
The Progressive movement and Progressives in Government have over the last one hundred years, all but obviated the limitations set by the U. S. Constitution

Collectivism without the Teleprompter

“On New Year's Day the official Soviet newsorgan, Izvestia, confidently predicted that J. Stalin's new decrees will break the peasant's strike, speed the wheels of industry. Front-paging a nearly lifesize sketch of the Dictator whose left arm extended clear across the bottom of the page, Izvestia captioned and clarioned: AHEAD, COMRADES, TO NEW VICTORIES !” - TIME Magazine, January 1933. [1]

Reading “The Federalist Papers” provides us a thorough brief of how our Founders envisioned our Republic operating under the strictures of its Constitution. Government is necessarily restrained. Freedoms from overbearing government encouraged innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit that made America the world giant and leader in industry, science, economics and banking, and education. Are we are allowing the accomplishments our the Founding Fathers, the Constitution, and the American Dream to slip away by inattention and lack of exercise? Are we failing this maxim: “Use it of lose it?” If so it is “our bad.” We have no doubt lost the edge. What has happened? Have ever bigger government and incessant regulation quashed incentives? Have ever higher taxes flattened our wallets and ruined our retirements? Has an increasingly intrusive welfare state crushed our will? Does no one any longer appreciate that the business of America is business? What has happened to the “pursuit of happiness?” What has changed over the past one hundred years? What has changed is this: The Progressive movement and Progressives in Government have over the last one hundred years, all but obviated the limitations set by the U. S. Constitution. A Progressive Politician [who formerly described themselves as Liberals] are Big Government Statists The U. S. Constitution is not even a “speed bump” in Barack Obama’s plan to transform the United States into some kind of post-modern Totalitarian State. This is because both Political Parties of Congress, the Executive Branch, and the Judiciary actively employ the theory that today the Constitution must adapt to Government, the Government need not be constrained by the Constitution. As Congressman Alcee Hastings, [D, Pluto] recently stated to the media during the unconstitutional debate and passage of the “Healthcare Reform Act,”
“I wish that I had been there when Thomas Edison made the remark that I think applies here: ‘There ain’t no rules around here — we’re trying to accomplish something.’ And therefore, when the deal goes down, all this talk about rules, we make ‘em up as we go along, and I’m here now 18 years, and a significant amount of that time here on this committee under the leadership of the Republicans…”
Stop! Think! There is a severe logical fallacy at work here! One cannot invoke the words of the inventor, Thomas Edison, regarding his laboratory’s method of investigation and invention when discussing Constitutional law! Perhaps this gives an insight as to why Alcee Hastings was not fit to be a Federal Judge. Hastings was impeached for soliciting bribes while on the bench; in other words: “… making up the rules as he went along.” He is a convicted criminal, serving in the House of Representatives. So … how easy is it to go from [a.] making up the rules as we go along, to [b.] eliminating all rules for those in charge of making rules, to [c.] those making rules, ruling out our freedoms, to [d.] rulers ruling our lives totally, more precisely, the creation of a Totalitarian State? If the Constitution is ignored, then We the People are no longer in charge, it is entirely possible How far are we from becoming slaves or serfs when this happens? In it’s heyday, following the Great War, the Totalitarian State was supposed to be the answer to the perils of living in modern, mass society. It was not a dirty word at first. Mussolini, Stalin and Hitler had many admirers, at least at first. Liberals in the United States supported “Uncle Joe” Stalin to the bitter end; and to this day many of them claim that the United States, and not Stalin, were responsible for the Cold War. Go figure. We failed to drive the stake through the heart of this vampire! Today, Socialism is acceptable to most Americans, even though it is antithetical to tour way of life and our economy! Let’s take a look at the worst of the worst totalitarians, Joseph Stalin. Stalin was a Marxist Revolutionary and an early follower of Vladimir Lenin. He was initially a lower level Apparatchik and Communist Party Hack, and hit man within Lenin’s Regime [“Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem. - J. Stalin]. Stalin became a member of the Politburo in 1919 [the inner circle of the CP Central Committee], it’s Membership Administrator in 1921, and General Secretary in 1922. 1922. Lenin made the mistake of criticizing Stalin’s ambition and abilities openly in 1923 “Coincidentally,” Lenin died in early 1924 of a stroke. Lenin thought of Stalin as a crude and dangerous bumpkin: rude, capricious, vulgar, untrustworthy. Stalin apparently thought otherwise of himself. In truth Stalin was at certainly a narcissist, but more likely a dangerous psychopath [I believe the latter]. Following the death of Lenin in 1924, Stalin eliminated his political opponents, Zinoviev and Kamenev by the end of 1925. By 1928 he had tightened his grip on the Soviet Union State Machinery. Read the TIME Magazine article from 1933. It describes perfectly how even a Supreme Dictator, like the Soviet butcher, Joseph Stalin, cannot make something happen simply by decree. What this does show us is how such decrees and Five Year Plans establish false premises, ridiculous production quotas, exaggerated results and calls for more Five Year Plans. Each Five Year Plan is more grandiose in scope and demanding of producers and workers. Reading Stalin’s speech shows that in the absence of teleprompters, J. V. Stalin held his audience captive for hours delivering his reports on progress of his Five Year Plans. If they did not applaud, they were reported and reprimanded; if they fell asleep, they were punished and re-educated; if they objected, they were shot. It is interesting to read certain revised histories by progressive American “historians” regarding Stalin’s three, Five Year Plans and compare them to the actual record. The revisionists point to the “successes” of Stalin’s forced industrialization of Russia, and hail collectivization and forced mechanization of the farms. In truth, Stalin ruthlessly transformed a peasant society into a slave society. The successive Five Year Plan transformation’s were organized under a bureaucratic administration called GOSPLAN. The plans never met established goals and quotas. Failure resulted in dismissal, banishment, exile, or execution. In speeches before the Central Committee the Plans were hailed as great successes. Subsequent plans sought to achieve even loftier when by all industrial and economic measures and estimates such goals were impossible. A reign of terror by Secret Police and assassination squads proceeded side by side with the Five Year Plans. No one really knows how many deaths for which Stalin is directly or indirectly responsible, but estimates generally range from 25-40 Million! Estimates vary, but it is suggested that 10 million were deported to Gulags, and upward of 15-20 million were deliberately starved to death in the Ukraine. The paranoid Stalin reportedly executed a million or more political rivals. [“One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic.”] Hitler stated the Mussolini gave the National Socialists the Blueprint for Nazism. Adolf Hitler was a piker compared to Stalin. Stalin is somehow still seen by many as a great man. But Stalin, a mass murderer by any reckoning, has been given a pass. Still Stalin was the Blueprint for the horrific transformation of China under Mao Tse-Tung. Mao Tse-Tung is a “favorite philosopher” of Obama White House Communications Director, Anita Dunn. “Wherefore art thou Barack Obama?” So now I ask you, dear reader, why would anyone want a return to Big Government Totalitarianism? Does not the record show that our Constitutional Republic thrived prior to the emergence of Progressivism? Once progressivism gained a foothold, our Free Enterprise, market economy and American Exceptionalism still held the ship of the Republic aright. But after 100 years of incorporating unconstitutional progressive, Statist social welfare and social engineering “fixes,” the Ship of State is listing hard to starboard and in danger of sinking. We now have an unprecedented 13 Trillion dollar [plus] debt, most of which is owned by our adversary China, still herself a Totalitarian State. It is a sad and stupid mistake to follow Obama, Reid, and Pelosi into this progressive nightmare. It is sad because we may never recapture our Founder’s Vision. It is stupid because we already know where this will lead. Each day I meet more and more people who ask, “How do we fix this?” My standard reply is this: Support those candidates who clearly state that they will only support bills clearly enumerated in the Constitution. Also demand that they vow to resign if they fail to obey their sworn oath of office: to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help them God. Only an out-of-control, over-reaching government or foreign adversaries can be our enemy, not “We the People.” And oh … by the way: Illegal aliens are NOT part of We the People. Alcee Hastings and the rest of those in Congress who think like him must go. Work to vote him and those like him out this November. Remember this: Making up the rules as they go along, is not too many steps away from having the secret police dragging us out of our home at night for questioning. Bill Ayers [who Obama described as only “a guy down the block“] and his friends actually discussed the elimination of 10% of the US population who would resist their terrorist plans of the 70s for transforming the USA into a Revolutionary Socialist State. These people are the now the very same people, somehow never put in jail for their terrorist actions, who try to tell us that Arizona may not protect its own borders from illegal aliens and criminal incursions when the Federal Government refuses to do so. This is an example of “making it up as we go along.” Is that the kind of government that we want? If it is, Stalin would be proud. It is those same Sixties Radicals who are Barack Obama’s “Brain Trust” and who comprise many of Barack Obama’s Czars. We have our work cut out for us. “It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.” - Joseph Stalin

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William R. Mann——

William R. Mann, is a retired Lt. Colonel, US Army. He is a now a political observer, analyst, activist and writer for Conservative causes. He was educated at West Point [Bachelor of Science, 1971 ]and the Naval Postgraduate School [Masters, National Security Affairs, 1982].
