obama’s record speaks for itself.

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Judi McLeod—— -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.
