
Andrew leaves a legacy: Drudge Report, Big Hollywood, Big Journalism, Big Government

Remembering Breitbart: a Roman Candle Star

Andrew Breitbart passed away last night. Breitbart, lightning and lodestar, was activism personified, a raging pioneer in the media revolution. Courageous, fearless, tireless.... He was these and more, an adjective train--irascible, irreverent, iconic, IN YOUR FACE.

I’m reminded of another Andy-- Kaufman. Both men were controversial. Both gored the ox, punked paradigms, and “flipped tables.” But unlike Kaufman, Andrew was serious, his focus keen on the propaganda of the left, the false premises and the lies. He leaves behind four children, but more than this, Andrew leaves a legacy: the Drudge Report, Big Hollywood, Big Journalism, Big Government.... These scratch the surface. In parting, he roars. Jack Kerouac once said of himself:
“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time--the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous Roman candles, exploding like spiders across the stars....”
Mad to live--that was Andrew. He and Jack would be pals.

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Greg Halvorson——

Greg Halvorson is an island of conservative clarity in the liberal armpit of Portlandia, Oregon.  He regularly drives liberals berserk at The Conservative Hammer Facebook page.  His Twitter handle is @GHalv.
