
Fast & Furious scandal, TEA Party, Occupy Wall Street

A Glimpse into Obama’s World of Law, Justice & Media

Never heard of the Fast & Furious scandal? You mean "our" media hasn't informed you of these mass murders, DOJ & Executive Branch felonies? So strange.
On Friday, October 7, 2011, nine Arizona Sheriffs, from both sides of the political aisle, called for an independent investigation of Attorney General Eric Holder's actions, his immediate resignation, a direct apology from Obama (at a minimum) & accessory to murder charges filed against AG Holder in the event one additional murder related to this scandal occurs. Shouldn't 300 Mexican citizen murders, 3 American citizen murders, 1,600 missing assault weapons sold directly into the hands of known Mexican drug cartel members under direct DOJ orders, be sufficient to generate even a simple apology from "The One" we were waiting for? Does Obama hate Mexicans? Wouldn't Nancy Pelosi be asking questions similar to this if Bush were President? Based on hard evidence detailed in e-mails recovered under House subpoena, both Obama & Holder have issued direct, bald-faced lies about their knowledge of this scandal. Eric Holder lied under oath before Congress, commonly known as perjury, a felony, and Obama has lied on camera numerous times about his knowledge of this case.

What's worse, an unlawful, petty breaking & entry case by a political operative, known as WaterGate, or an unlawful, unconstitutional, secretive international gun running operation directed through the White House > DOJ > Homeland Security > ICE > ATF > 2,000 illegal gun sales > 303 murdered citizens in America & Mexico > Executive Branch & DOJ coverup > Attorney General Perjury > Massive Obstruction of Justice > National Media indifference? Oh, look at those racist tea party people over there! Aren't those sweet college protesters so inspiring and well intentioned as they eat, sleep, trash, chant vile, idiotic slogans, have sex in plain sight & fight, spit & intentionally agitate the police? Golly, "our" media hasn't covered this behavior? 301 total Tea Party rallies across the nation since April 2009 have resulted in ZERO total arrests. "Occupy Wall Street (America)" protests in just 4 weeks = 1,000+ arrests & growing rapidly. This movement's anti-capitalism hypocrisy is reaching hilarious absurdity. "Radicals" tweeting on BlackBerries, Blogging on iPads, web surfing with Google, emailing on Apple laptops, video taping with Sony camcorders, sipping on Starbucks and living in their NorthFace sleeping bags. "Kill the successful businessman!" "Long live the people!" "Redistribute the wealth!" "99% > 1%" according to these finance majors & philosophy gurus moved to transform America. In the midst of this absurd hilarity, Steve Jobs continues to amaze, educate and inspire, even after his passing. Born out of wedlock, given up for adoption, a college drop-out and all he did was change the world. Without a single government dime, handout, subsidy or union support. Look and watch very closely - the "Occupy Wall Street" protest "movement" is Obama's voter base. Their policies & beliefs are Obama's policies & beliefs. Cheered on by Nancy Pelosi, Van Jones & the Democrat Party, these radical environmentalists, organized labor unions, Marxists, Moveon.org, Media Matters for America, convicted felon George Soros, La Raza, ACORN, One World government and "Open Borders" illegal immigration advocates want America to abandon capitalism, free markets and the concept of personal property rights.

The Obama Left's Mantra of Fundamental Transformation

Every single human, regardless of their citizenship status, individual effort, productive output or contribution to society, is "entitled" to a home, a "living wage", free healthcare, free education, vacation, transportation, food stamps, a secure retirement and all the creature comforts that modern capitalism has heretofore produced. All these benefits are to be "fairly" distributed among the nation by benevolent, all loving, selfless government bureaucrats without an ounce of greed or incompetence influencing their judgments. All the current fruits of capitalism will be fully paid for out of a magical government Piggy Bank endlessly refilled by magic money trees, even after the system of Capitalism is eliminated. It's really quite simple. In short, Capitalism is evil. Only a central governmental regime with total power to confiscate, redistribute, control speech, adjudicate fairness and micro-manage individual choices can be allowed. Caesar, Mao, Castro, Lenin, Chavez, Marx, Stalin, Mussolini and yes - Hitler - each heroic role models of every political movement without capitalism. But this time, it will be different. Right.

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Rob Cunningham——

Rob is a writer, filmmaker, small business owner, constitutional activist and blogger at RobCunninghamUSA.com. He’s co-founder of a leadership and training company with his wife, previously worked as a investment banker and mortgage industry consultant, flew as a Delta Air Lines pilot and served seven years in the USAF, including 33 combat missions during the 1991 Gulf War. He holds a degree in management information systems from the University of Georgia. You can follow him on Twitter @Rob_Cunningham.
