
We commend Governor Reeves and Mississippi legislators for protecting women and girls against an extreme and destructive political agenda

I am?

Biden’s on a Rolls Today Dag Barkley | May 15, 2024
Biden's on a Rolls Today, Sumla be anter done... burp...

Patriots to Islam? China? Russia?

Some day Google’s chokehold on the Web will come to a shameful end for the entire world to see

The completion of the pier is the first step in the Biden administration's two-month-long, $320 million gamble

Nicotine has been shown to interact with receptors in the retina, and experiments in animals have shown that it can increase the release of dopamine and glutamate in the cells within the retina

"Temperatures went up first, and then there was the increase in CO2. You can't say that A causes B if B happens first... Who are pushing global warming are doing their damnedest that those who believe the opposite don't get heard in the public"

They fear conservatives because they come with principles and can’t be brainwashed

Which will enable unelected technocrats to dictate how, when, where, on what and by whom it can be spent, including the imposition of social credit, carbon allowance and vaccine passport systems

"We're essentially in a CO2 drought by historical standards... We were almost at the point where the plants were going to start to die"

Dr. Kathleen Ruddy has seen several late-stage cancer patients make dramatic recoveries after taking ivermectin

• Robert Fico, 59, is the longest-serving prime minister in Slovakia's history • The shooter has reportedly been identified as Juraj C, 71, from Levice

'Leftists are trying their best to shut down the voices of half of America,' Dan Schneider says Facebook

US authorities are ready to sacrifice national interests, as well as the interests of their citizens and companies for Ukraine

California and Florida will be losing five locations each, while Maryland and Colorado will both lose four

Biden: “Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020. Since then, he hasn’t shown up for a debate. Now he’s acting like he wants to debate me again. Well, make my day, pal.”

“Did we cross the Rubicon? Did we go after a former president for the first time in the history of this Republic, in 235 years, for this guy? For this kind of witness? For these kinds of charges?”

“If we stand together in this fight, we’re going to defeat Crooked Joe Biden; if he runs — will he make it to the starting gate?” Trump said

“We have never had a former president, presidential candidate who was impeached, then indicted for trying to overturn an election. Never in all of our history”

Congratulations to USA for flying directly over the target.

“What a Pathetic Clown – He’s Like a Little Boy, What the Hell?”

Today was the climax: star witness, Michael Cohen, further proved he’s a rat who lies for cheese

The General Assembly needs to explain why it has refused to consider implementing HKOPS for the last 23 months

Surgeon, professor and medical commentator, Dr. Marty Makary

A foot-operated chime-like musical instrument that consists of 9 bronze tiles, with mechanical sound elements under each

When the American people get duped, deceived, double-crossed, cheated, lied to, swindled and conned into believing that the government and its army of bureaucrats actually have our best interests at heart

Because it was an extremely rare event to happen to an athlete - now however it seems to happen every single week hence all the compilation clips

Two prison officers were killed and three others seriously hurt in the attack - with a local man telling Sky News he heard "30 or 40 really loud gunshots"

They’ve been smearing President Trump News on the Net | May 14, 2024
Falsely claiming he demanded they “find” him votes, and yet Fulton County can’t find their own votes
