
Obama, Pope Francis will try to convince the world that only man-made climate change matters with too few to count references to the Creator, while the masses are buying tacky souvenirs to mark the papal visit, most likely Obama, Francis bobbleheads

Pretend Messiah to greet Pope at Andrew’s Air Force Base

By Judi McLeod ——--September 13, 2015

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What will you be doing when the pope’s plane touches down at Andrews Air Force Base on September 22? That’s the day the White House says that Barack and Michelle Obama will make the “rare” trip to Andrews Air Force Base to formally welcome Francis on his arrival of his first-ever visit to the U.S.
According to the Associated Press, Obama has rarely gone to the Maryland base to greet any world leader. Pope Francis will be personally greeted by and spend private time with the man who successfully had all religious symbols covered when he delivered a speech on the economy at Georgetown University. It’s as if Obama is gloating to a watching world: The Pope’s in my back pocket. People are uneasy that the pope -- of all people -- is publicly throwing in with Obama on the global warming/climate change scam that both curiously claim is the world’s biggest threat, bar none. Adding that “it is not clear if the pope is a dupe, an, agent, or willing accomplice”, Cliff Kincaid writes in his latest book, The Sword of Revolution And The Communist Apocalypse: “The Vatican’s embrace of of “World Political Authority” and Pope Francis’s endorsement of the global “climate change” agenda that is the subject of a United Nations conference in December makes a world government a real possibility for the first time in human history.”

Yet, the gullible hold onto the hope that the pope should be coming here to convert Obama. Looks like it could be the other way around. Nor is global warming the only issue on which the pontiff is throwing in with Obama. Both Francis and Obama whose influence is indisputable, are already ignoring the plight of Christians at the hands of radical Islam. The term ‘radical Islam’ has been banned by Obama with no complaints from the pontiff. Both leader of the Catholic Church and president call on their respective constituencies to disperse charity to a select kind of refugee--you now have to be Muslim to be recognized as a refugee. Where are the Christian leaders in all of this? Hiding in silence, every one. Pope Francis seems to ignore that when the Democratic National Committee (DNC) introduced Barack Obama from a faux Greek column stage in Denver back in 2008, he was mainstream media portrayed as The Messiah. Indeed their portrayal of Obama was one that suggested he was Christ. Christians the world over know that you can’t pretend to be Christ. Only Christ can be our Savior and He is the only one. That makes Obama a pretend Messiah. Within days from now, Obama and Pope Francis will try to convince the world that only man-made climate change matters with too few to count references to the Creator, while the masses are buying tacky souvenirs to mark the papal visit, most likely including Obama and Francis bobble-heads. Instead of sinking into depression and being given over to deep coils of despair, people should go over the swelled heads of both Obama and Francis and keep the faith. Perhaps rather than being used as the adoring fans of president and pope coming together, the masses can use the papal visit to carry out what its intention should have been in the first place:the potential conversion to Christ of millions of souls. At Pentecost, St. Peter approached his first mission without Jesus with misgivings, worry and fear. But instead of the enemy ambushing him in the upper room, the Holy Spirit descended upon him and the other apostles and the first 3,000 converts were led to Christ. On September 22 through September 24, turn off your television, turn off the papal visit and everything connected with it, to turn inward. In the bonfire of confusion set alight by the leaders of the day, even religion has become suspect. But you can still let a profound and abiding belief in the Almighty be your religion. On September 22, pray brothers and sisters. Pray without ceasing.

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Judi McLeod—— -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.
