
Freedom21, federal government seeking to nationalize healthcare

The Growing American Tyranny and How to Stop It

As the nation reels from the threat of a federal government seeking to nationalize healthcare and build a total surveillance society, the 10th Annual Freedom 21 National Conference will get under way Thursday, August 13, 2009 at the Reed Conference Center in Oklahoma City. This year’s timely theme is “The growing American Tyranny and how to stop it.”

The year’s conference will be a ground breaking event, focusing on all of the issues we face today, from the disastrous monetary policies of the Federal Reserve, to the transformation of our communities through the policy of Sustainable Development, to the creation of an International ID card, to the destruction of our public schools, to the massive power and wealth of organized labor. Also, the conference will focus on health freedom, addressing not only the Obama health care plan, but also the efforts by the federal government as well as international efforts to control natural supplements and treatments. Featured speakers at this year’s Freedom 21 Conference include G. Edward Griffin, author of “The Creature from Jekyll Island;” Pastor Chuck Baldwin; Oklahoma State Senator Randy Brogdon; PA State Rep. Sam Rohrer; Oklahoma State Rep. Charles Key; Gun Owners of America President Larry Pratt; National Right To Work Committee President Mark Mix; National ID expert, Mark Lerner; Global Warming expert Marc Morano; Dr. Michael Coffman, Tom DeWeese, Pat Wood, Michael Shaw, TTC Corridor Expert Dan Byfield; Dr. Jane Orient; Dr. Jeff Marrongelle; Heath Freedom activist Scott Tips; Education experts Michael Chapman and Allen Quist; grassroots activists Amanda Teegarden and Catherine Bleish, and alternative media experts George Shepherd, Gary Franchi and John Stadtmiller. The conference will also feature training sessions to teach participants how to organize and fight back on the local level. Grassroots organizer Jim Robinson will lead a workshop on “How to be a Paul Revere in your local precinct.” Dr. Jeff Marrongelle will lead a workshop “Natural health care for you.” And Mark Lerner of the Real ID Coalition will teach a session on “Fighting the Real ID in State Legislatures.” The Friday night banquet is an event not to be missed. First, the first annual Freedom’s Heroes Awards will be presented. This new award has been designed to honor local heroes who are always in the trenches, fighting for freedom, but seldom recognized for their efforts. Second, Bob Schulz, President of the We The People Foundation will lead a dramatic and moving ceremony in which each Freedom 21 participant will have the opportunity to rededicate themselves to the ideals of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, by signing a historic document. The entire program, with details about each speaker and their topics can be seen at the Freedom 21 website at www.freedom21.org. Or call for registration information at 540-341-8915. Important late breaking development. The entire Freedom 21 conference will be live streamed over the Internet. If you can’t attend the conference in person, you can now view it live from home. Cost for the live feed is $45. And subscribers not only can view it live, they will have access to the video stream for 90 days, to view the various speakers whenever convenient. In addition, there will be a full DVD package available soon after the conference concludes. Cost of the DVD package will be $99. However, those who subscribe to the live stream will have their $45 fee subtracted from the DVD cost. In other words, for $99 you can see the conference live and get the DVD package. For all the details just go to [url=http://www.freedom21live.com]http://www.freedom21live.com[/url]. You will learn things at Freedom 21 that you will not hear at any other conference. The fact is, before all the TEA Parties and End the Fed Rallies and Town Hall protests can be successful, you must first fully understand the enemy you face. Freedom 21 is the first step. Join us.

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Tom Deweese——

Tom Deweese the publisher/editor of The DeWeese Report and is the President of the American Policy Center, a grassroots, activist think tank headquartered in Warrenton, Virginia.

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