
America’s global dominance in all areas must end in the name of “fairness” and “equality.”

Obamessiah to Usher in New Era Of Global Equality

For 232 years, free market America has been the undisputed leader of the free world, the shining beacon of individual liberty known for the most productive, prosperous, powerful, yet the most caring and generous people on earth.

In 2008, 52% of American voters decided that America’s global dominance in all areas must end in the name of “fairness” and “equality.”

What Just Happened?

First, it didn’t “just happen.” It has been slowly happening for almost one hundred years now. Barack Hussein Obama is not the main problem. He is only a glaring symptom of a much greater problem in 21st century America. From the moment we started defining Americans in socio-economic classes, voting blocs instead of individuals, we were already on the path to self-destruction. How many times have you heard politicians talk about the plight of the “middle class” or “the rich” or the “underprivileged?” These terms never belonged in America to begin with, yet they have been used to divide the nation through class warfare, pigeon-holing all Americans into one of these three socio-economic classes for purposes of political gain. America was formed as a nation of individuals free to self-determine and self-govern. The same freedom that allows some to become “rich” beyond their wildest dreams, allows others to live homeless. The outcomes are quite different, but the freedom to achieve either outcome is very much the same.

Equal Freedom Delivers Unequal Outcomes

People from all corners of the earth have left everything behind to accept America’s promise of “equal freedom” for all. But equal freedom always delivers unequal individual outcomes. That’s the point of freedom really. That through real individual freedom, each individual has the power to define and achieve happiness under their own steam, free from tyrannical government interference or penalty. For more than 232 years, people all over the globe have sought American freedom and liberty. Yet today, 52% of Americans think they have a better idea...

Government Guaranteed Equal Outcomes

It sounds nice, doesn’t it; - a government that will guarantee all citizens “equal” economic conditions, no matter their unequal individual achievements? As Barack Obama states it, a federal level “redistribution of wealth” that will make all Americans more “equal,” at least economically, even if only temporarily... Who wouldn’t like to live like Oprah without having to do all of the things Oprah did to individually acquire all of that evil personal prosperity? Oprah must be one of the happiest people on the planet and all Americans have an unalienable right to be equal to Oprah, don’t they? Like most “rich folks” in America, Oprah is quite generous with her hard-earned wealth. Not only does she pay the highest rate of income taxes in America, - she donates thousands if not millions to charity as well. Most “rich” Americans are quite happy to “share their wealth” voluntarily with others across the country and around the world in need... But according to Obama and his political allies around the world, folks like Oprah are not generous enough on their own and they need a little help from the federal government.

Equal Stuff

For voters, it’s all about equal access to stuff. They want the same health care, house, car, TV, X-Box and computer that “rich” folks like Oprah have. They want to live like the rich and famous, without having to work or take risks like the rich and famous. But for politicians, it’s all about the power inherent with controlling individual “equality.” The political power to provide free “equal stuff” to some requires the power to confiscate “earned stuff” from others. Our nation’s founders were very careful not to afford any man such far reaching powers as to who does or does not have “a right” to stuff. That’s because as Thomas Jefferson warned, any government powerful enough to do everything for you, is also powerful enough to do anything to you. It has to be... In order to give to some that which they did not earn, they must have the power to take from others their hard-earned property.

The High Price of Free Stuff

Just as the borrower is enslaved to the lender, the welfare recipient is enslaved by his caretaker. Many Americans ask how they can be truly free without the right to free stuff. Yet it is the free stuff that will enslave them in the end. It is a growing dependence upon a caretaker that strips all of society of their unalienable right to pursue happiness, by whatever individual definition they choose. The caretaker will define and mete out equal happiness. Those whom the central power deems to have too much happiness will be stripped of that happiness, so that the political loyalties of those deemed to have too little, can be purchased. In both cases, the people have been stripped of their individual freedom, their power, and the government becomes the final arbiter of “stuff,” equality and fairness.

Those Who Have Been There Know

The BBC writes, “US global dominance 'set to wane'” – “US economic, military and political dominance is likely to decline over the next two decades, according to a new US intelligence report on global trends. - The National Intelligence Council (NIC) predicts China, India and Russia will increasingly challenge US influence. It also says the dollar may no longer be the world's major currency, and food and water shortages will fuel conflict.” Experts all over the world are predicting an American economic collapse, the likes of which have never been seen before. They are predicting bread lines and tent cities across America that will make the crash of 1929 and the Great Depression that followed seem like a day at Disney. Free market investors are pulling out of the American financial system as fast as they can, taking what profits they can as they leave and heading for safe havens around the world where capitalism in on the rise. Private investors seek profits in free markets. But for 52% of American voters, all is well now that Barack Obama has been elected to bring them “equality.”

Dancing on the Titanic

America’s stock market has already lost 50% of its value in the last year, which means many Americans have lost 50% of their retirement savings too. Smart investors are still taking profits as they retreat from the market. 401k investors will be left holding the empty bag... The dollar is already worth about .35 cents and will soon be worth less than a dime, as the federal government continues to print money to bail out industry after industry, allegedly to “save the economy” from certain collapse. But we are watching as bailout after bailout only drives more and more private investors from the markets. That’s because investors know better then to invest in Marxism, even if 21st century Democrats don’t. The three big American automakers are set to fold within the next few months and hundreds of retail chains are set to close thousands of locations across the country with them. Home foreclosures are skyrocketing and banks still aren’t lending even after more than a trillion dollars in taxpayer funded bailouts, which have clearly failed to stop the bleeding. Foreign communist states like China and anti-American Arabs are buying up America at .10 cents on the dollar as the markets slide into the abyss. But 52% of American voters think all is well because Barack Obama’s new Clinton Administration will soon be in charge, with an unbridled leftist controlled congress and a court that has spent more time usurping the US Constitution than upholding it for the last forty years.

Who’s to Blame?

In the end, nobody will care who’s to blame. There’s more than enough blame to go around anyway. China is now the longest standing communist state in the world and its people have a median per capita income of $5400 per year, not counting those living in dire poverty in the rural areas that make up most of China. The communist state itself is now fast becoming the new world economic super-power. But only as a result of embracing capitalism at the state level, under Clinton’s most favored nation trade status. Canada is the closest socialist government in America’s western hemisphere. They report a per capita income of $38,600 and they have socialized medicine that so many Americans desire today. However, their national budget is almost 50% of GDP, which requires some of the highest tax rates anywhere in the free world, reducing that per capita income figure from $38,600 to about $19,000 per year after taxes. Canada also has one of the highest national debts in the world, at approximately 64.2% of GDP, which almost makes America look solvent.

Progressive Marxism on the Way

Even after known liberal Charlie Gibson embarrassed Barack Obama in a primary debate, by forcing him to concede that federal tax revenues go up every time capital gains taxes are lowered, and go down every time they are increased, Obama continued to state that he would raise capital gains taxes anyway. Why? Because according to Marxists like Obama, “it’s only fair” that investors be penalized for their success. Even though penalizing investors will drive them from the markets, reduce productivity, increase unemployment and free market retail sales, and thereby reduce federal tax revenues, it is only “fair” that successful people, “the rich,” be penalized for their “greed.”

52% of American voters agreed!

So, America is firmly on the path to economic collapse and Obama will have the historic privilege of ushering in a new era of “American equality.” Americans are becoming more and more “equal” as the stock market (401k retirement savings) dropped from a $14,000 high to its $7500 low over the last year or so. Equally destitute that is... The average American will soon have an existence equal to that of average citizens around the globe. It won’t take years; it will take only weeks or months. But, the American people have spoken. Those who have used their freedom unwisely now outnumber those who still revere freedom over free-stuff. Freedom is out and free-stuff is on the way. Americans will re-learn the hard way that “free-stuff” always comes at the highest price known to mankind. The cost of free-stuff is FREEDOM. Just ask any American immigrant who left “progressive” Marxist ideas behind in search of American freedom at any cost. They can tell you just how expensive all of that free-stuff will be in the end... How sad that history must repeat in order for 21st century Americans to understand that neither freedom nor free-stuff is ever free... 46% of Americans know it and tried to stop it. Now the nation must learn the hard way!

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JB Williams——

JB Williams is a writer on matters of history and American politics with more than 3000 pieces published over a twenty-year span. He has a decidedly conservative reverence for the Charters of Freedom, the men and women who have paid the price of freedom and liberty for all, and action oriented real-time solutions for modern challenges. He is a Christian, a husband, a father, a researcher, writer and a business owner.

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