
If any groups should be given priority for entry to the United States from the Middle East, it is Christians and Jews, especially women and children, who are targeted for extermination by Isis and other Arab groups in the Middle East

Trump Proposal on Muslims More Liberal than that of FDR and the Other Liberals of his time

Donald Trump’s proposal to TEMPORARILY prevent Muslims from coming to the USA at this time is more liberal than the approach of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the other prevailing “liberals” of his era, as well as later self-proclaimed “liberals” and “progressives.” Franklin D. Roosevelt and his fellow “liberals” interned Japanese Americans who were already in this country. The Trump proposal does not propose such camps. The Japanese had launched a military operation against the United States at Pearl Harbor. ISIS encourages individual attacks by lone wolves, at any time and at any place. ISIS recruits people from all over to kill as many innocent civilians as possible throughout the world as well as in the United States. The Japanese did not recruit people from all over the world to murder innocent people all over the world.
Franklin Roosevelt and his fellow liberals did not allow many Jews into the United States who were escaping the holocaust, even when they were on ships, such as the St. Louis, that reached the American shores. There is no evidence that Jews ever made threats to massacre people at random in the United States or followed up with such nonexistent threats. All Jews were targeted for extermination by the Nazis; not all Arabs are targeted for extermination by ISIS. If any groups should be given priority for entry to the United States from the Middle East, it is Christians and Jews, especially women and children, who are targeted for extermination by ISIS and other Arab groups in the Middle East much more than Muslims, yet the majority of Syrian refugees being encouraged to settle in America are Arabs, including many able-bodied young men perfectly suited for fighting against ISIS from bases in the Middle East rather than infiltrating the United States. At the time this article is being submitted for publication, a U.S. government representative has just revealed that subsequent to the mass atrocity in Paris a few weeks ago, the U.S. government has accepted 237 "refugees" from Syria, including 236 Sunni Muslims and only 1 Christian (even though Christians are targeted by Isis and Other Arab groups more severely than Muslims, and even though Christians from Syria are far less likely to perpetrate massacres in America than Muslims from Syria). Above all, the Jews had no place else to go, for survival, during the holocaust, yet Roosevelt and his fellow liberals did not let the Jews in, even elderly women and little children. The Arabs have dozens of other Arab countries that should be encouraged to accept their share, but most Arab countries refuse to accept their own people, and are not encouraged to do so by Barrack Hussein Obama and his fellow self-proclaimed progressives. By contrast, Israel has not only accepted hundreds of Black Jews from Ethiopia, but also many refugees of various nationalities from a variety of countries, including countries whose representatives vote against Israel and in favor of barbarian and slave-owning Arab countries in the United Nations.

A Palestinian of Jordanian citizenship murdered Robert F. Kennedy when he was running for president of the United States. Arabs from other countries were obviously involved in 9/11. Were it not for 9/11, the US would not have invaded Iraq, Obama would not have left Iraq defenseless, converting President Bush’s victory in Iraq into a military defeat , humiliation, and the power vacuum that paved the way for the emergence of ISIS, which now threatens every American. Imagine how different world history would be and how much more peaceful our lives would be had Donald Trump’s proposal, or a variation of it, been made and carried out earlier. It may also be noted that when Soviet Jews were unable to emigrate from the Soviet Union decades ago, the main gadfly who started the ball rolling for the “liberal” United States to pressure the Soviets to “Let my people go” was the “right wing” Rabbi Meir Kahane, and his Jewish Defense League. Individuals with an open mind, willing to look for the truth, will discover that the “right wing” Kahane was actually an advocate of peacefully transferring Arabs from Israel in retroactive exchange for the Jews who had been forcefully and violently evicted from Arab countries. Kahane advocated violence against property, to call attention to the plight of suffering poor Jews in America and then persecuted Jews in Russia. He opposed indiscriminate terrorism. “Progressives” today would do well to read the new Volume 2 (not to mention the original Volume 1) of the biography of Meir Kahane by his widow, Libby Kahane, which is the most comprehensive and thoroughly researched biography of any rabbi in history (761 pages devoted to his early years, from 1932 to 1975, in relatively small print, including 181 pages of footnotes in smaller print; Volume 2 consists of 647 pages devoted to his next 6 years of political and literary activities, from 1976 till 1983, including 181 pages of footnotes; and Volume 3 is to cover his last years through 1990 when he was murdered by an Arab in America in 1990, who later was exposed to be a member of the terror cell involved in the original World Trade Center bombing of 1993, a precursor to the horrific transformative events of 9/11). Mrs. Kahane was able to go into such incredible detail in her epic scholarly work because she is a retired librarian; Kahane was prolific; Mrs. Kahane maintained excellent files; and the FBI followed Kahane’s every move, and eventually released its unclassified records, which were voluminous. We must learn from history, and evaluate Donald Trump’s proposal in perspective.

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Ron A. Y. Rich——

Mr. Rich is a self-described liberal with common sense and an open mind.
