
The American taxpayer needs a ‘Daniel’ to stand up to the Liars in the den, ‘shutting the liars’ mouths, that they do not hurt the American taxpayer.’

Venturing into the Liar’s Den!

July 7, 2011 - Will it be a day of continued impasse, a day of infamy, or the day that the GOP breaks the spending insanity within our Federal government that has frustrated so many for so long? Those representing the GOP must remember that when they cross the threshold of the White House, they are venturing into the Liar’s Den!

The Liar-in-Chief and his ‘Demoncrat’ confederates continue to press their demand that ‘both’ political parties must ‘give a little.’ How disingenuous can a cabal of narcissistic regressive-Progressives be? Where was the equal sacrifice by both parties when ObamaCare was rushed through and forced upon a resistant electorate? What happened to the transparency that was promised the voters during the Obama election campaign? Are members of Congress willing to waive their exemption from this assault upon the American citizen? The acronym ‘TEA’ in TEA Party stands for ‘Taxed Enough Already.’ A growing number of people believe individuals and businesses are overtaxed and that Congress overspends. The Demoncrats’ arguments for increasing tax rates ring hollow when increases in tax rates or reductions in tax incentives will likely result in reduced revenues and higher unemployment because of increased costs to consumers, including individuals and families, businesses, non-profits and government entities as well. When Barack Obama was sworn in as President, a fawning media told us that he represented a new congeniality in politics. Following his second oath, this President has been the most partisan hack to occupy the Oval Office since the founding of our blessed nation. This petulant ‘Present-dent’ operates as if he is still a Windy City untouchable, especially when he is denied the implementation of his selfish and ruinous agenda. As a conservative, notably a fiscal conservative, wouldn’t you like to ask the GOP leaders who negotiated the $38.5 Billion in spending cuts earlier this year how they felt when the truth was revealed that their efforts had resulted in less than $400 Million in spending cuts? This question is not intended to embarrass those who sought a responsible and well-intentioned agreement for the good of our country, but to remind these individuals with whom they are dealing. The President and his cadre of thugs are incapable of negotiating in good faith. Fool you once, shame on them; fool you twice, shame on you! While it appears people in politics must practice a false etiquette in playing a ‘genteel’ game inside the banks of the Potomac, those of us beyond the aqua wall of hypocrisy are free of such pretense. We are watching every move of those we sent to represent us, especially those who have displayed a tendency to retreat in the face of controversy, citing ‘compromise’ as a higher art of politics. In 2010, we provided the political cavalry in the House to break the hold of those who are masters of profligate spending within both parties at the expense of the American taxpayer. The American taxpayer needs a ‘Daniel’ to stand up to the Liars in the den, ‘shutting the liars’ mouths, that they do not hurt the American taxpayer.’ I pray that before those who represent the GOP and the American taxpayer enter into ‘negotiations,’ they will enter into prayer, emerging with the courage of Daniel, and a divine directive to represent the greater America, refusing to be bowed by the pressure from the bully pulpit in the Liar’s den.

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A.J. Cameron——

A.J. Cameron was born in Kansas City, MO, and raised in Prairie Village, KS. He is a graduate of Rockhurst High School and University of Kansas, and is a the former president of the Native Sons & Daughters of Greater Kansas City. Having worked for international and local, start-up companies, A. J. brings a wide range of insight to many of the challenging issues of the day. A.J. seeks to engage readers on key issues with views grounded in time-tested principles and common sense.
