
Obama Directed by Hillary on Libya War, While Palin & Bush Proved Right

Why Did He Even Bother Running? Obama Leadership Vacuum Menaces Globe

By Kelly O'Connell ——--March 20, 2011

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Has any modern political figure ever squandered political goodwill in the manner of Obama--trading near messianic devotion from a hundred million for not even a cup of proverbial porridge in return? His political pratfalls occur only as often as he makes decisions. But even the most hardened Obama backers had to shudder and roll their eyes this week when Barack fixated on college basketball "brackets" instead of ongoing tragedy, chaos and the loss of tens of thousands. It became transparent--in a way in which only disasters bring clarity--that Obama is a boy amongst men, only haphazardly observing history's progress the way a house cat mindlessly follows a fluttering object.

If we consider Obama a metaphorical Boy Scout attempting a merit badge for Government Service, this illustrates the sense of his hazy understanding of duty's call. It would appear Barack mistook his "mandate" for Woody Allen's observation--"Eighty percent of success is just showing up." Bearing in mind Obama's abused and lost childhood, spent in Pacific hinterlands with a Hippy-wack-mama and various Marxist father figures, we begin to plumb his psychic disfigurement. Add layers to the onion of leftist college pals, and decades of a vengeful Marxist pastor, and his orientation becomes crystal clear. Now, there is generally no harm in lacking any ability to lead. But in Barack's case, it was immoral to run for president when he couldn't even lead a bloodhound to a fresh plate of liver and onions. Recent tragedies and conflicts utterly prove Obama's wholesale lack of principle. The import is he is wholly unpredictable, and will only be directed by circumstance and self-advancement. If we account for his indifference to history, democracy, capitalism, and Christianity--then shoehorn-in issues of mental competency, it adds up to perhaps the worst presidency in US history. We might only be one more simple crisis away from a total leadership implosion, given how Barack seems to lead less and less with each mounting disaster. In midst of one of history's strongest earthquakes, an associated nuclear disaster, and political meltdown in Libya and across the Middle East, Obama reveals childish instincts to run and hide. He has all the enthusiasm of a hemophiliac at a knife-throwers convention. So we need to hit the reset button with 2 years left. That issue is the subject of this essay.

I Leftist "One Right Answer" Decision Making

Barack is helping promote the biggest con job in socialist history. He sells the belief leftists access a body of wisdom unparalleled in human history, allowing stunningly correct decisions, light-years ahead of anyone else. We can call this the "One Right Solution" approach to leadership; an antidote to any problem. This idea derives from the notion good government is based upon humanistic roots that then cast up a Great Socialist to lead the people towards enlightenment. Consider these human super-dynamos who appeared to lead a nation helpless of dolts: Lenin, Mao, Stalin, Castro, Pol Pot, etc. But the real track-record of socialism is almost as convincing as that of alchemy. From where does such an outlandish idea come, that leftism has answers to life's problems? By virtue of the sudden triumph of radical humanism against slowly developed traditions--often with roots in revealed religion. We can briefly note socialism represents a qualitative simplification of every important institution in the Western constitutional canon. Republicanism becomes vulgar democracy before its pushed into tyranny. Capitalism is crushed into socialism. Military strength is downsized into appeasement. The Rule of Law is reduced to the notion government can do no wrong. Related, religion is outlawed or belittled into subservience, and State itself then becomes a god. Rights of Free Speech, and other civil liberties and criminal rights therefore become enfolded into the state. Consider the arrogance when Vladimir Lenin claimed, "Any cook should be able to run the country." Here is exactly Barack's own leftist attitude that dismisses democratic leadership as a task that could be done by a catatonic rodent. This is ultimately because Obama has no reverence for America's style of leadership and government theory, which revolutionized the world over the last 200 years. In other words, Barack has no taste for liberty, or love for America. Once philosophy overtakes a system, the end is nigh. Because no philosopher's system can hope to compete with the gradual and natural evolution of a legal system and government theory, slowly and painstakingly growing over millennia as the Common Law in England. The latter took centuries to mature, eventually spinning out such doctrines as a Rule of Law, as found in the Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights, and constitutionalism. We find defense of Life, Liberty and Property are all necessary for the erection of a modern state. It would be impossible for the work of a few deranged Parisian leftists to overcome such powerful Natural Law theories in a few reactionary decades. Plus, any doctrine centered upon the isolated thoughts of mankind is already a kingdom based on a cracked foundation. Alexander Solzhenitsyn talked about the paralyzing fear of government which pervaded the USSR during his stint in the Gulag, Russia's massive prison camp system. He wrote, "The aggregate fear led to a correct consciousness of one's own insignificance and the lack of any kind of rights." And so any communist movement seeking to dispirit the populace will do so by making arbitrary, and frequently counter-intuitive decisions, and also wiping out constitutional rights like so much obscene graffiti. Human wisdom does not see "beyond the horizon," and therefore is not truly visionary, and cannot be trusted. It is vain, superficial, self-centered, and lacks genuine humility and virtue. A humanist regime cannot lead people into the future, despite all claims otherwise. Instead, it leads men astray, while blindly marching them into hell.

II Marxist "Leadership"--The Ultimate Oxymoron

A key method of Marxist power grabs is the creation of perpetual dread and panic in the population because of arbitrary and illogical decision-making. The resultant chaos leaves a dispirited populace, less likely to organize to resist because of a feeling of powerlessness and even a surreal sense of: "is-this-really-happening"?!! The tactic is to get rid of representative government, therefore instilling in the people the idea that non-elites are incompetent to run their own lives. This generally breaks down the individual and group commitment against erection of tyranny. The Obamacare fiasco is a classic example of this method. Clarence Carson notes in Basic Communism: Its Rise, Spread And Debacle in the 20th Century four stages of terror, the first of which is Disordering Terror. One can interpret the actions of socialists which defy and even upend accepted social norms as a beachhead assault of this type. For example, when a leader announces that a legally passed embargo designed to block gay marriage--is itself illegal, against all western history, the populace is informed the Natural Law has been revoked. This helps seed in an overwhelming sense of chaos under the thumb of a lawless tyrant. The explanation is Burke's dictum: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

III. Sociopathy as a Leftist Leadership Prerequisite?

It is a tenet of Taoism that those who most seek power are least able to rule wisely. Taoism's founder Lao Tzu wrote, "Leadership is an opportunity to serve, it is not a trumpet call to self importance." Likewise, famed economist Hayek claimed often the very worst people, ambulatory human dung, arise to the pinnacles of leadership and then oppress others. But has any American president preened and mugged over his position in a more disgusting manner than Barack? In this vein, consider Obama--at the very least--an example of a sick-minded misfit, swallowing whole every nugget of flattery ever heaped upon him, sinking into his bones like plutonium poisoning. This gorging upon praise seemingly blocked intellectual curiosity and moral development. Barack'sm mentally-unwell tendency towards conceit is well-expressed by Shakespeare in Sonnet 62:
Sin of self-love possesseth all mine eye And all my soul, and all my every part; And for this sin there is no remedy, It is so grounded inward in my heart. Methinks no face so gracious is as mine, No shape so true, no truth of such account; And for myself mine own worth do define, As I all other in all worths surmount.
The Sociopath Next Door, by Martha Stout, a clinical instructor at Harvard Medical School, offers rich insight into sociopaths, defined as: "a person, as a psychopathic personality, whose behavior is antisocial and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience." Stout offers this arresting passage seeming custom fit for Barack:
Imagine - if you can - not having a conscience, none at all, no feelings of guilt or remorse no matter what you do, no limiting sense of concern of the well-being of strangers, friends, or even family members. How will you live your life? If you had a high IQ you might become unimaginably, and maybe even globally successful. Why not? With your big brain, & no conscience to rein in your schemes, you can do anything at all...Imagining yourself like this feels insane to you, because such people are insane, dangerously so. Insane but real. Mental health professionals refer to this condition as "anti-social personality disorder," a non-correctable character disfigurement present in 4% of the population, or 1 in 25 people. This condition has other names: "sociopathy," or the clinical term "psychopathy." Guiltlessness was the first personality disorder to be recognized by psychiatry, & terms that have been used at times over the past century include manie sans délire, psychopathic inferiority, moral insanity, and moral imbecility.
Consider Dr Vaknin's writing on Obama's "Malignant Narcissism" and this essayist's piece titled: Are the Sins of the Fatherless the Root of Obama's Tyranny? The idea is that Barack is a psychologically unfit person, completely dominated by infantile narcissism and vulnerable as a pawn to a stronger person's whims. If we consider Barack a simple sociopath, that explains many more of his problems than any other theory.

IV. Anti-War Obama Launches Preemptive Strike Against Libya While Ignoring Japan

Obama would not have been elected without opposing the Iraq War. He, like most other liberals, believes all war is immoral. So how is it even possible Barack entered a preemptive war against Libya? Further, it is now public perception that Obama was led by the nose to support the Libyan bombing by Clinton, for the thousandth time proving a national leader needs both experience, an instinct to lead, and desire to get involved. Obama has none of these. Contra, if this invasion of Libya is meritorious, it then justifies the general argument for Bush's war, which was a pragmatic appeal to the good of the Iraqi people against a tyrant, as well as WMD concerns. Stunningly--Obama, of his own freewill, surrendered his greatest claim to a moral leadership. Consider, if he gives up that, doesn't it follow he would jettison every other supposed conviction in a mad dash for power? Of course it does. Adding to the surreal atmosphere, Obama acts like the tragedy in Japan was no more connected to him than an asteroid striking another planet. Would it really have been impossible to hustle off our most advanced nuclear experts to help tackle the reactors, or to at least drop basketball and Rio to show some concern for a bosom ally? Obama proved to be incompetent, disinterested, hypocritical and utterly uncreative, all in the same scenario. All this means Barack is a mad rogue who must be removed by impeachment, ASAP.

V Conclusion: Palin & Bush Trounce Obama the Unready

Many "conservative" GOP members join a vast ocean of liberals endlessly criticizing Sarah Palin's every move. But this latest evolution of world events merely proves the wisdom of Palin and Conservative principles. In fact, Sarah appears the first to tout a "No Fly Zone" for Libya, tagged the Palin Doctrine. I guess she could see Tripoli from her kitchen window. Barack, former "World's Smartest Man," is repeatedly exposed as a know-nothing, unwise, lazy, indifferent, and strangely docile leader, yet exercised against capitalism and democracy. He should have never run for office. If Obama is the best liberals can manage, they ought to drop out of politics. Barack has overwhelmingly proved Bush his superior in virtually every category, by ratifying--sooner or later--all of the positions he once poured scorn upon. But don't hod your breath for an apology Overall, we must remove every leftist in power to save ourselves. Socialism is an unwise, inhuman, economically incompetent, intellectually indefensible and historically illiterate set of ideas. It, along with its evil stable mate Marxism, is responsible for the deaths of some 200 million innocent persons last century. And since Barack, when he is able to spout out a comprehensible idea, is merely a pale exemplar of socialism, he should be first. He must be excoriated like the traitor he is, he must be impeached; he must be removed for the fate of the free world, before he winds up driving the globe into World War III.

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Kelly O'Connell——

Kelly O’Connell is an author and attorney. He was born on the West Coast, raised in Las Vegas, and matriculated from the University of Oregon. After laboring for the Reformed Church in Galway, Ireland, he returned to America and attended law school in Virginia, where he earned a JD and a Master’s degree in Government. He spent a stint working as a researcher and writer of academic articles at a Miami law school, focusing on ancient law and society. He has also been employed as a university Speech & Debate professor. He then returned West and worked as an assistant district attorney. Kelly is now is a private practitioner with a small law practice in New Mexico.
