
How dangerous this government healthcare takeover would be?

What Americans Need to Know About The Healthcare Takeover

We recently saw an overview of the healthcare bill being debated in Congress (HR 3200). We found the overview so alarming that we doubted its accuracy, so the staff in our D.C. office compared it to the voluminous bill.

What they found astonished us so much that we had to share it with you today. You can read our updated and revised overview of HR 3200 and you will be alarmed, too. You can also read the text of HR 3200 - directly from a government website - to see for yourself how dangerous this government healthcare takeover would be. Of course, it is not enough to be alarmed and do nothing! Congress is going on recess soon, but you can be assured that the liberals behind this bill will not be at rest. They will hold public meetings and try to convince their constituents that government healthcare is the only option. It is time to visit the Senators and Representatives in their local offices in your state. Take copies of our document on HR 3200 with you so they can understand your concerns. Find your Senators and Representatives offices online. Read more about the consequences of this bill in Matt Barber's article "Is There a Co-Pay with Forced Abortion?" Barber is Director of Cultural Affairs for Liberty Counsel and Associate Dean with Liberty University School of Law.

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Matt Barber——

Matt Barber is founder and editor-in chief of BarbWire.com. He is an author, columnist, cultural analyst and an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. Having retired as an undefeated heavyweight professional boxer, Matt has taken his fight from the ring to the culture war. (Follow Matt on Twitter: @jmattbarber).





