
When you get knocked down, you jump right back up. You never, ever accept defeat

You Can Do Anything You Want To Do Son

By Dub and Deb ——--August 7, 2011

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From Riding Out The Recession Good morning to all. We hope this finds you all well today. “You can do anything you want to, son.” I heard these words at a very early age, and as I grew older, I heard it more and more. The voice behind this statement…my Dad’s. Not only did he preach this, he believed it, and he led by example. I was very fortunate to have had this man as my mentor, and even more fortunate to have had him as my Dad.

Did we always get along? No, we actually had some very trying times, but we weathered the storm, and by so doing, we both ended up with great respect for each other. It wasn’t easy, but, boy, in the end, it was sure worth it. Since we started our column, we have made many friends, and many of you have become like family to Deb and I. We were having such fun with this, and thank Judi and Brian and the Canada Free Press, for the opportunity they presented to us with the start of Ridin’ Out the Recession, which by the way, was Miz Judi’s brainstorm. Although her choice of Deb and I left us both wondering if this was Judi being more “brain dead,” than brainstorm!! As you now know, three months into this, Deb was diagnosed with cancer, and man, I gotta’ tell you, this news just devastated me. It wasn’t the best news my Deb had ever heard either. All of a sudden, most things in our lives suddenly became…not so fun anymore, and I’m sure it showed. It showed to our friends and family, in our work, and I know for sure our writings as well, although I don’t consider myself a writer in the first place. It HAS been a struggle for us. Early on in Deb’s situation, my Mom and Dad came down and ate lunch with us. It was still difficult to discuss the situation with people and stay in control, and this day too, was difficult because Dad and I hadn’t talked about Deb at all prior to this day…we hadn’t seen each other to do so. But, as they were leaving my Dad told Deb, “Honey, you’ve got a fight on your hands. You may get knocked down, but like I’ve always told my two boys, when you get knocked down, you jump right back up. You never, ever accept defeat.” Coming from Dad, this was exactly what he meant too. Never accept defeat…you can do anything you want to do, and looking back now on my own life, I see that my Dad…knew exactly what he was talking about. My story today is about the truth and influence this man had on my own life, and what it meant to have been around him, to have been shaped by him, and how right he was in his outlook on life and how these words probably saved my life…because, like my Dad, I believed them. He led by example, and through his example and hammering home his beliefs into his family, we all became better people. If there’s one message you get from this today, understand that it is…you can do anything you want…you only have to want it bad enough! This morning I’d like to share a few things that are personal, and some very, very personal. This is not a pat-somebody-on-the-back story, but I hope an inspiration to someone out there today to understand that life is what you make it. Nobody owes you one thing. Most of the troubles or problems you encounter in your own life are not created by someone else, but created many or most times, by you. You can be your own worst enemy, and I am a prime example of such a statement. Our politicians today do this constantly anymore. Nothing is ever their fault, but someone else's. Through their own acts, they are destroying our Country, and most of the time, it’s not their fault, if you listen to them. A Nation of whiners is what we’ve become. In my early twenties I became addicted to cocaine…bad. I’d always been a strong willed individual up till this point in my life, and to be honest with you, I thought absolutely nothing could control my life. Folks, that just was not true. Cocaine took total control, and ruined my life. I lost my family, my friends, my home, and my pride. Nothing mattered for about a year and a half, or two years…nothing at all, except cocaine! This was not a “messin around” on occasion usage, but a full blown addiction. It was a terrible, terrible experience, but not just for me, but for my family as well. Looking back, I’m so ashamed of this part of my life, but you know what? You can’t turn back time, and it is water under the bridge at this point. But oh my God, it just about killed my poor Mother… I never went to rehab. I woke up one morning, looked into the mirror, and thought, “My God Dub, what have you done? Again, I was so ashamed of what I’d put everyone through, and was ashamed of myself. I knew right then, that I would turn my life around, and become once more a good, stable person. Although I’d been knocked down, I was gonna’ get back up, if it was the last thing I ever did. I knew that in time, I’d recover my self-esteem, my integrity, and my life, and it became more of a mission than anything else. I was driven to be the best that I could be, and it showed. Before long people were seeing that my addiction was a thing of the past, and slowly, but surely, I began to win back the trust of my family and friends. I was back. We started and grew our business, and this was provided to us through the opportunity our Country provides. The opportunity to do anything you want to do…if you only want it bad enough. What I want you to take away from this today is my Dad’s statement of course, and the truth in his statement, but also how fortunate we all are to be citizens of the greatest Country on earth, the United States of America. Our politicians today want us all to believe they’re looking out for our best interests and boy they’ve learned all the little tricks of using and influencing people. This is called, giveaway. They like to talk about the oppressed people, and their lack of education, and their abuse of drugs. They want you to believe that this is a product of the system. I have to say this may be true in some cases, but the system they speak of wasn’t created by the people they refer to as the oppressed or unfortunate, but this very system they blame, is the very same system they created…by our politicians. A welfare state. A what you have, we oughta’ get some too, mentality. It’s a lie, it’s all a hoax, created by the very same people who claim to be “fighters for the people.” They started this off in the inner cities, took over them, and are now expanding their agenda Countrywide. Illegal immigrants are now in their sights. Socialism in all it’s so called glory, where the only people with any type of power, are the ones in power is where we’re headed. Take, take, take, until finally there is nothing left to take. Suddenly, the oppressed people become just that…oppressed. Too late they realize that in the preceding years, they hadn’t been oppressed, only convinced they were, and the end result being that after the politicians had taken control of EVERY aspect of their lives, then suddenly they were just that…oppressed. Not from their doing, but from the indoctrination caused by our politicians in their own lust for power. I like to use the inner city blacks as another example of what I’m talking about, not from a racist standpoint, but as a concerned fellow American standpoint. For years now, these poor people have become dependent on the government for their survival, and it’s not really even that. It is merely an existence, with tomorrow no better than today. Their work ethic…destroyed. Their family unit…destroyed. Their motivation to better themselves and in turn their families…destroyed. Their souls…they’ve been destroyed as well. With the help from Dr. Martin Luther King, and many others, whites and blacks, they won their freedom…only to sell their souls to the politicians claiming to be so concerned with them. They walked out of bondage, and walked right back into it, thanks to our politicians. Who did this? The community organizers, the social networking, the media, the schools, the politicians, and by so doing they have come to believe that what the “haves” have accumulated through hard work, and saving every penny they can, now should be passed along to them too. Why? Because our politicians say this is how it should be…social justice. Well, that’s a lie, and it’s not about sharing, it’s about stealing. Stealing condoned by our government. Without going on and on, I’d like to say just a few more things. The Democrats like to say, and far too many Republicans do too anymore, that these poor, oppressed people are this way because of them being un-educated, and or, involved in drugs. My thoughts on these statements…BULL! I am a living, breathing example of both the symptoms our politicians blame as the cause of our oppressed peoples being oppressed, and why they have to take care of them. Poor people just can’t think for themselves, so we’ll take care of them ourselves, and we’ll see they have food on the table, a house to live in, etc… I have an 11th grade education, that’s it. I was as badly addicted to cocaine as you possibly can be. I am their poster child for all the reasons why they have to help these poor people. But, I’ve never taken one penny from anybody. No one needed to lay out my life for me because I was incapable of doing it myself. I didn’t want someone’s sympathy, I wanted their respect, and this has to be earned, not given. I am so sick of hearing about the rich doing their part whether it be through taxes or donations. When we have 52% of our Country NOT paying taxes at all, then I feel the rich have done their part. Get over your whining, and get yourself out and find a job. Oops, can’t find one? Well, you only have to look at your Union, your Congressman, your Senator, or your President as the culprits in this regard…they are killing the jobs in our Country, but blaming everything and everybody else for their agenda. But to hear them tell it, it is simply big business or capitalism as a whole, where the problem lies. Once more, BULL! This Country allowed me, an un-educated, former cocaine addict, to turn my whole life around…without government handouts! Why? Because of what my Dad drilled into me. First…no one owes you anything! Boy isn’t that true! Secondly…if you get knocked down, get back up. Never, EVER take no as an answer. Thirdly…learn from your mistakes. Fourthly…you can do anything you want to do. You just have to want it bad enough! And one more…put your faith in God. He’ll not put more on you than you can carry. We are not a Nation of whiners as our politicians would like you to see yourself, but a Nation of ACHIEVERS! Never forget this. Your work ethic, your pride, your drive to succeed, your name, and your word are all you have. Use them wisely! So many of these things my Dad taught us as children we now are incorporating into our fight against Deb’s cancer as well. We’ll not quit, we’ll get up if knocked down, we’ll learn from our mistakes, we’ll never accept no as an answer, we’ll whip this because we want it bad enough, and we’ll put our faith in God. Deb will get through this. Please accept our humble thanks all around for all the thoughts, information, and prayers you guys send us! Thank you all so very much, they are greatly appreciated. Please understand that by sharing my thoughts with you all today, my intention is simply inspiration, and to get anyone out there with doubts, to put them from your mind, you can be your own best friend, or your own worst enemy. Believe in yourself, and good things will happen in your lives. Don’t take no for an answer, and in your heart know and believe that you too can do anything you want…you only have to want it bad enough. Everything that happens, happens for a reason, and this includes challenges in your life as well. Challenges are literally opportunities, and by all means make the very best of them! Our fight for our Country has already started, and the 2012 election is a big one. Be ready to get out and vote, and express to all your family, friends, neighbors, business associates, everybody, just how important this election is. Quit listening to a dern group of politicians telling you what you can or cannot do, they are incapable of running their own lives, at least in the way I’d like to live mine. I pride myself in my word being my bond, and having my integrity, my morals and standards as my guidepost as to how I live my life. There aren’t too many of our politicians anymore who give a hoot in hell over any of these traits today. On top of this…I love my Country, and what she stands for. Once again, there aren’t a lot of our politicians can say the same. God Bless you all, and God Bless America! Deb says to tell you all to keep a smile on your face, and one in your heart! Dub and Deb


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Dub and Deb——

‘Ridin Out The Recession With Dub and Deb in “Miz Judi’s Kitchen’!

Note to Readers: There are a few things that Dub doesn’t know but one thing he does know is that the word ‘Riding’ (as in Riding Out the Recession) is spelled with a ‘g’ at the end.  But Dub not only walks the walk, but speaks like he is: down home, true blue, and plain speakin’ country folk.

Dub and Deb are both native Floridians, live in Central Florida, and run a small business as well. They have five children, and seven grandchildren.

Both love to cook, love to laugh, grow a garden, and generally try to “aggravate” most anyone around them basically…all in good fun, of course!
