
Fighting against an entrenched Washington D.C. Establishment that refuses to give up the perks and power they feel entitled to and will use any means available to hang on to

Donald Trump: The Tea Party Candidate

The similarities between Donald Trump and the Tea Party movement are blazingly obvious. Perhaps that is why the Washington D.C. Establishment and its pundits either cannot make the connection or refuse to acknowledge it altogether. It is not as if there is a lack of information out there for the Establishment political pundit to not have stumbled upon and made a connection. Nor should there be a problem with connecting the two together for an Establishment political pundit. Are not Mr. Trump and the Tea Party Movement considered unserious, uneducated, and unthreatening? You would think linking Mr. Trump and the Tea Party Movement would be each party putting the albatross around the neck of the other. But, oddly, that has not happened. One can conclude that the connection between is purposely being ignored. Therefore, I would like to put to the reader three similarities Mr. Trump and the Tea Party Movement seem to share.
1) Mr. Trump and the Tea Party Movement were once thought by the Washington D.C. Establishment as to be a fad that would fade away after few weeks. We saw this response published in almost every format pundits had access to present their views. When the so called “fad” failed to dissolve in the initial time frame predicted, they just changed the time frame it would disappear. Even as both Mr. Trump and the Tea Party Movement gained momentum they still insisted it would fade away. Yet not only have they outlived the repeatedly moved dates of departure, they gained more traction with each prediction. 2) Mr. Trump and the Tea Party Movement have been declared dead or near death by the Washington D.C. Establishment several times. Mr. Trump and the Tea Party Movement have died so many deaths that should a zombie apocalypse occur it would consist entirely of walking corpses wearing patriotic t-shirts with comb overs carrying Gadsden flags and picking up the trash wherever they gather. For quite a while almost every article and Sunday morning news program had well-dressed political pundits pronouncing the death of Mr. Trump or the Tea Party Movement. The obituary was written and the six-foot hole dug with headstone already chiseled and put in place. The only problem is that the reportedly deceased refuses to show up to the funeral. This has created no small amount of consternation in the halls and offices of government and K-Street.

3) Mr. Trump and the Tea Party Movement are a perfect match. Whether Mr. Trump or the people who believe in the Tea Party Movement realize it or not, they support the same basic principles; are fighting against the same political opponents, and have been since each one came to the same conclusions. There may be some differences of opinion but in truth those are minor distractions that can be worked out later. Though not much is written about the Tea Party Movement, it's alive and well. The proof is the poll numbers that show the support of Mr. Trump. Every major issue that the Tea Party Movement is concerned about, Mr. Trump is bringing up in interviews, town halls, rallies, and debates. He is doing this in a way that the Tea Party Movement has been looking for; a fighter who is not afraid to attack with the issues that concern the middle class, not cower behind poll-driven responses or run away from the issue altogether. Mr. Trump is addressing the issues of government overreach and out-of-control spending, cronyism, immigration, constitutional rights being assailed by a runaway President, and the lack of anyone willing to do something about it. Who does the Washington D.C. Establishment think is steadily and unflinchingly supporting Mr. Trump's candidacy? Can they not see that the same people who attended Tea Party Movement events look like the same people who are flocking to Mr. Trump’s rallies with the same enthusiasm? I believe the Washington D.C. Establishment has in fact made this connection but you would have to literally put a gun to their collective heads before they would admit it. They cannot allow the connection to be made because, if they did acknowledge it, they would only be encouraging something that they fear more than any threat of terrorism we face today. To them, the threat of Mr. Trump being pronounced the Tea Party Movement’s candidate is a threat to the security of the Washington D.C. Establishment. That threat is that the Washington D.C. Establishment of both parties and punditry would have to admit they were wrong, they are the cause of the problem, and a very-much-alive Tea Party Movement has found an equally very much alive perfect candidate in Mr. Trump to support. The only question is can each take the other all the way to the White House fighting against an entrenched Washington D.C. Establishment that refuses to give up the perks and power they feel entitled to and will use any means available to hang on to?

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Mike Henkins——

A once fat man still smoking his pipe and living in Maine with two beautiful ladies of which he is lucky to call one wife and the other daughter.

