
35 or more state legislatures are rushing state sovereignty legislation through to reclaim states rights

The People Move to Defend Against Runaway Fed

By JB Williams ——--May 13, 2009

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Upon taking office, much of the nation was prepared to give the incoming Obama administration a chance, despite a laundry list of well founded doubts. On his first day in office 44% of Americans strongly approved while only 16% strongly disapproved of the new president. But it would be a very short honeymoon...

Immediately, the Obama administration started making all the wrong moves. Little more than a hundred days later, only 35% strongly approve as he has already lost the confidence of many who voted for him and 30% now strongly disapprove, up from 16% on his first day in office. The remaining 35% are still blindly hoping against all evidence. The fact is the Obama administration has made so many wrong moves so fast that it has frightened people across the nation into action. According to the Tenth Amendment Center,
  • 35 or more state legislatures are rushing state sovereignty legislation through to reclaim states rights under the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, preparing to defend the states against an overreaching federal juggernaut
  • Many of the same states are also rushing Second Amendment protections through to assure their citizens that even under conditions of Martial Law, the states are prepared to defend Second Amendment rights
  • Several Constitutional Convention efforts to enforce constitutional limitations on a runaway Fed are in the works
  • A Grand Jury effort is underway to force Obama to open up the birth, college and passport records he has spent a million bucks to keep sealed and secret Numerous law suits are pending in numerous courts demanding that Obama make his life ‚"transparent" for all to see, all of them convinced that he cannot pass constitutional muster for the office he holds
  • Guns and ammo sales have been through the roof for months now
  • Companies are laying off and cutting back in preparation for worsening economic conditions
  • Soldiers and Sheriffs are restating their oaths to protect and defend the constitution and the people against all enemies, foreign and domestic, including a runaway Fed if need be
  • TEA Party movements opposing excessive taxation and unbridled wealth redistribution are growing across the country
All of these real events are signs that the people and their states are taking measures to erect defenses against an increasingly intrusive Fed which appears to think it can run roughshod over the people, the states and the US Constitution and many Obama supporters believe the same, - ‚"we won, so shut up!" seems to be their mantra these days. Meanwhile, the Fed is busy preparing to meet an anticipated local resistance by getting out in front and framing the headlines in advance. Obama's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued two damning reports to law enforcement agencies across the land, attempting to label every American who owns a gun, a bible or a pocket constitution, a ‚"potential domestic terrorists" of grave concern to national security (as they prepare to release known Islamic terrorists into population). They were largely successful in labeling Tax Day TEA Party attendees as ‚"right-wing racists" who only oppose Obama's skin color and might become ‚"domestic terrorists" as economic conditions worsen, which under Obama, is all but certain. Battle lines are clearly being drawn. Only 35% of Americans polled believe Obama is headed in the right direction. The other 65% aren't so sure and just in case they are right, they are erecting defenses against a government they trust less and less each day. The most common comment from readers is, - ‚"We are mad as hell at what he's doing, and we're not going to take it anymore. But what can we do?" On March 24th, I released a column titled Americans Largely Silent as Their Nation is Systematically Destroyed. That column has been posted and reposted on thousands of web sites, read by millions, comments on by thousands and it is still driving reader mail to my inbox every day, almost two months after its release. Rarely does a column generate such interest with such a long shelf life. The people are indeed waking up and they do not like what they see. Bottom line, alone there is nothing the ‚"little guy" can do. But united by the millions, there is nothing the ‚"little guys" can't do... Having lost all faith in Washington Republicans as well, people are looking outside of Washington DC for answers. They are looking to their state governments and local law enforcement agencies to protect them from a Fed now clearly under the international control of anti-American left-wing Globalists. More than a few have even written to ask which side the military will stand on if they ever receive federal orders to disarm or detain dissenting American citizens. The truth is, nobody really knows for sure and that's what the Oath Keepers are restating their loyalties to the Constitution and the People, not any temporary resident of the White House who might be operating at odds with American interests. Clearly, a growing number of Americans, including in state legislatures, are increasingly concerned with the path Obama is on, and they are taking a variety of local and state actions to prepare for the worst. Are these actions reasonable on the basis of Obama's policy decisions of the first 100 days? Has the obvious giant leap leftward in DC caused an equal and opposite reaction at the state level, not to mention in the hearts and minds of Americans from shore to shore? It is quite clear that the two opposing forces in America today are drawing battle lines. Folks who demand access to the earnings and assets of others in the Marxist name of ‚"socio-economic equality" intend to use the full weight and power of the federal autocracy they now control from the White House and both houses of congress, to force their will upon the productive masses. Those who see their earnings and assets under attack for a so-called ‚"greater communal good" are clearly erecting defenses through which they can protect and preserve their constitutional rights against a government no longer concerned with constitutional rights. At the moment, it seems we are only waiting for the next shot heard round the world. We are waiting to see which final straw will break the proverbial camels back. We are waiting to see who is going to blink. The extreme left running Washington DC is pushing every American into a corner. They have been building a secular-socialist America for almost a hundred years now and as of the last two elections, they think they have the political power to force the final stage, from democratic socialism into centralize government ownership and control of all major economic sectors. The other half of America is stocking food, water and weapons, while working through state legislators and law enforcement to reclaim states rights and establish lines of defense against an intrusive overbearing Fed that is not going to stop until they are stopped. Am I calling for a second Civil War? No... Nobody in their right mind would. However... as each day passes, it becomes ever clearer that many are preparing for just such an event and that such an event may already be unavoidable. There is NO sign that the extreme left in control of DC is going to back down from its current rush to dismantle our Constitutional Republic and install their secular socialist global government and half of America sees nothing wrong with global secular socialism. But the other half of Americans are crying ‚"give me liberty or give me death!" When the hour to take a stand for freedom arrives, true American patriots of every living generation, every religious, ethnic and political stripe, will stand and be counted. If the left thinks they can succeed in ending the American dream without a fight, they have grossly mis-underestimated their enemy. They have miscalculated tolerance for acceptance and silence for consent. Americans are happy to peacefully debate lots of issues, but the topic of freedom and liberty are not negotiable. When Americans are finally convinced that this is what Obamanation is after, their personal freedoms and individual liberty, the friendly little inside the beltway debate will abruptly end. Only two questions remain....
  • Is there any way to stop it from happening?
  • What happens next?
You tell me... As for ‚"what can we do?"- Call the folks filing law suits to force Obama to open up his life, or the people setting up the Grand Jury effort, the Constitutional Convention effort or the Oath Keepers, certainly your local sheriff and state legislators and get directly involved in helping them succeed. Ask them what you can do to help them succeed in their efforts to block abusive federal power, because if they succeed, the leftists fail and freedom wins! If you really want to know what you can do, call any or all of them and ask! Nobody can afford to sit this one out!

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JB Williams——

JB Williams is a writer on matters of history and American politics with more than 3000 pieces published over a twenty-year span. He has a decidedly conservative reverence for the Charters of Freedom, the men and women who have paid the price of freedom and liberty for all, and action oriented real-time solutions for modern challenges. He is a Christian, a husband, a father, a researcher, writer and a business owner.

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