
Bringing Down The Hammer For Canada Free Press: Maliciously stupid; relentlessly incompetent; progressives know they are losing and they’ve an unquenchable thirst for power. I fear the left this November, and I am grateful we are armed

The Left is maliciously stupid, relentlessly incompetent; Trump is going to win

This is Charles Martel coming to you from Florida for the Canada Free Press because without American there is no free world.

Last week, James O’Keefe placed another land mine and a White House cyber security official stepped on it. O’Keefe is the guy who formerly ran Project Veritas and now runs the Citizen Journalism Foundation; he’s responsible for a number of undercover stings on Dems. If you’re unaware of James, treat yourself by going to youtube, Instagram or Rumble. He uses an undercover camera technique we’ve seen employed numerous times by corporate media, and suckers Dems and their allies into telling the truth, revealing to all the embarrassing truths behind the curtain.

Half a drink and the hope of getting laid and our expert at keeping secrets was blabbing inside White House secrets

I’m mentioning this because in this latest endeavor the rube, one Charlie Kraiger, the Cyber Security Policy Analyst in the Foreign Affairs Executive Office, evidently thinking he’s on a date (O’Keefe is straight by the way, so I want to tip my hat to his acting job; on the other hand, I’m not inspired by a high level security analyst who gets so easily duped), anyway, Kraiger, after first bragging he’s quote “fairly high up,” “manages two federal agencies,” and is “good at keep secrets,” then reveals that, indeed, Biden is going to be the nominee and Kamala Harris will be his running mate.

Half a drink and the hope of getting laid and our expert at keeping secrets was blabbing inside White House secrets like a widow woman on amphetamines.

The security genius went on to explain that it’s quietly acknowledged and whispered by White House officials that Biden is, quote, “slipping,” but that they, again quote, “can’t say it publicly.” When asked about the possibility of Michelle Obama stepping in, Kraiger mentions a meeting where he was present in which she was asked about her interest; Michelle’s response was she’d seen the “#" her husband went through and she wasn’t interested.

When pressed on Kamala Harris, Kraiger admits there is much worry and there has been a lot of discussion, that Harris can’t even keep black staff, they, quote, “leave her en masse,” but she can’t be removed because she’s multiracial and they fear a back lash from African-American voters. He says, quote, “How would that look? How would you spin that?”

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This is Donald Trump’s election to lose. Dems can’t even cheat their way to a Biden-Harris victory

I have no idea how high up the ladder Charlie Kraiger really is. You can listen to the video on Youtube or Instagram. It was, however, shocking to me that the guy didn’t know James O’Keefe’s identity. O’Keefe has left egg on the faces of a number of people in widely publicized incidents. I got it if you’re just a normal person, but if you’re in government or the news, especially if you’re a progressive, how can you not know James O’Keefe?! Maybe universities should start offering “This is James O’Keefe” classes. don’t thinkWell, at least I’ll sleep more easily tonight knowing Charlie Kraiger holds a security position. Won’t you?

Look, the reason I bring this up is that anyone who’s listened to this podcast knows I’ve been preaching that Biden and Harris won’t run. How can they? They can’t win. But here’s this guy, who certainly has more inside information than I do, and he insists Biden-Harris is going to be the Dem ticket.

If so, this is Donald Trump’s election to lose. Dems can’t even cheat their way to a Biden-Harris victory, not this time.

I’m sure you’re all reading the same polls I am. Here’s more food for thought: Trump is polling at 20% of the black vote; in 2020, he got 8%; Trump is ahead with voters under age 30 by 6 points; in 2020, Biden won that cohort by 24 points; in 2020, Biden won 65% of the Hispanic vote; today, Trump leads with Hispanics 39% to 34%. Lastly, 31% of Americans have at least a bachelor’s degree from college, meaning 69% do not. In 2020, Biden got 61% of the college graduate vote and Trump got 56% of votes from people with a high school degree or less. I don’t know what those numbers are today, but I know there are more than twice as many Americans that don’t have a college degree than there are that do.

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Democrats have sowed the wind and the political whirlwind is bearing down on them

We know how close the last election was; so close that it made a steal possible. If Biden has lost 8 percentage points with Blacks; if he now holds a flat out lead with the young and Hispanics; and these things are added to the fact that there is an enormously greater number of non-college voters than college voters, how can Biden hope to win?

The fact is he can’t. He and his handlers are maliciously stupid and relentlessly incompetent. They have sowed the wind and the political whirlwind is bearing down on them.

I realize there are number of political lifetimes between now and November, but that is nothing more than time for things to become worse. For the progressives running the country, the hatred they bear us is real, and their actions are deliberate. There will be no course correction. This is who they are. Behold their disaster; compare it to Trump’s administration.

North Korea has grown increasingly belligerent; the country’s nuclear weapon production has increased, and Kim Jong-un told his people to prepare for war with the United States.

China continues to insist that Taiwan belongs to them and has made plain their intent to take it.

We’re subsidizing a war in Ukraine against Russia that cannot be won. That nation is corrupt, and we know that millions of US tax payer dollars have wound up in the hands of politicians and the politically connected.


Some idiot claimed that except for the price of energy, food, rent, and mortgages, inflation was low

The current hottest spots in the world are the northern and southwest borders of Israel, with the Red Sea not far behind. All of this is the work of Iran, a country to which we’ve beggared ourselves while sending and allowing them access to billions of dollars. In return, their proxies kill our soldiers and the mullahs promise our destruction.

With Trump in office, we witnessed unprecedented treaties in the Middle East, while Korea, China, Russia and Iran all stayed in their lanes. Doubtless, lefties will contend this had nothing to do with Trump or his policies. I disagree, but I know there is no questioning the dam burst on Biden’s watch. That much is beyond dispute. We are, literally, faced with the possibility of war on three fronts, but our ammunition and emergency oil reserves are depleted, and we can’t fill the ranks of our military branches. None of that was so when Trump was president.

Within our shores, the # in corporate media continue to tell us the economy is splendid, it’s magnificent, conveniently leaving out that our dollars purchase 20% less than when Trump was president. We’re told about high employment, but it’s rarely mentioned that 15% of working aged men, those 25 to 54, have simply dropped out of the work force.

I actually saw a report last week in which some idiot claimed that except for the price of energy, food, rent, and mortgages, inflation was low. That is the perfect equivalent of “Well, Mrs Lincoln, but for that, how was the play?”

Contrast this to the record high employment among blacks and women, and wages rising among the bottom fifth of earners faster than among the top fifth during Trump’s years in office. That had not happened since the early '60s.

I am certain Democrats will attempt to steal the coming election

Think of the border. Trump didn’t build the wall we were promised, but he still got it under control. His Remain in Mexico program worked. Illegal aliens had become unwelcome here, and they knew it. Now, we are overrun; in addition to the crime and suppression of workingclass wages, we witness Americans kicked out of schools and parks so illegals can be housed. They are given free cell phones, housing, healthcare and food.

What happened in New York City’s Times Square is a perfect microcosm for an idiot policy spun out of control: 7 thugs from Venezuela beat up two cops in broad daylight. You’ve likely seen the video. Four of the seven were freed without bail and have since been sent to California on a bus with tickets paid for by tax payers.

You may say, well, that’s a local issue; and further, hey, New Yorkers voted for this. I hear you, but the larger issue must still be laid at the feet of the Biden administration. And you have to worry that there must be terrorists among the human flood, and wonder when one or more of them will strike.

I could continue with this, but those concerns are foremost in our minds: foreign enemies; our economy; the border. With respect to all three, it is undeniable that we were far more comfortable, far safer under Donald Trump.

I am certain Democrats will attempt to steal the coming election, but I feel reasonably confident they will fail this time. Things here are going to become worse, not better. The victory margins are going to be too great to overcome. Their options will be limited.

Maliciously stupid; relentlessly incompetent; progressives know they are losing and they’ve an unquenchable thirst for power. I fear the left this November, and I am grateful we are armed.

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Charles Martel -- Bio and Archives

Charles Martel, laying down the Hammer for Canada Free Press
Charles can be found on Rumble and on Spotify  as @CharlesMartelCFP
