
Farmers around the World are under attack - this is tragic

She shouted like a lunatic, acted like a thug and even cursed

“The world around us says that we should keep our beliefs to ourselves whenever they go against the tyranny of diversity, equity and inclusion. We fear speaking truth, because now, unfortunately, truth is in the minority”

Legislation also eliminates mandates regarding the procurement of fuel-efficient vehicles and the use of climate-friendly products by state agencies

The Heritage Foundation has called the coverup of the origins of COVID “The Lie of Century.” We agree. This is a scandal of colossal scale, one that requires a complete overhaul of the entire National Institutes of Health

Lawmakers had convened for a hearing to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt

BERNSTEIN: "The president talked about how concerned he was for households struggling with prices"

Romania, & Russia while Biden was VP, with over $240K in checks being directly wired to Biden with no explanation

He just stated that DA Alvin Bragg's office hid conversations from the grand jury he had with Cohen that Trump did nothing wrong!!!

Dave Smith on how neocons wrecked the country. Tucker Carlson on Twitter | May 16, 2024
Libertarian comedian and podcaster Dave Smith has a unique and compelling worldview.

Geert Wilders message to America News on the Net | May 16, 2024
“First, learn your lessons from Europe, Islam will conquer before you know it. Be resilient, stand up and fight for your freedom and against Islam.”“And secondly, maybe the most important thing I ask Americans to do, is re-elect president Trump

During the first press conference Wilders announced he’ll be introducing the “toughest immigration policy the nation has ever seen”

Hey, a cardboard bed is still sustainable even if it’s smashed, and I’m willing to bet that there will be quite a few flattened beds in Paris this summer.

Either Biden is guilty and he should have been prosecuted, or he's too feeble and incompetent to be president. What is Joe Biden hiding by invoking executive privilege?

Presidential Power of Impoundment Douglas V. Gibbs | May 16, 2024
The Presidential Power of Impoundment is Constitutional, the 1974 Impoundment Control Act was unconstitutional, the tyrants embedded in the federal government will fight tooth, nail to stop the power of impoundment from ever becoming a thing again

The Dan Goldman witness coaching must not be working out

Ford Reports “Shocking” EV Losses Milt Harris | May 16, 2024
Gas cars are not being eliminated, period. The truth is simple: EVs are not sustainable as the main source of vehicular transportation

"Right there in my hallway was a handsome little boy that I swear could have been pulled right out of an Andy Griffith episode or a Norman Rockwell painting"

NEVER BIDEN! What took them so long?

Changes in Per-Person GDP (Income): 1985 to 2023

“While countries have the right to make decisions that protect their citizens, it is essential to recognize that pandemics transcend borders and require global collaboration to effectively address them”

Senior counsel Steve Crampton says the case was 'selective prosecution' while anti-Israel demonstrators get off scot-free

The religious motto “God, Team, Me” is posted inside the team's locker room and on official team shirts. FFRF wrote a letter of complaint to the high school

Fisherman saves 2 bear cubs from drowning! News on the Net | May 16, 2024
Get me out of here, the water is very cold

“90% of the content on TikTok is pro-Palestinian, now blonde European and American girls with tattoos all over their bodies are now converting to Islam. TikTok is a gift from Allah”

Judge should order them to clean up or 30 days in jail

As he was confronted by the Jewish students he shouted: “You care about a piece of cloth more than 1 million children”

The little commie say “Revolution is inevitable but success is not, we must build a party that will read workers to success”

1. Cohen didn't actually believe the Stormy Daniels allegation. 2. Cohen paid Stormy Daniels all on his own. 3. Trump had nothing to do with it
