
Much of what passes for environmentalism is evil, Al Gore

Watch “Not Evil, Just Wrong”, Sunday, 8 PM Est

imageOn Sunday, October 18th, at 8 PM Eastern, the producers of a documentary, “Not Evil, Just Wrong” are aiming for the world’s largest premiere and I would urge you to participate by going to Not Evil, Just Wrong to watch it. It examines the role that former Vice President Al Gore has played in foisting the greatest hoax of the modern era on Americans and others around the world. It looks at the ways national and international environmental organizations have sought to have carbon dioxide, a vital gas necessary to the growth of all vegetation on Earth, declared a “pollutant” so it can be regulated and turned into a vehicle to enrich a handful of people and industries.

You will learn how environmentalists have perverted science to advance their goals and you will learn about their anti-humanity agenda. It is about the true cost of global warming hysteria. The scare tactics that have been used will be revealed to you. Watch this documentary, pick up a DVD and give it to your local schools, use the knowledge to write your local, state, and federal legislators and demand they not pass baseless legislation justified by a “global warming” that is not happening. The Earth is ten years into a cooling cycle likely to last for several decades. Tell them you want the “cap-and-trade” in Congress defeated. My only caveat is with the title. Much of what passes for environmentalism is evil.

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Alan Caruba——

Editor’s Note: Alan passed away on June 15, 2015.  He will be greatly missed

  Alan Caruba: A candle that goes on flickering in the dark.


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