
Media hound “Selfies’ like Obama and Cameron should be booed off the world stage, forced back to the work they were elected to do: Protection of the people of the U.S, Britain

Russia practicing nuke attacks on America from Canada

By Judi McLeod ——--September 8, 2014

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While Selfie Supremos President Barack Obama and Prime Minister David Cameron were hosting NATO showbiz, complete with a flyover and kingly feast at Cardiff Castle, last Thursday and Friday, guess what the Russians were doing?
Two Russian strategic bombers were conducting practice cruise missile attacks on the United States of America at the same time the NATO summit was being held in Wales. The Obama/Cameron NATO flyover was for show. Putin’s nuclear bombing practice for cruise missile attacks is for real. “The Russian Tu-95 Bear bombers were tracked flying a route across the northern Atlantic near Iceland, Greenland, and Canada’s northeast.” (freebeacon.com, Sept. 8, 20140) That’s a lot closer to home than the globe-trotting Obama was. “Analysis of the flight indicated the aircraft were conducting practice runs to a pre-determined “launch box”—an optimum point for firing nuclear-armed cruise missiles at U.S. targets, said defense officials familiar with intelligence reports.(freebeacon.com)

“Disclosure of the nuclear bombing practice comes as a Russian general last week called for Moscow to change its doctrine to include preemptive nuclear strikes on the United States and NATO.”
They’ve been here before:
“In June, Russian bombers flew over the arctic prompting intercepts by Canadian fighters on two occasions. The Canadian government called the stepped up bomber flights a “strategic message” from Moscow amid heightened tensions.”
Problem is that while NATO leaders like Obama and Cameron, whose signature administrations come from ducking action, send out showbiz messages when holding summits to address Islamic terrorism, Russia sends out “strategic” ones. The politics of posturing, rhetoric, grandstanding and showbiz have failed the populations of the Free West. This includes the abysmal failure of the far left over the last three decades in uselessly declaring cities ‘nuclear weapons-free zones’. Rhetoric, particularly when it comes from double-talking politicians, scares no one.
“Google Earth analysis reveals that a Tu-95 launch box located in the Labrador Sea and firing AS-15 missiles would be in range of Ottawa, New York, Washington, and Chicago, and could reach as far south as the Norfolk Naval base.”
The bear is on the loose and it isn’t weakling Barack Hussein Obama this time. Ravening bears under the black flag of ISIS and the Russian Federation tri-colour are coming at the Free West from all directions. While NATO members were swilling food at Cardiff Castle and watching specially arranged flyovers for their personal entertainment, Russia extended another of its octopus arms from Ukraine to Estonia. ...”But that era of post-cold war calm may have come to an end on Friday morning, when, according to several Estonian accounts, smoke grenades detonated at an Estonian customs post, and all radio and telephone signals were jammed as armed Russian men suddenly materialised and dragged away a local official. (Guardian, Sept. 7, 2014)
“His name is Eston Kohver, a counter-intelligence officer in the Estonian security agency, Kapo, whose job over the past few years has been to keep tabs on the smuggling cartels trying to sneak merchandise through the Luhamaa crossing. “But Kohver's fate has now become entangled in a much bigger issue: the question of just how far Vladimir Putin's Russia is prepared to go to goad the Nato allies on its doorstep.” "This is not something cooked up the day before yesterday," said Eerik-Niiles Kross, a former Estonian intelligence chief and national security advisor. "I don't know if it was an FSB shady deal that went wrong, but whatever it was, you have to put it in the general context. The timing is either an odd coincidence, or it is a signal."
Meanwhile, media hound “Selfies’ like Obama and Cameron should be booed off the world stage and forced back to the work they were elected to do: the protection of the people of the U.S and Britain.

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Judi McLeod—— -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.
