
LTTE (Tamil Tigers) Canada has declared to be a terrorist organization

Tamils take over Toronto

Although there have been short protests by Tamil Canadians in Toronto protesting civilian deaths in Sri Lanka there were no major problems until the end of last month. What began as a protest before the U.S. consulate on Toronto’s University Avenue ended up blocking a main street in Toronto for four consecutive days.

The worsening of Toronto’s already gridlocked city that resulted in problems for ordinary people just trying to go about their business didn’t faze any of the thousands of Tamils who blocked the street. Nor did the fact that three of Toronto’s largest hospitals are located just up the street from the consulate seem to be a concern. They had a point to make and the hell with everyone else. And the city of Toronto paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to have police stand around and watch them. Further protests were held last weekend that culminated in Tamils blocking the Gardiner Expressway, a major east-west artery. It’s hard to understand the mentality of this mob. They claim it is to get the attention of the Canadian and U.S. governments to what is happening in “their country”. These governments have already called for a ceasefire in Sri Lanka in order to save the civilians caught up in what appears to be the final stages of the 25 year old war. Governments, including the one headed by the godlike Barack Obama, are not likely to do anything else . If the Tamils are trying to gain the sympathy of ordinary Torontonians to the plight of Tamils in Sri Lanka, what they are doing is counterproductive as comments made on the net and in calls to talk radio programs indicate. A Tamil woman interviewed about the blocking of the expressway said that it was a real adrenaline rush; perhaps that’s really all there is to it.

The police no longer control the streets of Toronto, the Tamils do

Many protesters in the crowd proudly wave the flag of the LTTE (Tamil Tigers) which Canada has declared to be a terrorist organization. This further angers ordinary law abiding Torontonians. But at least the antics on the Gardiner Expressway finally got the attention of the authorities. Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty and Toronto Mayor David Miller both warned them not to do that again. But unless there are some Tamils out there who have a morbid fear of being taxed to death, the warnings will likely do no good. The person who seemed most upset about the demonstration that closed the expressway was Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair. Blair went on and on and on about how the Tamils put little children, some in strollers, at the front of the demonstration opposite police dressed in riot gear. Perhaps if Blair spent more time reading and less time trying to look pretty for the media he would know that this is a typical Tamil Tiger tactic; using innocent people, particularly children, as human shields. The use of these children was disgusting and proof that if left unchecked, we will turn into a third world country. On a positive note at least none of the adults were yelling at the kids; if they were they no doubt would have been done for child abuse. At least we now know that putting children between those engaged in illegal activities and the police do not constitute such abuse. What happened on the Gardiner Expressway last weekend is solely the fault of Toronto’s police chief. By worshipping at the feet of political correctness, Blair allowed the initial road blocking protests to go on too long. The police no longer control the streets of Toronto, the Tamils do. As is constantly being pointed out, there are many places where protests can take place without causing undue hardship to others. But the protesting Tamils, waving the flags of their beloved terrorist group don’t care. They don’t care about their fellow citizens; they don’t even care about whether or not they put their children in danger. There’s an apparent drug war in Toronto’s west end and yesterday a 14-year-old boy was shot to death; the fourth such death in the area in the past three weeks. But the Tamil protesters don’t care that scarce police resources are being employed when they block streets and expressways because they feel that they have a right to. Mob rule has come to Toronto. Meanwhile in Ottawa, Parliament is going to consider whether certain groups should be designated as criminal organizations, similar to the terrorist designations that were legislated after 9/11. If this is carried out, the Hell’s Angels will no doubt be the first group so designated. The boys can’t be too happy about this possibility. Perhaps they should protest by closing a highway or two down. Let’s see if Chief Billy Blair wrings his hands over that one. At least one thing is certain about the Hell’s Angels; if they do protest they won’t bring any children along.

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Arthur Weinreb——

Arthur Weinreb is an author, columnist and Associate Editor of Canada Free Press. Arthur’s latest book, Ford Nation: Why hundreds of thousands of Torontonians supported their conservative crack-smoking mayor is available at Amazon. Racism and the Death of Trayvon Martin is also available at Smashwords. His work has appeared on Newsmax.com,  Drudge Report, Foxnews.com.

Older articles (2007) by Arthur Weinreb
