
The elitist controlled media lie, twist the truth, bury the truth, and misrepresent the truth--but the truth will out

Reader Feedback to “The Rocket’s Red Glare”

"If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." -- Winston Churchill (1874-1965) "The Gathering Storm"
I seldom "read the minutes of the previous meeting" and revisit past articles of mine, but some of the reader responses to my last article ("The Rocket's Red Glare") were so insightful and well-stated that I felt sharing and discussing them would be of interest and benefit. In addition, I feel that they are representative of what many people feel and reflect what they themselves would write, if they had the time and/or ability. Am I advocating the start of an armed revolution? No, I am not--I most emphatically am not. What I am suggesting is that "we the people" batten down the hatches and prepare for a "worst case" scenario -- that we prepare ourselves to act with alacrity and determination should the need arise. And if things continue as they are, then the need will arise--sooner rather than later. I believe that as important as prepping materially--food, guns, ammo, first-aid supplies, and whatnot--it is as important, if not more important, to prepare ourselves psychologically, spiritually, and emotionally. To be prepared to slap on our "game face" at a moment's notice--and keep it on for the duration.

As I wrote in my last article, stay frosty not fidgety, and be prepared to go into "battle mode" when duty calls: duty to freedom, duty to God, duty to the US Constitution, duty to America, duty to ourselves, our family, friends and loved ones. All of which are intertwined in a true American patriot's heart and soul. In my last article I mentioned "Luciferian Inversion," where what's good is bad, and what's bad is good--where American patriots are called "terrorists," and foreign terrorists are called "freedom fighters." I want to mention in passing that come any civil disturbance the media will portray American patriots as terrorists as a matter of course. It should be expected, and treated with the contempt it deserves. Most of you are by now well aware of how thoroughly corrupted and one-sided the American (and global) media is. They are not "news gathering" resources, but are polished propaganda outlets for globalism. The elitist weltanschauung that the media promotes has long been opposed to the concept of nations, of individual countries ("nation states"). They consider countries to be passé road-blocks to a global utopia. The Powers That Be figure that even if they fail to usher in a "global utopia" (which of course will fail to materialize), then at least they will have created a cowed, brainwashed, and malleable population of "sheeple" to do their bidding -- a population of "sheeple" greatly reduced in size, I might add. The long and the short of it is that you will not hear, or read about, the sort of patriotic sentiments I am about to share with you, unless you "tune in" to patriotic venues via the Internet, radio, or a very few print media periodicals. So without further ado let's see what "we the people" have to say about the current "state of the union." Dick from Florida writes:
As a seventy-year-old gundog I would like to spend the rest of my years living in peace. BUT... if we patriots are to fight then let it be an all-out war. Not like the ones we have been piddling around with for the last 50 years -- but an all-out balls-to-the-wall, scorched earth, raining down hell WAR! We need to settle the question of freedom once and for all.
"Spring cleaning" anyone? Or is it too early in the season for such thoughts? It appears that "we the people" are increasingly of the opinion that, like it or not, we are heading toward civil war--a civil war that will make the 19th century's Civil War look like a skirmish. You do not have to be a George Orwell to feel alarmed at the various preparations being made by our bloated federal government. Preparations ranging from whittling away at "we the people's" Constitutional rights, to a plethora of FEMA "camps" springing up, to DHS stockpiling massive amounts of hollow-point ammo (for "target practice" they say--hollow-points for target practice? Puh-leeze). Moving on; John writes:
It used to be shotguns and .22 rifles we commonly heard [around my place], but now we hear almost every weapon "known to man". You may be able to fool those Chicago street punks, but those who have fought to keep this a Constitutionally limited Republic know what that Marxist [Obama] has in the offing, and they aren't buying his manure spreading. God never intended that we should be ignoramuses, nor does He want us to lie down like dogs and let the jackals eviscerate us. However prepared we might be, it is God who will determine the outcome, and the jackals are "cruising for a bruising", not at our hands, but at His. It is not my job to judge them; it is my job to make sure they get to court. As I have said before, the street punks have a lot to learn and they will learn the easy way or the hard way, their choice.
It is, of course, one thing to indulge in jingoistic rhetoric, and quite another to experience the horrors of war. No sane person wants war. But as our borders continue to be sieves, and as Muslims are treated with untouchable "favored status," one cannot help but wonder who those DHS hollow-points are intended for, and who those FEMA camps are designed to hold, and why our freedoms and protections have been stripped away bit by bit (turns out that the government now has exclusive rights to the rain--at least in Oregon they do). I believe that the following writer speaks for many.
I just finished reading your latest column at CFP, and it left me feeling a mixture of emotions. While it is heartening to read someone whose views of the present crisis accord so closely with my own, it is horrifying even to see in print the notion of armed rebellion or civil war in these United States. As a historian, it has been a surreal experience for me to watch the unfolding of tyranny in this country, as the republic in which I grew up has morphed into what we see before us today. Even for someone with a reasonable degree of dispassion and detachment, the cognitive dissonance is huge.... one almost cannot believe that what is happening is really happening. Other places, yes - but in the United States? Like you, I am very concerned about the prospect of violent conflict on American soil. A "hot," shooting war would be a terrible calamity for the republic, one I am not certain it would survive. As you must know, once you set loose the dogs of war, anything can happen. The notion that war is in any way controllable or manageable - is the conceit of fools. The unfolding reality in front of us should compel us to be very concerned at the prospect of conflict. Noted strategic analyst William Lind--among others--has warned that warfare on American soil is a very real possibility if current trends continue. People can be pushed only for so long before something gives - and those doing the pushing have been doing it for a long time without let-up. The tension in the air is palpable. A great many people--at least those with any degree of situational awareness--are very concerned, if not frightened. The signs of trouble coming are certainly there, if one can discern them. For example, William Ayers, Obama's good friend (and probably the man who wrote Obama's autobiographies) andformer leader in theWeather Underground, once spoke of having to exterminate as many as twenty million Americans, should a communist takeover of America be possible. These would be the "bitter clingers" - the hard-core patriots and traditionalists too-resistant to re-education to be salvaged. No sane or wise person should want war or violence. Only those unfamiliar with the ugly face of human conflict speak in those terms. Then again, as you note, those who would enslave us are arguably neither sane nor wise. I have been fortunate to have led a wonderful, blessed life up to this point--it is not for me that I am concerned, but for my wife and family. I am heartbroken for the young people, whose forbears and elders have so ruined the nation the Founders bequeathed to posterity. It is they who will suffer disproportionately if war comes. Old men start wars, but young men fight them. The above words speak to the reticence most of us feel when the topic of armed revolution is broached. Who in their right mind would want such a thing? No one -- but it is not a question of "wanting to" that we are dealing with here, but of "having to" -- having to defend ourselves and families -- having to protect our children, grandchildren, and unborn generations from being shackled to a life of servitude -- having to protect our property and freedoms from the insidious reach of Agenda 21.
Many, probably most, of "we the people" are Christians, and as Christians should not our watchword be "love?" Yes--but (and this is an important "but") sometimes you simply have to put love on the back burner while you "take care of business." We should take into account that there are many virtues short of love that may be practiced with spiritual profit and gain--virtues such as honor, integrity, valor, compassion, selflessness, courage -- and yes, patriotism. All of these virtues can be, and often are, honed in combat. They may not be love, but they are not anything to be sneezed at either, and in dire situations they may be of more value than love in defending God's truth. Do you suppose God would prefer that freedom be trampled in the mud, truth be buried and forgotten, His children enslaved, and Luciferian elites rule the day? If so, then by all means have at it--but I disagree. Remember, after we have "shuffled off this mortal coil" it will not matter how "our side" did--we shall be held accountable for what we did. Call it divine justice, or karma, or whatever...the question of the day will be "What did you do?" Some of "we the people" are preparing to do quite a bit actually, as Ray in his following message points out.
I read your article lamenting the direction the U.S. is headed in and mentioning that the American people needed to wake up. We Are Waking Up! We have a police chief in Pennsylvania that has started a "Constitutional Security Force" and chapters are springing up throughout the U.S.
I found the article that Ray attached to his email to be most interesting, and I trust you will as well. It describes an organization (a movement, if you will) named "Constitutional Security Force" (CSF) started by police Chief Mark Kessler in Gilberton, Pennsylvania (about sixty miles northeast of the state capital Harrisburg). Following is a lightly edited (for purposes of brevity) version of an article by Tim Brown concerning the CSF.
I wrote last week about Police Chief Mark Kessler's call to citizens of Gilberton Borough, Pennsylvania to join him and his police department in putting together a "reserve force" that could be called upon to help defend the city in the event of a foreign invasion or more precisely an invasion of the Federal government to confiscate firearms. Well, the response by readers and police departments across the country has been nothing short of incredible and as a result Kessler has expanded his small town "reserve force" to now include states nationwide. He is now referring to the movement as a "Constitutional Security Force." I spoke with Chief Kessler a day or so after I released the article and he said the encouragement and response was tremendous. In fact, he indicated to me at that time that he was unprepared for the desire of other police departments to implement something similar in their areas, but he welcomed the opportunity to lead in that endeavor. I plan on taking the CONSTITUTIONAL SECURITY FORCE nationwide with chapters all over the country; there is much work to be done to achieve this historic feat. We are currently looking for monetary donations, equipment donations, so we can offer Firearms Training /certification Classes, First Aid Classes, Recon Courses, Basic Survival Courses, Sniper Course, Tactical Close Combat Firearms Training, and Much More! This is not a militia, but a reserve force that can be called upon to assist police departments at certain times. So far, in just one week his small "reserve force" has grown to become a nationwide project, headquartered in Pennsylvania. As of February 16, 2013, Chief Kessler had five active chapters in Indiana, West Virginia, Texas, South Carolina, and Kentucky! Four more chapters have come on board with contact information since then. New York, Florida, New Jersey, and Missouri all now have contact information for their respective states! What an amazing thing to witness in these desperate times as people begin to stand up for freedom! To see what one person stepping forward to do the right thing and how it is impacting others around the country is truly incredible. If you wish to support the efforts of Chief Kessler and the Constitutional Security Force, you can go here to help.
The CSF sounds like an idea whose time has come if you ask me. Please note that CSF does not advocate armed revolution or civil war, but only wishes to put in place defensive groups to help insure that the US Constitution -- the law of the land--is followed. "We the people" have every right to be alarmed, and to defend ourselves and our rights--as outlined in our "Bill of Rights." If the ongoing "gun grab" by The Powers That Be does not alarm you, then...then I suppose you need to go back to reading the "Daily Kos," or whatever your usual fare is. As for the rest of us, I would suggest that we follow former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino's advice, and stop allowing liberals to define and control our nation's political and cultural debates, or as Bongino puts it, stop liberals from co-opting our language. As Mr. Bongino rightly points out, "gun control" is not about gun control at all, it is about people control. Countries where "gun control" -- excuse me -- "people control" is enforced have seen violent crime rates increase. The "Wall Street Journal" reports that "within a decade of [Britain's] handgun ban and the confiscation of handguns from registered owners, crime with handguns doubled according to British government crime reports. Gun crime, not a serious problem in the past, now is," (italics added). Well mercy me, imagine that. How is such a thing possible if guns are the cause of violent crime? Chicago, which has some of the county's toughest gun laws, continues to have a violent crime rate that is through the roof. How is that possible if guns are responsible for violent crime? The elitist controlled media lie, twist the truth, bury the truth, and misrepresent the truth--but the truth will out. "Gun control" (people control) has one purpose, and one purpose only, and that is to disarm the populace, to "de-fang" them, so that they will be unable to defend themselves against tyranny. After all, it only makes sense to strip "we the people" of our means to resist before stripping us of our rights, our property, and our freedom.

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Jim ONeill——

Born June 4, 1951 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Served in the U.S. Navy from 1970-1974 in both UDT-21 (Underwater Demolition Team) and SEAL Team Two.  Worked as a commercial diver in the waters off of Scotland, India, and the United States.  Worked overseas in the Merchant Marines.  While attending the University of South Florida as a journalism student in 1998 was presented with the “Carol Burnett/University of Hawaii AEJMC Research in Journalism Ethics Award,” 1st place undergraduate division.  (The annual contest was set up by Carol Burnett with money she won from successfully suing a national newspaper for libel).  Awarded US Army, US Navy, South African, and Russian jump wings.  Graduate of NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership School, 1970).  Member of Mensa, China Post #1, and lifetime member of the NRA and UDT/SEAL Association.
