
The armed citizen or average gun owner has saved more lives and de-escalated more violence than any gun control ever has or ever will.

Safer Streets 2010: Why the second amendment in a 2010 liberty platform?

The success of the plan to retake Congress, America’s states and our major cities will rest on two important things;
  1. does the crop of candidates read the American people right? Do the candidates understand what we want in freedom, sovereignty and independence from our very own public servants, and;
  2. are those candidates of the mettle to bring personal and professional integrity to office in order to succeed?

Will they last without some stupid scandal surfacing? Will they keep their word and be a no-compromise servant? Will they insist on eliminating the double-standard for the good of the country? The Congress that takes America back from the left might very well be made up of Libertarians, Independents and Conservatives. Now, that could really work. The biggest issue is that the series of impositions on the nation – the bailouts, the backroom deals, environmental laws, taxation, shortages, energy, fairness doctrine, health care reform and all the rest — are confiscating our money and coercing our dependency on the servants to the exclusion of all alternatives. Soon, choice will be a crime. Independence will be history, as we are being looted and blocked in the process. The only way candidates will really unseat the current crop of Congress Critters is to understand what is irking the electorate and to boldly state the only solution: “Elect me, and we will undo everything the left has done.” Tough job to say the least, but there’s one big Want Ad for it, and numerous opening available, with benefits. How does the second amendment fit into this? Because it is a matter of first things first. You take the weeds out at the roots. The second amendment is critical to the candidates who want to show how they understand the minds of constituents in independence. Without addressing gun control, they won’t reach the people, nor will they be able to tackle the root of the looting of the nation. Why is that, John? Because something has changed since 2008. The very best platform will respond to the needs of this country by articulating that the country has gone way too far left beyond the consent of the people, and that Americans resent being so disgracefully dependent on our public servants. Sounds simple enough, but this coerced dependency loots the country. What the candidates could articulate in how they will be different from current critters is in one thing: understanding that being independent of our public servants is a matter of citizen authority as the sovereign. It is a matter of personal dignity, and that dependency robs every single person of that personal dignity, their sovereign authority under our system, their ability to hand down a legacy to their kids, to make a difference in the lives of others, and to have a sense of purpose in a nation made for these. It is also a matter of law. It is this mind-set and set of values of Independence that would make someone working without a net to be a gun owner. The kind of person who knows he or she is on their own will understand their own authority and will likely elect to be armed. It’s like having more than one fire extinguisher in the home. You’re on your own during the most critical moments of the emergency, and understanding that there is a lot you can do can be life-saving. It is this way of life of keeping yourself as part of the equation which is being ‘Transformed”. Can 2010 reverse this? The kind of candidate who believes so much in independence from our public servants will know that the adults who like being adults and not being teenagers will know not only that they work without a net, but that they prefer it. As such, they resist being forced against their will to depend on public servants and to their detriment at times. Gun control is the very first beach head. Gun control has never taken the place of the armed citizen in stopping violence, stopping crime, saving lives or saving money; it just says it does. In insists. It grows the crisis in order to usher in more boondoggles which purport to manage further crises. It is the equivalent of refusing citizen CPR: “Don’t learn CPR, just call us!”

The armed citizen or average gun owner has saved more lives and de-escalated more violence than any gun control ever has or ever will

The armed citizen or average gun owner has saved more lives and de-escalated more violence than any gun control ever has or ever will. Gun control is not where crime is fought: it is where crime begins after the broken homes, the hate propaganda and the silly tolerance has planted the seeds. Gun control cultivates these like an adored houseplant. It is where the broken homes act out unchecked and are used for political purposes. Gun control has snuffed out lives this way. To most of these adult voters, the current idea that we need to give up some of our liberties for safety is decerebrate. These people prove every day that depending on themselves is superior to anything the servants can second-guess, and, fortunately, these people are now in the majority. They identify themselves as Libertarian, Conservative, and Independent. The liberals hover around 27% by some polls. Part of the problem with the free has been a marked patience and tolerance for silly promises which go against our better judgment, and to our regret. That time could happily be over in November, 2010. If there was ever a mandate, this is it. Just pile gun laws in the ash heap of history right along with political correctness and the rest will take care of itself. It is one of the best kept dirty little secrets in America. Reversing it ought to be the core of the liberty platform for 2010. You will know the better candidates by how they believe in the second amendment and how they explain their understanding of it on the stump. No, it’s not for hunting, and it’s not always about obtaining food: it isn’t even all about self-defense; it is purely about how we know supremely that government can never take your place on so many issues beginning with immediate violence, and how it is a boondoggle even to try, much less insist. It is important to obtain from these candidates the promise to repeal gun laws first as part of their overall comprehension of the armed citizen - independence from public servants for a reversal of this soft tyranny all of America is experiencing. You see, fighting crime is done at only one location: the scene of the crime. Interdiction, forensics, law enforcement, detection and detention, and the administration of justice are not where crime is fought, only where crime may be caught. It is so because it was not stopped, but somehow in every case completed its criminal acts.

The armed citizen stops more violence that the absentee policies of gun control

Turning crime around is, itself, not done at gunpoint, but politically at counterpoint. The key, as you can see, is not political persuasion by force, but persuasion by the preponderance of evidence, citizen authority, and by credibility. The armed citizen stops more violence that the absentee policies of gun control. Compared to the proven successes of the armed citizen, gun control has no credibility in first disarming people, and it has no preponderance of evidence in what makes safer streets, really. So, when crime predictably grows, the practice of pointing to the need to protect people looks rather silly, since disarmament made then unsafer to begin with. Hence, government uses force against the sovereign. It then paves the way to further boondoggles based on hate, violence, bigotry or greed. The boast of big government is purely in the practice of removing such safeguards first, then preying on taxpayers in the void it has created. It then becomes a bolder and even bolder looting of the nation. The armed citizen has the greater credibility. Because the second amendment can de-escalate crime rather well, it is a safeguard put in place to discredit boondoggles of bigger and bigger programs which employ this formulaic governance. This is what the Founders knew so well: when you disarm a nation, you can sell them anything. When the nation is armed, stupid policies are not so likely to make sense. Simple, isn’t it? In 2010, you cannot seriously promise a reduction in the size of government without a repeal of a good chunk of American Gun Laws first. And you stand better chances of getting elected if you enunciate that you will repeal American Gun Laws as your first step in reducing bigger government. If you understand it, you can say it, and if you say it, you can likely get elected. Safe Streets In The Nationwide Concealed Carry Of Handguns (Hardcover) is also available as an e-book with two added bonuses. Go to NationwideConcealedCarry.com

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John Longenecker——

John Longenecker is an author of Safe Streets In The Nationwide Concealed Carry Of Handguns – Meeting Dependency And Violent Crime With American Spirit, Independence, And Citizen Authority [CONTRAST MEDIA PRESS].  Safer Streets Newsletter.
