
Looks like Masonic Dolan is pulling the levers to this anti-church program. Let us not forget his ongoing and enthusiastic support for Obama who is nothing but a Marxist puppet.

Reid Group advancing the internal destruction of the church

Note the Reid Group's collaboration with the NY Archdiocese on each page's footer. This consulting group is behind all the parish church closings in dioceses across the country... Milwaukee, Scranton, Detroit, New York Archdiocese, to name a few. The Reid Group is Über liberal-leftist, funneling their very high fees back into programs promoting further destruction of the Catholic faith, e.g, retreats with "Sr." Joyce Rupp, a religious who writes books on the "goddess within"; programs for priestless parishes and laity empowerment; sexual diversity, etc.

Their leftist infestation partly fulfills the Blessed Virgin's prediction at Fatima that the errors of Communism would spread throughout the Catholic Church. Don't forget Bella Dodd's testimony of how over 1100 Communist agents were placed in our Catholic seminaries back in the forties and fifties; many of them held the key positions at Vatican II. The Reid Group group is nothing more than the "Renew" program under a different tag. Just like the KGB; it's now the FSB. Their anti-church brainwashing is a dead give-away. Get a load of item 1 on p. 4 which they call the "life-death-resurrection-mystery": "The Paschal Mystery is both central to our faith and to this planning process. Changes in parish structures are potential examples of the life-death-resurrection mystery." In other words, the Church of old has to die so we can "resurrect" from it. We need to "change" and rise "anew" from the past. You see Chardin's finger prints all over this. By saying "the paschal mystery is both central to our faith and to this planning process," it's saying it applied somewhat to the "embryonic" church of the "dark ages," but that it equally applies to today's evolution forward to new things whereby the true cosmic deity of which we are a part may finally "hatch and become a living host." The use of the word "paschal" also alludes to the idea that we should all think like Jews. Looks like Masonic Dolan is pulling the levers to this anti-church program. Let us not forget his ongoing and enthusiastic support for Obama who is nothing but a Marxist puppet.

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David Martin——

David Martin is the former moderator for St. Michaels Radio which is the one radio program of our time specializing in Catholic prophecy. He has also authored numerous articles on the Church and the Papacy which have appeared on various blogs and websites.

David presently resides in Los Angeles, California where for thirty years he has coordinated a Catholic ministry. He is a daily communicant in his parish church and strongly supports Benedict XVI’s aspiration to see the Traditional Latin Mass returned to every Catholic parish of the world.
