
Susan Rice's statements about Benghazi

Overcooked Rice

The unremarkable Rep. Marcia Fudge called a presser to condemn Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham. Questioning the veracity of Susan Rice's statements about Benghazi is obvious racism. If the questioner is a Republican. Nearly 100 House members have signed a letter opposing Rice for Secretary of State.

James Clyburn has denounced it as "racist" and accused the GOP of, as usual, using code words. With all of their clever code words and dog whistles, one would think the Republicans would be better at winning elections. The questions about Rice's credibility must be strictly about her race and gender; yes, those Republicans are still waging their War on Women. The concerns couldn't possibly be connected to the giant whoppers Rice told about Benghazi on five separate Sunday news programs. If McCain and Graham were Democrats, they would never raise issues about Rice's integrity. Everyone knows the Democrats are the permanent champions of civil rights. Of course, to believe that is to ignore history. The Republican party was formed for the sole purpose of abolishing slavery. The KKK was a creation of southern Democrats. It was Republicans who pushed for the Civil Rights Act, against the wailing of Democrats. It was Dwight Eisenhower who sent the National Guard to Little Rock to make sure little black children were granted access to all white schools. And it was not the Republican party that had a Grand Cyclops of the KKK sitting in the senate for 128 years. Anyone following the Benghazi disaster has pretty much figured out what happened and at what level. Someone high up in the administration fed Rice her talking points and she obediently spewed them five times in a row. Obama cared about running out the clock through election day. His scheme worked. Rice's reward for making a fool of herself both on the talk show circuit and as ambassador to the UN is supposed to be the Secretary of State position. Why not? Is it even possible to be more incompetent than Hillary? At least now we know Rice can lie with the best of them.

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Joy Tiz——

Joy Tiz,Joytiz.com, has been quoted by Ann Coulter, as heard on Lou Dobbs radio, The Rusty Humphries Show, Bill Cunningham, KSFO in San Francisco, WOR in New York, Premiere Radio Networks, Air America and other major shows.

Joy was born in Chicago, long enough ago to remember when many democrats were actually normal people who were just wrong about everything. Joy holds a M.Sc. in psychology and a JD in law.  Joy hosts The Joy Tiz Show  Wednesdays at 2 pm Pacific/5 pm Eastern.


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