
If our election officials and election boards do not have the moral integrity to follow their own rules and procedures to ensure valid election results, the American experiment is over.

The end of morals means the end of the American experiment

The story goes when the founders of the Constitution were finalizing their work, Ben Franklin was asked, “well, Doctor, what do we have, a republic or a monarchy?” he replied, “a republic, if you can keep it.”

Franklin knew the genius and the flaw of the new American constitution was that no system could fairly rule a lawless, immoral, or corrupt people.

The Founders set up an elaborate balance of power to keep excesses in check. But that was the last resort. Instead, they relied heavily on the moral character and good will of both the governing and the governed. At the time, the new citizens of America had common moral values.

The Judiciary has powers to expedite matters, but that requires a moral and honest judge

Each branch of government performed their duties with the understanding that improper actions would be checked by the other two branches.

If the Congress knew a law they just passed would be unconstitutional, but passed it anyway, that meant that the Judiciary would have to deal with it. But the wheels of justice run slowly, so an immoral Congress could let their new law run for months or years before being halted, and then they could just pass a new, unconstitutional law.

The Judiciary has powers to expedite matters, but that requires a moral and honest judge. So if an immoral Congress passes an unconstitutional law and a dishonest judge fails to rule against it, the law can continue for years during appeal.

In the Executive branch, an immoral President can issue unconstitutional executive orders or tell his cabinet members to take improper actions, knowing that it will take time for the Congress and Judiciary to stop them.

The list of illegal and improper edicts from our current President would fill a hundred pages.

The impeachment of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton trial is a case in point

The Department of Justice is another control over illegal action by the President. But what if the DOJ and the FBI are also corrupt?

The impeachment of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton trial is a case in point. Paxton has been an outspoken conservative exposing state and national issues. The liberals and the RINOs in the Texas House brought impeachment proceedings against him and were able to suspend him from his office.

Paxton’s legal team put on a vigorous defense in the Texas Senate, resulting in his acquittal and return to service. Lieutenant Gov. Dan Patrick delivered a historic speech explaining how the House violated their own rules bringing up an unwarranted impeachment.

The multiple actions against President Trump are anathema to the Constitution and the rule of law. They bring us down to the level of communist/socialist countries that charge their political opponents with absurd crimes, and then convict them in show trials, while covering up their own criminal activity.

We all know that “power breeds corruption.” The lure of wealth and pleasure is very strong. Understanding this, the concerted actions of the enemies of the American experiment to dissolve the moral underpinnings of our society make a lot of sense…

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Schools: Our schools have been overtaken by zealots denying civics, morality and love of country. Instead they focus on selfishness, sexual perversion, and refusal to allow differing opinions, while redefining history to suit their goals.

Churches: Our churches have faced a coordinated attack on faith and morality. They were closed during the lockdowns while marijuana centers were allowed to remain open.

Judiciary: Judges now use their positions to attack their enemies and protect their friends. Justice is supposed to be blind. The Judges’ Code of Conduct states,

    A Judge Should Uphold the Integrity and Independence of the Judiciary…

    A Judge Should Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance of Impropriety in all Activities… A judge should not allow family, social, political, financial, or other relationships to influence judicial conduct or judgment.

    A judge should …not be swayed by partisan interests, public clamor, or fear of criticism.

    A judge shall disqualify himself or herself in a proceeding in which the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned, including but not limited to instances in which… the judge has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party… (Emphasis added.)


The Department of Justice: The DOJ and FBI are replete with examples of biased justice. Again, there are too many to list here.

The Hatch Act states “Under the Hatch Act, active participation in partisan political activities by federal employees is restricted, and employees serving in certain positions are more restricted than others. All federal employees are barred from using their official authority or influence to interfere with an election…”

Military: Our military has been systematically dismantled from the inside. “Wokeness” has superseded readiness and led to weakness. The role of the military is to protect our country, not promote “social justice.”

Borders: Our government continues strict enforcement of those wishing to legally enter the country, but has opened our borders to uncountable numbers of illegal crossers, including drug and sex traffickers, criminals and pedophiles, and foreign agents, spies and terrorists.

The medical establishment: Doctors used to swear to the Hippocratic Oath, but now are guided by various codes of conduct. But no code allows for harming patients by using improperly tested vaccines, reporting false information on vaccine side effects or cause of death statistics.

Corporations: The code of conduct for corporate officers is simple, “make money for your investors,” not force the boards’ ideas of social equity on their employees and customers or force employees to take unproven vaccines.



Media: Selectively reporting the news to further political positions is the opposite of freedom of the press.

Internet: Corporate internet companies regularly portray fiction as truth, use search engine results to affect elections and deny conservative speech while shutting down websites.

Our Electoral System: The last peaceful recourse to tyranny in America is the power of the vote. At the local, state and federal level, citizens elect political leaders, sheriffs, judges, prosecutors, and school boards.

But the American public now knows that our electoral system has been corrupted in the most cynical ways. Here are examples from just today in Connecticut, Wisconsin, and Arizona. Patriot groups have arisen across the country using FOI requests and state laws to gain access to election rolls. All have identified rampant problems with duplicate entries, illegal voters, and ineligible voters. These affect millions of votes and have changed the outcomes in countless elections.

We must fight back now to demand that legislatures take back full control of election rules in each state, clean up voter rolls, and then move to paper ballots and hand-counting.

Without this, it will be who counts the votes that matters, not who casts the votes.

If our election officials and election boards do not have the moral integrity to follow their own rules and procedures to ensure valid election results, the American experiment is over.

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Jack Gleason——

Jack Gleason is a conservative political writer. For reprint requests on other websites, inside information for important issues, article requests or comments contact him at: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

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