
Social or economic justice code words for Communism and Nazism

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Last week, the conservative broadcaster Glenn Beck called on Christians to leave their churches if they hear preaching about social or economic justice, saying they were code words for Communism and Nazism. -Laurie Goodstein, The New York Times

In Obamanutz: A Cult Leader Takes the White House, I devoted an entire chapter to The Great American Dumb Down by way of explaining the variables that contributed to the installation of Barack Obama into the White House. Not content to merely throw away billions of your hard-earned tax dollars on substandard schools that refuse to teach the most basic academic skills, the Left has also hijacked your children’s social development. Under the rubric of teaching “diversity” and “social justice”, public schools have become indoctrination centers, dedicated to teaching impressionable young people that America really ought to be ashamed of itself. The term “diversity” is liberal code that has nothing to do with the stated agenda of “multiculturalism,” which is supposed to be the study of different cultures. Diversity, as defined by liberal academics, means pushing extreme left wing values onto innocent schoolchildren with impunity. Bill Ayers is a leading advocate of social justice teaching. Even young evangelicals—that is, the children of the religious Right—have been deluded into believing in “social justice;” eighteen- to twenty-nine-year-old evangelicals voted for Obama, in spite of his record on abortion. Many of these young people claimed that it was the pursuit of social justice that put them in the Obama camp. “Social justice” is just more aged hippie jargon; it has no real meaning other than to disrupt the current social order. So effective was this inculcation that thirty-two percent of eighteen- to twenty-nine-year-old evangelicals voted for Obama, twice the number who voted for John Kerry in 2004. David Horowitz defines “social justice” as shorthand for opposition to the American traditions of individual justice and free markets. So pervasive is the Ayers social justice model that teachers weave radical ideology into core subjects; for example, using an Iraq body count to teach math. Students have no frame of reference to see how absurd this is. Schools today emphasize America’s past mistakes and injustices, rather than her achievements. The goal of teaching social justice is to convince students that they are victims of an unjust, oppressive and racist America. “A few years of this kind of ‘education,’” and the kids are primed for a takeover by community organizers who will mobilize them to vote for the Far Left. The plan is working. In 2008, seven out of every ten voters between eighteen and twenty-nine favored expanding the role of the government and believe that the government should be doing more to solve our problems . Future teachers are fully indoctrinated into radical Leftist ideology. Teaching materials are provided by special interest groups with distinctly left-wing agendas. School districts invite these groups to conduct “professional development” training, at taxpayer expense. Phyllis Schlafly sums it up: “When a teacher engages in this type of advocacy in lieu of teaching literature, math, history, or science, the teacher is engaging in political indoctrination.” Bill Ayers’s textbooks are currently in use at 1,500 schools; they are among the most widely used of all texts. Ayers is opposed to achievement tests in favor of activism. The US Department of Education lists fifteen high schools that have adopted mission statements declaring that their curricula center on “social justice”. David Horowitz told Sean Hannity on the Sean Hannity show March 9, 2009, that the current goal of public education is not to provide students with academic knowledge; it is to organize an anti-capitalist revolt. Predictably, the left stream media mischaracterizes the nature of social justice teaching as it is practiced today: “Religion scholars say the term “social justice” was probably coined in the 1800s, codified in encyclicals by successive popes and adopted widely by Protestant churches in the 1900s. The concept is that Christians should not merely give to the poor, but also work to correct unjust conditions that keep people poor. Many Christians consider it a recurring theme in Scripture.” It’s always enlightening when the NYT starts lecturing us about the Bible. Whatever the well meaning origins of the term “social justice” may be, Beck is absolutely right about what it means to the radical left today. It gets worse when the kids get to college. According to David Horowitz, the University of California at Santa Cruz offers courses in community organizing, teaching students how to put together a revolution. Lest you think it’s just another nutty California thing, Horowitz points out that the University of Texas offers a course on murderous thug Che Guevara. (Horowitz, David. Interview with Sean Hannity. Sean Hannity Show. 9 March 2009) A member of the Communist Party USA has taken over the women’s studies department at the University of California. Glenn Beck rightly exposed the current definition of social justice for exactly what it is: the ultimate goal of a socialist fantasy --social justice--that amorphous, nice-sounding non-concept.

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Joy Tiz——

Joy Tiz,Joytiz.com, has been quoted by Ann Coulter, as heard on Lou Dobbs radio, The Rusty Humphries Show, Bill Cunningham, KSFO in San Francisco, WOR in New York, Premiere Radio Networks, Air America and other major shows.

Joy was born in Chicago, long enough ago to remember when many democrats were actually normal people who were just wrong about everything. Joy holds a M.Sc. in psychology and a JD in law.  Joy hosts The Joy Tiz Show  Wednesdays at 2 pm Pacific/5 pm Eastern.


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