
Might there be an honorable reason Trump is trashing Cruz? Yes. Is there an honorable reason? We shall see

Is There an Honorable Reason Trump is Trashing Cruz?

In the past few weeks Donald Trump has initiated his anti-Cruz campaign, referring to Cruz as a nasty man, and prior as a maniac, usually referencing the time Cruz called Mitch McConnell a liar--on the Senate floor--even though McConnell had publicly demonstrated serial lying in every arena on the planet. Trump, as is his signature wont, then doubled down on Cruz, indicting Cruz' honesty in failing to report a Goldman Sachs loan on two forms instead of one form, Cruz' alleged bias against the ethanol industry because of 'big oil connections,' and his potential disqualification for the Presidency in that he is allegedly not a "natural born citizen," given Cruz was born in Canada.
Why is Trump doing this? Why is he so viciously attacking the heretofore darling of the Conservative faithful? Why is he risking alienating the millions of Cruz supporters who prior to now told numerous pollsters if Cruz did not win the nomination they would vote for Trump. Even were Trump to viscerally detest Cruz, why would Trump be willing to risk so much? Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. Slightly less certain is the truism that past motives are the best predictor for future motives. Finally, past problem solving methodologies are the best predictors for those in the future. So, considering Trump: Trump has demonstrated a fierce ambition throughout life, a fierce determination and a Churchillian refusal to ever give up, ever. Running for President is consistent with this predilection. But to what end Trump's ambition? Is he motivated by greed, or his wealth's capacity to help others, self-aggrandizement, adoration of the masses, or all of the above? More importantly, however, what has Trump demonstrated in the past he's willing to do to reach his goals? Does he take pleasure in destroying people, firing all around him other than "yes" men and family members? Does he demonstrate the cold-blooded heartlessness of a person willing to win at all costs? Any costs? Reports from family, competitors, subordinates, even ex-wives, indicate he is not this sort of person, regardless of his well-earned reputation for ruthlessness in the defined sport of business competition. So, his recent casual assault upon Senator Cruz suggests something more calculated at play. This is fortunate because otherwise we would have to adopt a more wary and paranoid stance (more than already adopted) toward Trump--a depressing thought given Trump's persistent ability to plow through the mainstream media six times before breakfast is so darned exhilarating.

Trump is motivated primarily by narcissism, or is willing to destroy whatever or whomever he needs to destroy in order to "win,"

If Trump is motivated primarily by narcissism, or is willing to destroy whatever or whomever he needs to destroy in order to "win," we must ask whether the option of continuing to support Trump is still available to us? Before Trump was a developer, he learned business at the knee of his father, a builder of low and medium income housing in Brooklyn. He attended Presbyterian church services, listening to Pastor Norman Vincent Peal, the author of "The Power of Positive Thinking" (hard to believe but true). He attended the inimitable Wharton School of Business, likely acquiring the skills and connections needed to persuade rich people to give him money. He then persuaded his father to loan him one million dollars,* set off across the river to Manhattan, successfully, in real life, persuaded a bunch of rich people to give him a lot of money, made shrewd business decisions, seeing value no one else could see, remodeled and built skyscrapers...plastered his name on all his holdings...and...in the middle of all of this...dated and married beautiful women, had wonderful children, and became known as "The Donald," the nickname his estranged ex-wife, Ivana, attached to him. *Keep in mind Fred Smith, founder of FedEx, founded the company with his 4 million inheritance--and a leap of faith and ambition--back when 4 million was a lot of money. In this light, Donald's risking a loan of 1 million from his father clearly does not undermine his responsibility for his own success. So, regarding past behavior, Trump is currently true to form: He is driven by ambition, an ability to see value unseen by others, and behaves far less narcissistically than he has a right to. A second analysis is required. Having built the Trump brand, Trump created the media sensation, "The Apprentice," adopting the whimsical persona of a gruff, bloviated business magnate--or was he acting? Why would Trump leave his comfort zone so zealously when he was already a billionaire? Perhaps Trump is more deliberate in his plans than his careless remarks betray. Perhaps Trump has understood all along that leaving his comfort zone, for example entering the Entertainment medium, allowed him access to huge new markets for promoting the "Trump Brand," and for developing an even larger constituency helpful to his success--in any area he might choose. Trump has signaled his willingness to run for President for more than ten to twelve years. He has inserted himself into national public policy debates far longer than this. He has written numerous books, remarkably including works on public policy, in one instance predicting Osama bin Laden the likely author of profound tragedy in America--before 9/11. Trump was outspoken about his fierce opposition to the Iraq ware, presciently fearful about its likely profound destabilization of the Middle East. Yet, he supported our troops once in country and became outspoken about ensuring we actually "win" the war, maintain a credible force in Iraq, and taking Iraqi oil to pay for the two trillion dollars America lost on the excursion, and giving much of it to our wounded warriors and their families. Why would a mere businessman be so intimately aware of and involved in political issues as Trump (aside from brand development, narcissism, etc.)? With every iteration of this man's development, base motives become less likely. This is so because truly base motives, truly pathological narcissism, do not play out well. The "system" within which such a person operates most often self-destructs because the pathological narcissist inevitably destroys what he touches. Examples abound of CEO's who destroyed their companies because of their greed or self-love and need for adulation. Because of this the conclusion must be Trump has involved himself in the political issues of the day, for 20-30 years now, because he is interested in them, and that he cares.

How can we explain Trump's attacks upon Cruz, vicious as they are?

So what, now? How can we explain Trump's attacks upon Cruz, vicious as they are? First, we must allow Trump possession of all he has demonstrated: A shrewd, thoughtful and instinctual capacity for strategy and planning--perhaps a combination of his two favorite generals, Patton and MacArthur. Donald Trump has cultivated the air of a pompous blowhard in the past decade, but it is a carefully crafted ruse. This can be seen in those rare moments in TV interviews and town hall meetings when he "slips" and reveals his true sophistication and mastery of the issues. But to what end? Why has Trump been willing to explode beyond his prior already massively expanded comfort zone? Consider, Trump is 69 years old, a multi-billionaire, a worldwide celebrity, married to a young and beautiful wife, and apparently a loving father and grandfather, ALREADY. Nothing in Trump's history suggests that despite his narcissism, he could/would find much value in being "President," in terms of the "power" he would gain. He already is more powerful than any President, other than for having access to nukes. Despite Trump's wilding oscillating life course, his careful husbanding of "Trump brand" success, and his likely narcissism (and unlikely pathological narcissism), his history demonstrates all the hallmarks of a person who genuinely cares about the country and its people and who is willing to pay his political dues to support her. So how can it be he has become so cruel to our Conservative Hero, Ted Cruz? To run for President, Trump must believe he can win, he is the best person to win, and it is necessary for the country's well-being he win. Of course, each honorable candidate must feel this way. Any honorable candidate must share these beliefs as well. The pivotal concern is to what extent a candidate is willing to go to support his/her belief in the necessity he/she become President. When one combines Trump's ambitions, proven successes, concerns about the country, and mastery of both theatre and political theatre, as well as Trump's evident ethical system, and if we round this out with Trump's deliberate and masterful strategic genius, a theory emerges. Also, if we acknowledge Trump strongly believes he, and only he, will optimally serve as President, he is then honor bound (absent murder, etc.), to seek to be President. Further, if Trump believes he needs a solid MANDATE to govern, which he does, and if he believes winning in Iowa is the linchpin to "running the table," i.e. winning a solid MANDATE, he would feel compelled--honorably--to deconstruct the campaign of any leading competitor--in this instance Ted Cruz. In this, however, Trump still maintains his long game. If his machinations actually defeat Cruz in Iowa, and in every state thereafter, Trump still has time between then and now to achieve rapprochement with Cruz AND woo mollified but resigned Cruz voters to still come out to the polls and vote for Trump for President. Trump might even pull a reverse Reagan. Reagan accepted as VP his most virulent rival, George Bush I. Despite any mauling of Cruz, Trump may yet offer Cruz the VP slot, all things being equal (truly solidifying the Conservative and Tea Party vote)...and...perhaps setting up Cruz to run for President in 2020 (assuming the "generative elder" role, and presuming Trump secretly thinks Cruz is the best choice). Of course, Trump might just try to persuade Ivanka to run in 2020. In conclusion, might there be an honorable reason Trump is trashing Cruz? Yes. Is there an honorable reason? We shall see.

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Dr. Brad Lyles——

Dr. Brad Lyles is an independent writer for the Tea Party.
