
The president’s word-choice is absurd

Obama calls Republicans “hostage takers.”

This guy doesn’t get it. He, president Obama, cannot - and never will - understand that as the country’s leader, his obligation isn’t to polarized constituencies, but to every American regardless of skin color, immigration status, sexual orientation, or income bracket. True, there are a number of white, legal, straight and comfortably employed Republicans, just as there are Democrats in these categories, but president Obama ignores this, choosing instead to pander and divide. No longer an ACORN shill, and no longer feeding Alinsky to the wards, he fails nonetheless to embrace his position.

A leader doesn’t whine about “millionaires and billionaires” receiving tax “cuts,” when he knows that people making $200,000 aren’t “rich.” And no leader, as Obama did at his press conference, refers to the opposition as “hostage takers.” Asked by NBC’s Chuck Todd about “GOP obstruction,” the president replied: “We all know that the middle-class tax cuts were being held hostage to the high-end tax cuts. It’s tempting to not negotiate with ‘hostage takers,’ unless the hostage gets harmed. In this case the hostage was the American people.” Really? That’s the best we can get from the President of the United States? Hostage-takers seize people against their will, threatening to kill them if their demands aren’t met. The president’s word-choice is absurd. Moreover, his “American people” - the one’s being held hostage - excludes citizens who oppose his philosophy. If you believe that workers can spend their money better than a bureaucrat, you don’t factor. Obama’s America is a parochial America defined by his hero. Obama himself.

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Greg Halvorson——

Greg Halvorson is an island of conservative clarity in the liberal armpit of Portlandia, Oregon.  He regularly drives liberals berserk at The Conservative Hammer Facebook page.  His Twitter handle is @GHalv.
